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School Safety Training
Personal Protective Equipment Hazard Assessment WAC
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Goals Hazard Assessment Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Summary
Engineering Administrative Rules PPE Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Selection, Training, Wear, and Care Summary Quiz Speaker’s Notes: We will start this training session by discussing how to conduct a hazard assessment, which involves evaluating the workplace and job functions for any potential hazards that can be controlled through the use of engineering, administrative controls or PPE. Then we will discuss how to select the proper PPE to protect against the hazards that were found during the hazard assessment. Once the proper PPE is selected, workers need training to understand how to wear and care for the PPE. Finally, we will wrap up this session with a short quiz.
Hazard Assessment Evaluate every job function in every department
Determine if hazards are present Check for hazards to eyes, respiratory system, head, feet, hands Determine what PPE will protect against identified hazards Background Information: Develop a simple checklist that includes the items listed on the following slides for each part of the body. Use the checklist to evaluate each job to determine if potential hazards are present. Speaker’s Notes: Evaluate every job function in every department for potential hazards. The purpose of a hazard assessment is to evaluate the workplace and job functions to see if employees are exposed, or potentially exposed, to hazards that might cause injury. A simple checklist can be used to determine if hazards are present. The checklist will cover hazards to the eyes, respiratory system, head, feet, and hands. Next, determine what type of PPE will protect against the specific hazards found. For example, determine if safety glasses are adequate or whether the worker will need goggles.
Regulatory Requirement
WAC WISHA requires you to perform “hazard assessments” as part of your Personal Protective Equipment program
Three-Step Hazard Abatement
First determine if the task can be eliminated—if not, proceed as follows: Step 1. Eliminate a spray-painting hazard through engineering; e.g., provide a paint-spray booth with ventilation. Step 2. Establish administrative (safety) rules; e.g., only paint under certain conditions. Step 3. Provide PPE; e.g., a respirator, gloves, coveralls, head covering, etc. The basic OSHA/WISHA requirement, when addressing an identified workplace hazard is a multi-step process. The first consideration is to eliminate that task, if possible; e.g., an employer might decide to send a product to another facility for finish work, instead of having his own employees do the painting - thus “eliminating the hazard.” If that is not practical, WISHA requires a three-step process be taken to protect the employee. Step 1 - eliminate the hazard through “engineering.” For example, the employer could provide a paint spray booth with ventilation that will allow employees to place the product into the booth and spray the paint without incurring a hazardous condition and without having to wear PPE. Step 2 - “administrative rules.” The employer could enforce “safety rules” that, if taken, will protect the employees; e.g., only paint under certain conditions, etc. Step 3 - only to be taken after consideration of steps 1 & 2 - eliminate the risk of injury to the employee by providing PPE. These steps must be performed, in order, for each workplace hazard. Providing PPE is only to be done if “engineering” and “administrative rules” are not practical solutions. For example, a paint spray booth is not practical because the product is too large and no “rule” will eliminate the hazard.The only realistic solution is to protect the employee from the paint hazards by providing PPE. Are there other examples you can cite within areas of this school district? Science Lab? Arts Department? Career & Technical Education: wood shop, metal shop, photography darkroom? Maintenance Shops? Transportation Department?
Eye and Face Assessment
Flying particles Molten metal Liquid chemicals Acid or caustic liquids Chemical gases or vapors Potentially injurious light radiation Background Information: WISHA requires the eye and face hazard assessment to look for the hazards listed on the slide. This list is not all-inclusive. There may be other eye and face hazards that are specific to your workplace. Speaker’s Notes: Determine if employees (or students) are exposed to flying particles such as dusts from grinding, metal chips from machine shop equipment (metal shop, welding shop), wood chips (wood shop), or flying particles (maintenance department.) These cause the majority of eye-related injuries. Determine if employees are exposed to any molten metal that might splash up and damage the eyes or burn the face. (Jewelry making class?) Liquid chemicals are also a very common eye and face hazard. Aerosol cans, cleaning solutions, solvents for cleaning metal parts, and spray adhesives or paints are all examples of liquid chemicals that might be sprayed or splashed on a worker’s face or eyes. (Science Lab, Metallic Arts, Maintenance Dept.) Acid and caustic liquids are especially dangerous because of the extreme damage they can do to the eyes and face. Acids are often used for etching metals (Visual Arts), and caustic liquids are used in a number of cleaning processes (Science, Metallic Arts). Battery acid is another common eye hazard (Trans.Dept). Chemical gases and vapors can also damage the eyes. Propane, used to power many forklifts, is very cold and could cause severe eye damage. Vapors or gases can cause eye redness or irritation. Light radiation can severely damage eyes if someone looks directly into welding or laser operations. These are the primary types and causes of eye and face injuries. Can you think of any other potential eye and face hazard, specific to this school district, that is not listed on this slide?
