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The idea of completion In LP one uses “if” but mean “iff” [Clark78] This doesn’t imply that -1 is not a natural number! With this program we mean: This.

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Presentation on theme: "The idea of completion In LP one uses “if” but mean “iff” [Clark78] This doesn’t imply that -1 is not a natural number! With this program we mean: This."— Presentation transcript:

1 The idea of completion In LP one uses “if” but mean “iff” [Clark78] This doesn’t imply that -1 is not a natural number! With this program we mean: This is the idea of Clark’s completion: Syntactically transform if’s into iff’s Use classical logic in the transformed theory to provide the semantics of the program ).())(( ).0( NnaturalNNs   )()(:0)(YnNYsXYXX 

2 Program completion The completion of P is the theory comp(P) obtained by:  Replace p(t)   by p(X)  X = t,   Replace p(X)   by p(X)   Y , where Y are the original variables of the rule  Merge all rules with the same head into a single one p(X)   1  …   n  For every q(X) without rules, add q(X)    Replace p(X)   by  X (p(X)   )

3 Completion Semantics Though completion’s definition is not that simple, the idea behind it is quite simple Also, it defines a non-classical semantics by means of classical inference on a transformed theory D Let comp(P) be the completion of P where not is interpreted as classical negation:  A is true in P iff comp(P) |= A  A is false in P iff comp(P) |= not A

4 SLDNF proof procedure By adopting completion, procedurally we have: not is “negation as finite failure” In SLDNF proceed as in SLD. To prove not A: –If there is a finite derivation for A, fail not A –If, after any finite number of steps, all derivations for A fail, remove not A from the resolvent (i.e. succeed not A) SLDNF can be efficiently implemented (cf. Prolog)

5 SLDNF example p  p. q  not p. a  not b. b  not c.  a  not b  b  not c  c XX  q  not p  p No success nor finite failure According to completion: –comp(P) |= {not a, b, not c} –comp(P) |  p, comp(P) |  not p –comp(P) |  q, comp(P) |  not q

6 Problems with completion Some consistent programs may became inconsistent: p  not p becomes p  not p Does not correctly deal with deductive closures edge(a,b).edge(c,d).edge(d,c). reachable(a). reachable(A)  edge(A,B), reachable(B). Completion doesn’t conclude not reachable(c), due to the circularity caused by edge(c,d) and edge(d,c) Circularity is a procedural concept, not a declarative one

7 Completion Problems (cont) Difficulty in representing equivalencies: bird(tweety). fly(B)  bird(B), not abnormal(B). abnormal(B)  irregular(B) irregular(B)  abnormal(B) Completion doesn’t conclude fly(tweety)! –Without the rules on the left fly(tweety) is true –An explanation for this would be: “the rules on the left cause a loop”. Again, looping is a procedural concept, not a declarative one When defining declarative semantics, procedural concepts should be rejected

8 Program stratification Minimal models don’t have “loop” problems But are only applicable to definite programs Generalize Minimal Models to Normal LPs: –Divide the program into strata –The 1st is a definite program. Compute its minimal model –Eliminate all nots whose truth value was thus obtained –The 2nd becomes definite. Compute its MM –…

9 Stratification example Least(P 1 ) = {a, b, not p} Processing this, P 2 becomes: c  true d  c, false Its minimal model, together with P 1 is: {a, b, c, not d, not p} Processing this, P 3 becomes: e  a, true f  false p  p a  b b c  not p d  c, not a e  a, not d f  not c P1P1 P2P2 P3P3 P The (desired) semantics for P is then: {a, b,c, not d, e, not f, not p}

10 Stratification D Let S 1 ;…;S n be such that S 1 U…U S n = H P, all the S i are disjoint, and for all rules of P: A  B 1,…,B m, not C 1,…,not C k if A  S i then: {B 1,…,B m }  U i j=1 S j {C 1,…,C k }  U i-1 j=1 S j Let P i contain all rules of P whose head belongs to S i. P 1 ;…;P n is a stratification of P

11 Stratification (cont) A program may have several stratifications: a b  a c  not a P1P1 P2P2 P3P3 P a b  a c  not a P1P1 P2P2 P or Or may have no stratification: b  not a a  not b D A Normal Logic Program is stratified iff it admits (at least) one stratification.

