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Radioactivity in the early solar system Maria Lugaro (Monash University) Amanda Karakas (ANU, Australia) Mark van Raai (Utrecht, NL) Anibal Garcia-Hernandez (Tenerife, Spain) Joseph Trigo-Rodriguez (Barcelona, Spain)
Lee et al. 1977 coarse- grained chondrul e includin g different mineral phases CaAl 2 Si 2 O 8 (Ca,Mg,Fe)SiO 3 24 Mg 79% 25 Mg 10% 26 Mg 11% 27 Al 100% 26 Al 0.7My = Al/Mg Most primitive meteoritic inclusions, e.g. Calcium-aluminium rich (CAI)s + chondrules, show this “canonical” value. THE PROBLEM:
26 Al 26 Mg high-energy photons (1.8 MeV rays) Source of energy for the differentiation of planetesimals (Grimm & McSween 1993), which are believed to be the source of much of Earth’s water (Morbidelli et al. 2000), with consequences on the habitability of the Earth. Is the presence of 26 Al special or common in young planetary systems?
Radioactivity in the early Solar System: T 1/2 (Myr) 41 Ca 0.10 36 Cl 0.3 26 Al 0.7 10 Be 1.6 60 Fe 2.2 53 Mn 5.3 107 Pd 9.4 182 Hf 13 etc. 60 Fe same or up to 300 times more than the average observed today in the interstellar medium. Half-life also a difficult measurement: it was given as 1.5 Myr a year ago. Short-living nuclei 26 Al ~ 4-30 times more than average observed today in the interstellar medium (COMPTEL observations). Time delay between isolation of the protosolar cloud and formation of first rocks ~ 1 Myr (?) 26 Al > 8 times more.
Produced in the early Solar System? The X-wind model (Lee et al. 1998) Irradiation by accelerated particles from the young Sun results in spallation reactions producing radioactive nuclei. YES for 10 Be, which cannot be made in stars, BUT 60 Fe cannot be synthesized by spallation. If 26 Al was produced by spallation, it could be homogeneously distributed only over a relatively small (~ Earth mass) rocky reservoir (Duprat and Tatischeff 2007). Recent measurements of the 24 Mg( 3 He,p) 26 Al cross section exclude this origin for 26 Al (Fitoussi et al. 2008).
Produced in a nearby star? 1.Produce the right inventory of short- living radioactive nuclei 2.Be proposed with a scenario for the birth of the Sun where it is plausible for them to be there, in the right place and at the right time The formation of the Sun is ONE event, but is it special? Candidate stellar sources must:
Produced in a nearby supernova? 1. Do supernovae produce the right inventory of short-living radioactive nuclei? Yes, provided it was not a common supernova but a faint supernova with a lot (~ 3 to 11 Msun) of inner material - containing the 56 Ni that powers supernova light curves - getting mixed and falling back into a black hole. Otherwise we get way too much 53 Mn (Meyer 2005, Takigawa et al. 2008). (The mass location that divides the part of the star that collapses in the remnant from the part expelled - or injected?)
Produced in a nearby supernova? 2. Do supernovae come with a scenario for the birth of the Sun where it is plausible for them to be there, in the right place and at the right time? Many solar-type stars form in the vicinity of a massive star (Orion) Hester and Desch 2005: low-mass stars form in the compressed gas at the edges of H II regions produced by the ionization from massive stars and their disks are polluted by supernova ejecta. By comparing the timescale of disk dissipation (< 6 Myr) to the main- sequence lifetime, one can derive that the polluting star must have had a minimum mass of ~40 Msun. The cluster where the Sun formed must have had at least 6000 members, in order to include at least one 40 M sun star. Could planetary orbits have remained unperturbed in such a rich cluster? (Adams & Laughlin 2001) From a detailed probability analysis accounting for cluster number distribution, cluster expansion, the initial mass function, disk lifetimes, and SNII timescales,Williams and Gaidos (2007) and Gounelle and Meibom (2008) conclude that supernova enrichment of protostellar disks “is a highly unlikely event, affecting less than about a 1% of all stars in the Galaxy”.
Produced in a nearby AGB star? 1. Do asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars produce the right inventory of short-living radioactive nuclei? Schematic out-of-scale picture of AGB star structure.
time Proton captures at the base of the convective envelope make 26 Al via 25 Mg+p Neutron captures in the thermal pulses, with 22 Ne+ as neutron source, make 41 Ca and 60 Fe. Monash stellar nucleosynthesis models
A group within the Centre for Stellar and Planetary Astrophysics (CSPA) The SINS group at Monash
Who are SINners? Permanent Staff –John Lattanzio Monash Fellow –Maria Lugaro Post-Docs –Richard Stancliffe –Ross Church –Herbert Lau Post-Grads –Carolyn Doherty –George Angelou Honorary Sinners –Amanda Karakas (ANU) –Simon Campbell (Barcelona) –Sandro Chieffi (Rome) We have our own beer!