Respiratory Protection Hazard Assessment
Assess for: Inhalation of airborne dusts or particulates Inhalation of chemical vapors or fumes Lack of adequate oxygen Hazardous substances and exposures Background Information: WISHA requires the respiratory protection hazard assessment, at a minimum, to look for the hazards listed on the slide. This list is not all-inclusive. There may be other respiratory protection hazards that are specific to your school district workplace. Note that WISHA’s Respiratory Standard has many requirements that are beyond the scope of this PPE training. However, the PPE standard does require the employer to assess the workplace for all hazards. Speaker’s Notes: Evaluate for the inhalation of airborne dusts or particulates. These dusts might be from grinding, cutting, sanding, or welding operations. Other dusts may be from other solid granular materials. Chemical vapors or fumes can come from any type of chemical handling operations. Using solvents, spraying with aerosol cans, painting operations and handling chemicals are just a few examples of jobs that could result in inhalation of chemical vapors or fumes. Lack of oxygen typically refers to jobs that require confined space entry in which there may not be sufficient oxygen for a worker to enter without respiratory protection.(Well, sewer or sump pumps) Once the assessment has identified the potential for exposure to dusts, chemical vapors, or a lack of oxygen, it must go deeper and include: Identification of the hazardous substance(s) that may be the source of the respiratory hazard(s). Review of work processes to determine where hazardous exposures occur as well as the magnitude of the exposure(s). Exposure monitoring to measure potential hazardous exposures. These are the primary types and causes of respiratory injuries. Can you think of any other potential respiratory hazards, specific to your school district, that are not listed on this slide?
Head Hazard Assessment
Falling objects Exposed electrical conductors Low-hanging obstructions Background Information: WISHA requires the head hazard assessment, at a minimum, to look for the hazards listed on the slide. This list is not all-inclusive. There may be other head hazards that are specific to your workplace. Speaker’s Notes: Determine if the job exposes workers to objects that could potentially fall from above. If employees work in an area where other workers are above them on catwalks or mezzanines, there is potential for falling objects.(Theater or Performing Arts) If employees are potentially exposed to electrical conductors, they need to protect their heads with appropriate hard hats.(Maintenance Dept.) Low-hanging obstructions present another head hazard—as when an employee needs to walk or crawl under equipment for cleaning or maintenance.(Custodial Dept.) These are the primary causes of head injuries. Can you think of any other potential head hazards, specific to your school district, that are not listed on this slide?
Foot Hazard Assessment
Falling or rolling objects Objects piercing the sole Exposure to electrical hazards Slippery walking surfaces Wet or muddy conditions Hazardous chemicals Cold weather conditions Background Information: WISHA requires the foot hazard assessment, at a minimum, to look for the hazards listed on this slide. This list is not all-inclusive. There may be other foot hazards that are specific to your school district workplace. Speaker’s Notes: Employees who handle heavy metal parts or tools might accidentally drop a heavy object on their foot. Some employees are exposed to heavy rolling objects such as forklift tires, etc. Both falling objects and rolling objects could crush a worker’s foot. Some workplaces expose workers to objects that might pierce the sole of their shoe and foot. Objects might include metal chips or nails in boards. These workers need to wear shoes that are puncture resistant. Slippery walking surfaces may result in an employee falling and being injured. Although the injury is not likely to occur to the foot itself, it is still considered a foot hazard because better footwear could prevent that type of incident. Feet need to be protected from wet and muddy conditions.(Bus drivers) Employees who work with hazardous chemicals may be subject to splashing or other events that could result in hazardous chemicals contacting the feet. Employees who are working in cold weather conditions need to protect their feet from the obvious hazard of frostbite.(Maintenance & Transportation) These are the primary types and causes of foot injuries. Can you think of any other potential foot hazards, specific to your school district, that are not listed on this slide?
