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Presentation on theme: "TRANSFORMING CAPABILITY SUPPORT MATERIALS COLLABORATION IN TECHNOLOGY-BASED NETWORKS Strategic Questionnaire 1Company name 2Address 3Contact 4Position."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRANSFORMING CAPABILITY SUPPORT MATERIALS COLLABORATION IN TECHNOLOGY-BASED NETWORKS Strategic Questionnaire 1Company name 2Address 3Contact 4Position 5Telephone 6e-mail 1Number of employees 2Management team 3Main business(es)

2 TRANSFORMING CAPABILITY SUPPORT MATERIALS COLLABORATION IN TECHNOLOGY-BASED NETWORKS Strategic Questionnaire 4Main customers 5Ownership Private-sole owner Family Subsidiary of group 6Company objectives/vision 7. Why do you get repeat business? What’s the basis of your competitive advantage?  Reason Primarily because of low prices Because we provide a better product/service than our competitors Other –specify:

3 TRANSFORMING CAPABILITY SUPPORT MATERIALS COLLABORATION IN TECHNOLOGY-BASED NETWORKS Strategic Questionnaire 8. What are the particular capabilities that allow you to keep this competitive advantage? (rate 1-5 1= most important)  Reasonrating Efficient production Good design capability Skilled workforce Low overheads Good relationship with customers Good relationship with suppliers Other-specify: 9. Are there any major changes happening to customers, suppliers, competitors or markets which may cause you problems in future? 10. Have there been cases recently where you have failed to gain business because of a lack of capability or skill in-house?

4 TRANSFORMING CAPABILITY SUPPORT MATERIALS COLLABORATION IN TECHNOLOGY-BASED NETWORKS Strategic Questionnaire 11. Have you collaborated with other organisations either for new product introduction or long-term mutual benefit? (YES/NO) If YES:  Organisations collaborated with:Length of collaboration yrs Still collaborating?  Suppliers Customers Producers of complimentary products Competitors Design consultants/ R&D organisations /universities Other 12. Have these collaborations been successful? (YES/NO) Comment:

5 TRANSFORMING CAPABILITY SUPPORT MATERIALS COLLABORATION IN TECHNOLOGY-BASED NETWORKS Strategic Questionnaire 13. Collaboration & competitive strategy views This statement does not apply to our company This statement accurately describes the situation in our company 12345 1.We place considerable emphasis on the control of operating costs.  2.The strategic direction we are now pursuing in represents a significant change from that pursued in the past.  3.We emphasise our distinctive products or image in our marketing communications.  4.Our organisation and the way things get done within its have changed little in recent times.  5.There is constant pressure here to cut overhead costs.  6.We make extensive efforts to secure the lowest cost sources of supply.  7.We regularly develop new products/services or significantly change the line of products/services we offer  8.We try hard to maintain the maximum feasible utilisation of our capacity/resources.  9.We try to offer unique products/services enabling us to charge premium prices.  10.we give new product/service development top priority.  11.We emphasise competitive prices in our marketing communications.  12.Our line of products/services seldom change in a substantive way.  13.We carefully monitor operations to help us keep costs under control. 

6 TRANSFORMING CAPABILITY SUPPORT MATERIALS COLLABORATION IN TECHNOLOGY-BASED NETWORKS Strategic Questionnaire 14.Currently we are trying to operate this business in significantly different ways to those we have in the past.  15.As our customers are very price sensitive we devote considerable time and admit to improving efficiency.  16.The organisational structure and processes we are now using represent a noticeable change from our recent past.  17.Information about sales performance is considered to be more important than cost control information.  18.We aim to offer superior products/services to those offered by our competitors.  19.We aim to be the lowest cost producer in our industry.  20.We try to operate this business in much the same way today as we have in the past.  21.Because we offer very similar products/services to the competition we try to maintain competitive prices.  22.We tend to do most things in-house regardless of our own capability  23.We recognise our internal skill shortages and have some long-term relationships for things like design service  24.We specialise in core areas and our capabilities are extended by use of most appropriate external partners  25.External design involvement is planned into the project early  This statement does not apply to our company This statement accurately describes the situation in our company 12345

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