Some current specific programs Super-AGB stars –With Lionel Siess (Belgium) and Pilar Gil-Pons (Barcelona) Slow Neutron Capture Nucleosynthesis –With Sergio Cristallo, Oscar Straniero, Roberto Gallino (Italy) 3D Hydro in Stars –With Djehuty and David Dearborn and Peter Eggleton (LLNL) –Discovered mechanism of “deep-mixing”? Carbon Enhanced Metal Poor Stars (CEMPs) –Stancliffe on APD Abundances in Globular Clusters –Theoretical and some observational programs (with David Yong) Binary Stars and Population Synthesis –With Robert Izzard (Belgium) and Chris Tout (UK)
Current Priorities The Australian Network for Nuclear Astrophysics (ANNA) –“Elizabeth and Frederick White Conference on Nuclear Astrophysics in Australia”: 23-24-25 August 2009, Shine Dome, Canberra –Bidding for Australia to host the 12th “Nuclei in the Cosmo” conference in 2012 ASA/ANITA/SINS Summer School 2010 on Stellar Nucleosynthesis: 1 week for postgrads/postdocs in January 2010 on nuclear reactions, theory of low-mass and high-mass stars, stellar abundances, meteoritic stardust grains.
1/DIL=330 t = 0.53 My 3.2d-05 2.6d-06 1.5d-08 5.d-05 2.d-06 2.d-07 1.5.d-08 ESS 1.5d-02 1.0d-03 1.6d-04 6.5 M , Z=0.02 Produced in a nearby AGB stars? 1. Do AGB stars produce the right inventory of short-living radioactive nuclei? Yes! Trigo-Rodriguez, Garcia-Hernandez, Lugaro, Karakas et al. 2009, Meteoritic & Planetary Science (except for 36 Cl which is a problem for any scenario nuclear physics?)
Produced in a nearby AGB star? 2. Do AGB stars come with a scenario for the birth of the Sun where it is plausible for them to be there, in the right place and at the right time? Shock waves from AGB winds may be capable of triggering the collapse of the proto-solar cloud (Boss 1995). But the AGB scenario has been dismissed because Kastner and Myers (1994) estimated observationally that any giant molecular cloud located within 1 kpc of the Sun has only about a 1% probability of encountering an AGB star in a 1 Myr period, which implies that AGB stars are relatively rare near star-forming regions today. However, a detailed re-analysis of this point is needed because the statistics of Kastner and Myers (1994) are very poor and completely dominated by only two stars. Kastner and Myers (1994) also state that “There is a significant (~70%) probability at the present epoch for a given cloud to be visited by an AGB star in ~10 8 yr”. (?) If this encounter “triggers multiple star formation, then AGB-induced proto-stars should exist in every molecular cloud” (Boss 1995).
Summary All current scenarios are problematic: Nucleosynthesis in the solar system is plausible, but does not seem to make enough radioactive nuclei, while stellar nucleosynthesis can make enough radioactive nuclei, but does not have a plausible scenario (...are we special?) 60 Fe important discriminant between different scenarios: it seems to be made only in supernovae and AGB stars. Measurements are difficult! Stellar nucleosynthesis models need to be as accurate as (humanly!) possible and test all related nuclear and mixing uncertainties.
Comparison with -ray observation of 60 Fe in the interstellar medium ~ 0.3 Msun of 60 Fe are observed in the interstellar medium (COMPTEL+INTEGRAL observations) The mass of gas+dust in the Milky Way is ~ 5-10 10 9 Msun The average mass fraction of 60 Fe in the Milky Way ~3-6 10 -11 The 60 Fe/ 56 Fe ratio in the early solar system is 2 10 -7 - 2 10 -6 (?????) The mass fraction of 60 Fe in the solar system is ~ 10 -3 ( 60 Fe int x2) So, the mass fraction of 60 Fe in the early solar system was ~ 10 -10 - 2 10 -9 60 Fe in the early solar system ~ 2-140 more than the average observed today in the Milky Way.
26 Al in the interstellar medium ~ 3.1+/-0.9 Msun of 26 Al in the interstellar medium ( -ray COMPTEL Knödlseder 1999) The mass of gas+dust in the Milky Way is ~ 5-10 10 9 Msun The average mass fraction of 26 Al in the Milky Way ~2-8 10 -10 The canonical 26 Al/ 27 Al ratio in the early solar system is 5 10 -5 The mass fraction of 27 Al in the solar system is ~ 6 10 -5 ( 27 Al int. x2) So, the mass fraction of 26 Al in the early solar system was ~ 3 10 -9 26 Al in the early solar system ~ 4-30 more than the average observed today in the interstellar medium. Time delay between isolation of the protosolar cloud and formation of first rocks ~ 1 Myr (?) 26 Al > 8 more.
YES for 10 Be, which cannot be made in stars, BUT 60 Fe cannot be synthesized by spallation. Shielding of CAI cores by Fe-Mg-rich mantles is needed to get the right 41 Ca and 26 Al abundances (Gounelle et al. 2001) ( heterogeneities?) If 26 Al was produced by spallation, it should be homogeneously distributed over a relatively small (~ Earth mass) rocky reservoir (Duprat and Tatischeff 2007). Data indicates that the production of 10 Be is decoupled from that of 41 Ca and 26 Al (Marhas et al. 2002) Recent measurements of the 24 Mg( 3 He,p) 26 Al cross section ( 3 times smaller than before) exclude this origin for 26 Al (Fitoussi et al. 2008). Produced in the early Solar System?
What about Super-AGB stars, Wolf-Rayet stars,...? They can certainly make 26 Al (Siess & Arnould 2008, Arnould et al. 2006) It seems more problematic to make 60 Fe... (if we need to make it at all!)
proton diffusion 13 C n) 16 O 22 Ne n) 25 Mg time During the s process: N n ~ 10 7 n/cm 3 n >> Except for branching points, which open for higher N n if half life > a few days HBB
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