Hand Hazard Assessment
Skin absorption of harmful substances Severe cuts or lacerations Severe abrasions Punctures Chemical burns Thermal burns Background Information: WISHA requires the hand hazard assessment, at a minimum, to look for the hazards listed on this slide. This list is not all-inclusive. There may be other hand hazards that are specific to your school district. Speaker’s Notes: Evaluate the workplace to determine if employees’ hands are exposed to harmful substances that might be absorbed through or damage the skin. Harmful substances might include liquid and solid chemicals such as solvents, oils, fertilizers, paints, and cleaners. Machines or equipment could cause severe cuts or lacerations. These machines should have appropriate guarding to protect against cuts or lacerations. However, employees still need to be made aware of the hazards of this equipment to their hands. Cutting equipment such as saws or drills can cause severe injury if a hand is placed in the point of operation. Hand tools such as box knives can also cause cuts. Abrasions include mild or severe skin scrapes, tearing or removal of the skin (called de-gloving). Sanders, grinders, conveyor belts, rotating shafts (cams, flywheels), scrap metal, or broken glass can cause severe abrasions or cuts if the equipment is not guarded and/or if items are handled with unprotected hands. Punctures can be caused by many tools or machines. Drills, nail guns, and screwdrivers are examples of tools that can cause punctures. Even metal and wood slivers can cause deep punctures and infection. Be sure to wear protective gloves when handling wood or metal. Chemical burns can be caused by handling acids, caustics, and many cleaning chemicals. The severity of the burn depends on the concentration of the corrosive chemical. Thermal burns can result from welding, cutting, and brazing operations. Steam equipment, such as boilers, have many hot tanks and pipes that could cause burns. These are the primary types and causes of hand injuries. Can you think of any other potential hand hazards, specific to your school district, that are not listed on this slide?
Assessment Certification
Identifies the workplace that was evaluated Identifies person certifying evaluation Identifies date of hazard assessment Indicates PPE selected for hazard Requires employees to wear PPE Speaker’s Notes: WISHA requires a certification proving that the “PPE-Hazard-Assessment” has been completed for the workplace. The certification must identify the school district, school or other building, department or area, and job function that was evaluated. The certification must identify the person, or persons, who conducted and certified the hazard assessment. The certification should indicate the date that the assessment was completed. The certification should also indicate the type of PPE that was selected to protect against the hazards identified during the assessment. Finally, the administration must commit to requiring employees to wear PPE that was selected to protect against the hazards identified during the assessment.
General Work Clothing Hot or cold materials or objects Chemicals
Welding hazards Heavy, sharp, or rough materials Moving machinery Background Information: WISHA does not have specific hazard assessment criteria for hazards to the body, arms, legs, etc. However, the items on this slide will help evaluate jobs for potential hazards so employers can properly select the type of clothing that employees can and cannot wear to work. Very little of the material on this slide applies to school district personnel, but it is good to go over it briefly. Speaker’s Notes: Employees who work around hot or cold materials or objects are subject to skin damage. Employees who work around steam lines or in refrigerated environments may need protective equipment or clothing. Employees who work with chemicals may need to wear protective clothing in addition to protective gloves, boots, and eyewear. Welders often need to wear fire resistant clothing to prevent being burned by the sparks created by welding. Employees who work with heavy, sharp, or rough materials or objects are subject to cuts or abrasions on the body, arms, or legs. Workers around moving machinery may get loose clothing caught up in the machinery and therefore need to avoid wearing loose clothing.
Goals Hazard Assessment Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Summary
Engineering Administrative Rules PPE Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Selection, Training, Wear, and, Care Summary Quiz Speaker’s Notes: Are there any questions about conducting a PPE hazard assessment? Let’s discuss how to select the proper PPE to protect against the hazards that were found during the hazard assessment. Let’s discuss how to wear and care for the PPE.
