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SSN SBPM Block 5: Digestion & Absorption Overview Carbohydrate digestion and absorption Protein digestion and absorption Fat digestion and absorption Cobalamin.

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Presentation on theme: "SSN SBPM Block 5: Digestion & Absorption Overview Carbohydrate digestion and absorption Protein digestion and absorption Fat digestion and absorption Cobalamin."— Presentation transcript:

1 SSN SBPM Block 5: Digestion & Absorption Overview Carbohydrate digestion and absorption Protein digestion and absorption Fat digestion and absorption Cobalamin (B12) and others Celiac sprue Immunity Shadi (csc43)

2 Overview: Modifications of the gut for digestion and absorption Length Plicae Villi Microvilli (with cores of microfilaments) on surface of ENTEROCYTE Glycocalyx and enzymes and transporters on surface of microvilli

3 Carbohydrate digestion and absorption In lumen Starch  maltose + maltriose + α-limit dextrins Amylase At brush-border Maltose/maltriose  glucose Glucoamylase (maltase) Sucrase-isomaltase α-limit dextrins  glucose Sucrase-isomaltase Sucrose  glucose + fructose Sucrase-isomaltase Lactose  glucose + galactose Lactase SGLT-1 Na + coupled (Na/K ATPase for gradient) D-hexoses w/ pyranose ring apicalbasolateral GLUT-5 Fructose absorption Jejunum Facilitated diffusion GLUT-2

4 Protein digestion and absorption In lumen Protein  AA, di- & tripeptides, & (AA) n via pancreatic PROTEASES Endopeptidases (chymotrypsin, elastin, trypsin) Exopeptidases (carboxypeptidases) Secreted as zymogens by pancreas Activated by TRYPSIN Trypsinogen  trypsin via ENTEROPEPTIDASE (brush border) At brush-border Oligopeptides  AA, di- & tripeptides via PEPTIDASES Also cytoplasmic peptidases Apical AA transporter Na + coupled PepT1 H + /oligopeptide Basolateral AA transporter Na + independent

5 Fat digestion and absorption EMULSION DROPLET  MIXED MICELLE Surface TGs are thinned by digestion by pancreatic lipase & bile salts; replaced by TGs from core of droplet. Lamellae decrease & are ultimately lost. Na+/H+ exchanger creates acidic microenvironment  protonated FFA uncharged (HA)  absorption AND THEN… Glycerol, short- & medium-chain FA pass through straight to capillaries Enterocytes reesterify lipids (long-chain FA, etc) back to TGs & PLs  chylomicrons (packaged in Golgi) secreted into lymphatics TG, DG, CE

6 Cobalamin (B12) Cobalamin (B12) bound to protein in food Stomach: Haptocorrin binds B12 Haptocorrin secreted in stomach by gastric glands Haptocorrin degraded in intestine Small intestine: IF binds B12 IF secreted in stomach by parietal cells Ileum: enterocytes bind IF-B12 complex In ILEUM, by receptor-mediated endocytosis B12 needs to bind transcobalamine II to exit cells

7 Absorption of different nutrients (TESTABLE) Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids: Maximum duodenum Calcium, iron, folate: Active absorption duodenum Bile acids: Maximum ileum Cobalamin (B12): Ileum only

8 Celiac Sprue Duodenum and jejunum Gluten hypersensitivity Defects in fat and protein absorption and lactase deficiency Excessive turnover of gut’s lining  epithelium becomes lined by crypt cells (no enterocyte with brush border enzymes), flat villi  malabsorption Protein malabsorption leads to deficiency in essential AAs  no albumin  low oncotic pressure  edema Fat malabsorption (steatorrhea) leads to fatty stools Lactase deficiency detected by measuring H 2 levels in breath (produced by lactose metabolism by bacteria in colon)

9 Immunity Cf. HISTOLOGY Paneth cells  storage of α-defensins in zymogen granules M cells (overlying Peyer’s patches)  transfer of antigens by transcytosis IgA  secretion by transcytosis into lumen IgA receptor is internalized with IgA, and a part of it becomes secretory component (secreted with IgA)

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