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Analyzing Contingencies in Classical Conditioning A session of classical conditioning consists of a series of trials separated by intertrial intervals.

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Presentation on theme: "Analyzing Contingencies in Classical Conditioning A session of classical conditioning consists of a series of trials separated by intertrial intervals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analyzing Contingencies in Classical Conditioning A session of classical conditioning consists of a series of trials separated by intertrial intervals (ITI). ITI Trial Trial = CSITI = no CS

2 Analyzing Contingencies in Classical Conditioning The subject estimates the probability of getting food during the ITI and during the trial. Trial = CS = Food (US)?ITI = no CS = Food (US)? In terms of “conditional probabilities”, the notation is: P (US|CS)P (US|no CS) If these probabilities are unequal, then the CS makes a difference in the chances of getting food. There is a contingency between CS and US and learning will take place. =?=?

3 Analyzing Contingencies in Classical Conditioning This chart summarizes positive, negative, and zero contingencies: P (US|CS)P (US|no CS)Contingency Type of conditioning PositiveHighLowExcitatory Negative LowHigh Inhibitory Zero Equal values No CR

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