Employee Training When PPE is necessary What PPE is necessary
How to put on, remove, adjust, and wear PPE Limitations of PPE Care, maintenance, useful life, and disposal of PPE Speaker’s Notes: Each employee required to wear PPE must be trained. Employees are required to demonstrate an understanding of the training and the ability to use PPE properly before starting the job requiring the PPE. Employees must know when PPE is necessary to protect against the hazards of their job. Employees must be able to determine what type of PPE will protect against the hazards of their job. For example, employees must know that regular sunglasses are not intended for welding or that leather work gloves will not protect against acid chemicals. Employees must know how to properly put on, remove, and wear the PPE that has been selected. The PPE will not protect properly if it is not worn correctly. PPE has limitations. Employees must know that a chemical glove will not protect against all chemicals or that bump caps will not protect against falling objects. Employees must also understand how to care for their PPE, how to inspect it for damage, and when PPE should be discarded because it no longer functions correctly. Additional training or retraining must occur when: Changes in the workplace render the previous PPE obsolete Changes in the types of PPE render previous training obsolete Employee fails to correctly wear, care, and maintain PPE The employer is required to maintain training documentation, which certifies that each affected employee has received and understood the required training. This training documentation will contain the name of the employee trained, dates of training, and the subject of the training.
Selecting Eye and Face Protection
Safety glasses Goggles Face shield Shaded filter lenses Prescription eyewear Z87 Background Information: When discussing the selection of eye and face protection, bring examples of the different types that have been selected for each hazard identified in your school district’s hazard assessment. If possible, have your safety supply vendor let you borrow a variety of different types of eye and face protection for demonstration and so employees can pick out the protection that works best for them. Speaker’s Notes: Safety glasses with side protection are designed to protect against flying objects such as metal or wood chips. Goggles are designed to protect the eyes from floating dusts, liquid materials, and chemical gases and vapors. Goggles intended for dusts may have a foam lining to make them more comfortable to wear and still keep dusts out. Goggles intended for liquid chemicals need to have a chemical-resistant seal to the worker’s face. Face shields are designed to protect workers from chemical splashes, hot slag, flying debris, and molten metals. Make sure the face shield selected is appropriate for the hazard. A face shield intended to protect against flying particles such as metal chips may not be able to handle the extreme temperatures when working with molten metals. Face shields are often worn as additional protection over goggles or safety glasses. They should not be worn as the primary eye protection. Shaded filter lenses are worn to protect workers exposed to potentially injurious light radiation such as from welding operations or when working around certain laser equipment. Workers exposed to this hazard need filter lenses that have a shade number appropriate for the hazard. Workers should be discouraged from wearing contact lenses when exposed to hazards such as dust, chemicals, and high temperatures. Consider purchasing prescription safety glasses. Normal prescription glasses are not designed to protect against flying objects such as metal chips and may even be damaged or shattered. All eye and face protection approved for use in the workplace will be marked “Z87,” which means that it is designed according to ANSI Z
Wear and Care of Eye Protection
Fits comfortably Does not distort or block vision Put on before exposure to the hazard Clean with soap and water Dispose of when scratched or damaged Speaker’s Notes: Eye and face protection should fit comfortably. Eyewear should not pinch your nose or put pressure on your head. If it is not comfortable, employees are less likely to wear it. Eyewear should not distort or block your vision. If employees are experiencing dizziness or headaches from wearing eye protection, try another style or brand of eye protection. Putting on, removing, and wearing eye protection is basic common sense. Just remember to put it on before exposure to the hazard. This seems like an obvious statement, but many eye injuries occur each year because the worker forgot to put on the eye protection before starting the task that put them at risk. If exposed to dust or liquid chemicals when wearing goggles, be sure to clean the top rim of the goggles before removing them so that any accumulations of dust or chemicals do not drip or fall into your eyes when the goggles are removed. Keep eye and face protection clean so your vision is not blurred or blocked. Soap and water is the most common way to clean eye and face protection. Special cleaning products can be purchased that contain anti-fog chemicals. Dispose of eye and face protection when they become scratched and distort your vision or become otherwise damaged so they do not fit correctly or adequately protect against the hazard.
Selecting Respiratory Protection
Filtering facepiece Air purifying respirator Different types of cartridges Air-supplied respirator Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) NIOSH approved Background Information: Bring examples of the different types of respiratory protection that have been selected for each of the hazards identified in your school district’s hazard assessment. Borrow a variety of different types of respiratory protection from your supplier for demonstration so employees can pick out the equipment that works best for them. Your school district should have a written Respiratory Protection Program if employees are required to wear, or voluntarily wear, any type of respirator.(Voluntary use of a dust mask “may” be exempt –but not always.) Speaker’s Notes: A filtering facepiece, commonly called a dust mask, is worn when employees are exposed to dusts. Employees exposed to low levels of dust may voluntarily wear a dust mask. Employees exposed to high levels of dust that exceed permissible exposure limits (PEL) must wear a filtering facepiece or respirator. (NOT “voluntary.”) Both full-face and half-face air-purifying respirators utilize a cartridge or filter to purify the air breathed by workers, and provide protection from chemical vapors or fumes. Air-purifying respirators must be worn by employees when monitoring shows that the PEL has been exceeded. Air-purifying respirators use a number of different types of cartridges. One cartridge will not filter out all types of chemical contaminants, so it is important to select the appropriate cartridge for the contaminant. In addition, employers need to determine how long it may take for the chemical to “break through” the cartridge and therefore determine how often cartridges must be changed. Air-supplied respirators are used for exposures to high concentrations of chemicals or in atmospheres that do not have adequate oxygen. SCBAs are used in conditions that are considered immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH), such as an emergency response to chemical spills. All respirators and filtering facepieces used in the workplace must be certified by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
Wear and Care of Respiratory Protection
Medical approval Fit test Inspection before each use Seal check Cleaned regularly Stored properly Speaker’s Notes: Workers who wear respirators must be medically approved. Your school district’s written Respiratory Protection Program will have more details concerning medical approval. Workers who wear respirators must be fit tested annually. Fit testing will determine if the respirator seals to the worker’s face properly. Employees must inspect the respirator before each use and look at things such as the seal, head straps, valves, and cartridges for signs of cracking, wear, or other damage. Any damaged parts must be discarded and replaced. Each time a worker puts on a respirator, a seal check should be conducted to make sure the respirator seals to their face properly. The positive seal check involves exhaling while blocking the exhalation valve to see if air escapes from the face seal of the respirator. The negative seal check involves covering the inhalation valves while inhaling. The respirator should stay caved in. If it doesn’t, the seal leaks. Respirators must be cleaned regularly. Daily cleaning might involve using an alcohol wipe. A thorough cleaning involves taking the respirator apart and cleaning it in soap and water and allowing the parts to air dry. Respirators must be stored properly to protect them from dust and other contaminants. Put the respirator in a sealed plastic bag and store it so that the natural shape is retained.
Selecting Head Protection
Protective hard hats Electrical insulation hard hats Bump caps Z89 Background Information: When discussing the selection of head protection, bring examples of the different types of head protection that have been selected for each of the hazards identified in your school district’s hazard assessment. If possible, have your safety supply vendor let you borrow a variety of different types of head protection for demonstration so employees can pick out the equipment that works best for them and meets the requirements of their jobs. Speaker’s Notes: Hard hats are commonly made of high-density polyethylene so they are lightweight and yet strong enough to protect from the impact and penetration of falling objects. Some hard hats are specifically designed to reduce electrical shock and will protect against electrical hazards such as power lines. Do not assume that your hard hat will protect against electrical hazard just because it is made of non-conducting materials. Bump caps are intended to protect from injury against low-hanging objects, such as pipes, steel structures, or machinery components. Bump caps are not intended to protect against falling objects or electrical hazards. Hard hats used in the workplace must be designed according to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z standard. Protective helmets will be marked with “Z89” to show that they meet these standards.
Wear and Care of Head Protection
Fit comfortably Inspection before each use Cleaned regularly Used only to protect the head Speaker’s Notes: Head protection should fit comfortably. There are many different types of suspension systems for hard hats. Employees should be trained how to adjust the suspension so it fits properly. Inspect hard hats before every use. Check for cracks or any other signs of damage that could reduce the integrity of the hard hat. Inspect the suspension system for cracks, worn straps, or any other damage. Make sure the suspension system is installed properly in the hard hat and not put on backwards. Clean regularly with soap and water. Use hard hats for their intended purpose—to protect your head. Using hard hats as a seat, step stool, etc., may reduce their integrity so they do not adequately protect your head if you are struck by a falling object.
Selecting Foot Protection
Steel toes Metatarsal protection Puncture or slip- resistant soles Chemical resistance Waterproof boots Cold weather foot wear Background Information: When discussing the selection of foot protection, bring examples of the different types of foot protection that have been selected for each of the hazards identified in your school district’s hazard assessment. If possible, borrow a variety of foot protection from your safety vendor for demonstration and so employees can pick out the foot protection that works best for them. Speaker’s Notes: Steel-toed work boots or shoes will protect against hazards such as falling or rolling objects that might otherwise crush a worker’s toes. The upper part of the foot, the metatarsal, may also require protection from falling or rolling objects. Boots may be purchased with metatarsal protection. Footwear should also have good support to help protect the ankle from rolling objects. Some footwear will have steel in the heel and along the ankle to protect the ankle from being twisted or otherwise damaged. Footwear can also be purchased with puncture-resistant soles for employees exposed to puncture hazards. Workers should wear shoes or boots that have slip-resistant soles when the workplace has wet or slippery floors. Consider the material that is causing the floor to be slippery. Water will require a different type of sole than a surface that is covered with an oily product. Workers exposed to liquid chemicals, acids, or caustics that could splash onto their feet will need appropriate chemical-resistant boots. Check with the boot manufacturer for chemical-resistance information. Workers in wet or muddy conditions should have rain boots made of PVC or rubber to keep their feet dry. Employees who work outside in winter or in refrigerated environments should have footwear with special liners that insulate against the cold.
Wear and Care of Foot Protection
Should be comfortable Inspected before each use No cracks or holes in chemical or waterproof boots Soles checked for excessive wear Kept clean Speaker’s Notes: Just like everyday shoes, work footwear must be comfortable. Inspect your footwear before each use. Chemical-resistant and waterproof footwear should be checked for holes or cracks. Soles, especially slip-resistant or puncture-resistant soles, should be checked daily for excessive wear. Keep your work footwear clean and dry. Spray off mud, dirt, or chemicals after each use to keep the footwear in good condition. In Washington State, the employer is not required to purchase safety footwear if the employee also wears them off of the job; i.e., to and from work, etc. If an employer requires safety footwear and purchases it for the employee the employer can require the employee to leave the footwear at the workplace 100% of the time.
Selecting Hand Protection
Chemical- resistant gloves Kevlar, metal mesh, cut-resistant gloves Leather work gloves Extreme temperature gloves Electrical work gloves Background Information: Bring examples of the different types of hand protection that have been selected for each of the hazards identified in your school district’s hazard assessment. Borrow a variety of different types of hand protection for demonstration from your safety supplier so employees can pick out the hand protection that works best for them and best meets the requirements of their jobs. Speaker’s Notes: Selecting the appropriate chemical-resistant glove may be difficult because you must ensure that it will protect against the chemical being used. Gloves can be made of rubber, latex, viton, butyl, nitrile, neoprene, or PVC and are graded by the manufacturer for degradation, breakthrough time, and permeation rate. Manufacturers should provide a chemical-resistance chart. Chemical-resistant gloves should also be evaluated for resistance to abrasions, cuts, punctures, and flexibility, and should be the appropriate length. For example, workers dipping hands and arms into chemicals will require long gloves. Employees working with saws, using knives, or handling glass should wear cut or puncture-resistant gloves. When working with sharp blades, steel mesh gloves are effective. Some gloves have steel wires, staples, or small plates woven into the material. Materials such as Kevlar provide good cut resistance. Cut-resistant sleeves are also available to protect arms and shoulders. The most common gloves used to protect hands from cuts and scrapes are typically made of leather or canvas and can also be coated with materials that improve grip. Employees potentially exposed to burns should wear gloves made of terry cloth, leather, or pigskin. Welders may also need sleeves or other clothing to protect from burns. Employees working with ovens or other hot equipment need thermal mittens designed to protect against the maximum temperatures they will be exposed to. Workers in foundries or steel mills need aluminized gloves. Workers exposed to cold conditions need gloves with liners. Consider other features such as grip or cut resistance. Electricians need lineman’s gloves designed for different levels of voltage. High-voltage gloves are black rubber with a red interior so any cuts or damage to the outside layer can be easily seen. Liners are also worn under the gloves to absorb perspiration.
Wear and Care of Hand Protection
Comfortable fit Inspect gloves before each use Keep clean and dry Discard if damaged or contaminated Speaker’s Notes: Hand protection should fit comfortably and should not be so tight that it limits hand movement or so loose that it presents a hazard of being snagged or reducing the worker’s dexterity. Inspect your gloves before each use. Check chemical gloves for cracks, holes, cuts, or other signs of damage. Cut-resistant gloves should be checked for cuts or wear. Check normal work gloves for unusual wear or other damage. Electrician’s gloves should be checked for any cuts or scrapes. Aluminized heat-resistant gloves should be checked for abrasions to the outside surface and damage to inner linings. Keep gloves clean and dry. Decontaminate chemical-resistant gloves after every use. Discard gloves if they are damaged or contaminated.
Selecting General Work Clothing
Long-sleeve shirts and long pants Flame-retardant clothing No loose clothing or jewelry Chemical-resistant clothing Background Information: Clarify what clothing is and is not required to protect staff against the specific hazards in your school district. Speaker’s Notes: Long-sleeve shirts and long pants will protect against skin damage from contact with hot or cold objects. Workers in cold environments will also need to wear coats and pants that are made for cold weather conditions. Long-sleeve shirts and long pants will also protect against sharp or rough materials, such as wood or metal, that could cause cuts or abrasions. Flame-retardant clothing should be worn by welders and grinders exposed to hot sparks. Loose clothing and jewelry are prohibited for workers exposed to moving machinery because the machinery might grab loose sleeves, ties, lapels, cuffs, watches, bracelets, or rings and pull workers into machines. Workers using chemicals need the appropriate type of chemical-resistant clothing that protects against the specific chemicals they work with.
Goals Hazard Assessment Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Summary
Engineering Administrative Rules PPE Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Selection, Training, Wear, and, Care Summary Quiz Speaker’s Notes: Are there any questions about selecting the proper PPE to protect against the hazards that were identified during the hazard assessment? Are there questions about how to wear and care for the PPE? Let’s wrap up this session with a summary and a short quiz.
Summary Develop a PPE hazard assessment checklist
Conduct and certify the hazard-assessment for each job Select the appropriate PPE for the hazard(s) identified Train employees how to wear and care for the PPE
Quiz Name one of the eye and face hazards that WISHA wants employers to look for. What type of footwear should be worn to protect against the hazard of falling objects? What should you always do before putting on a respirator? When is it time to dispose of eye and face protection? Employees need to be trained on the limitations of their PPE. True or False
Quiz (cont.) Name one of the hand hazards that WISHA wants employers to look for. What type of eyewear should be selected to protect against a dusty environment? Name a type of glove that can protect against cuts or lacerations. Employees are more likely to wear PPE that is comfortable. True or False Eye protection that is approved for use in the workplace will be marked with what code?
Quiz Answers Flying particles, molten metal, chemical liquids or gases, light radiation Shoes with steel toes and metatarsal protection Inspect the respirator before each use Scratched or damaged so they don’t fit properly True
Quiz Answers (cont.) Skin absorption of harmful substance, cuts, abrasions, punctures, chemical or thermal burns Goggles designed for dust Kevlar or metal-mesh gloves True Z87
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