12 Semantics of stratified LPs D Let I|R be the restriction of interpretation I to the atoms in R, and P 1 ;…;P n be a stratification of P. Define the sequence: M 1 = least(P 1 ) M i+1 is the minimal models of P i+1 such that: M i+1 | (U i j=1 S j ) = M i M n is the standard model of P A is true in P iff A  M n Otherwise, A is false

13 Properties of Standard Model Let M P be the standard model of stratified P  M P is unique (does not depend on the stratification)  M P is a minimal model of P  M P is supported D A model M of program P is supported iff: A  M   (A  Body)  P : Body  M (true atoms must have a rule in P with true body)

14 Perfect models The original definition of stratification (Apt et al.) was made on predicate names rather than atoms. By abandoning the restriction of a finite number of strata, the definitions of Local Stratification and Perfect Models (Przymusinski) are obtained. This enlarges the scope of application: even(0) even(s(X))  not even(X) P1= {even(0)} P2= {even(1)  not even(0)}... The program isn’t stratified (even/1 depends negatively on itself) but is locally stratified. Its perfect model is: {even(0),not even(1),even(2),…}

15 Problems with stratification Perfect models are adequate for stratified LPs –Newer semantics are generalization of it But there are (useful) non-stratified LPs even(X)  zero(X)zero(0) even(Y)  suc(X,Y),not even(X)suc(X,s(X)) Is not stratified because (even(0)  suc(0,0),not even(0))  P No stratification is possible if P has: pacifist(X)  not hawk(X) hawk(Y)  not pacifist(X) This is useful in KR: “X is pacifist if it cannot be assume X is hawk, and vice-versa. If nothing else is said, it is undefined whether X is pacifist or hawk”

16 SLS procedure In perfect models not includes infinite failure SLS is a (theoretical) procedure for perfect models based on possible infinite failure No complete implementation is possible (how to detect infinite failure?) Sound approximations exist: –based on loop checking (with ancestors) –based on tabulation techniques (cf. XSB-Prolog implementation)

17 Stable Models Idea The construction of perfect models can be done without stratifying the program. Simply guess the model, process it into P and see if its least model coincides with the guess. If the program is stratified, the results coincide: –A correct guess must coincide on the 1st strata; –and on the 2nd (given the 1st), and on the 3rd … But this can be applied to non-stratified programs…

18 Stable Models Idea (cont) “Guessing a model” corresponds to “assuming default negations not”. This type of reasoning is usual in NMR –Assume some default literals –Check in P the consequences of such assumptions –If the consequences completely corroborate the assumptions, they form a stable model The stable models semantics is defined as the intersection of all the stable models (i.e. what follows, no matter what stable assumptions)

19 SMs: preliminary example a  not bc  a p  not q b  not ac  b q  not rr Assume, e.g., not r and not p as true, and all others as false. By processing this into P: a  falsec  a p  false b  falsec  b q  truer Its least model is {not a, not b, not c, not p, q, r} So, it isn’t a stable model: –By assuming not r, r becomes true –not a is not assumed and a becomes false

20 SMs example (cont) a  not bc  a p  not q b  not ac  b q  not rr Now assume, e.g., not b and not q as true, and all others as false. By processing this into P: a  truec  a p  true b  falsec  b q  falser Its least model is {a, not b, c, p, not q, r} I is a stable model The other one is {not a, b, c, p, not q, r} According to Stable Model Semantics: –c, r and p are true and q is false. –a and b are undefined

21 Stable Models definition D Let I be a (2-valued) interpretation of P. The definite program P/I is obtained from P by: deleting all rules whose body has not A, and A  I deleting from the body all the remaining default literals  P (I) = least(P/I) D M is a stable model of P iffM =  P (M). A is true in P iff A belongs to all SMs of P A is false in P iff A doesn’t belongs to any SMs of P (i.e. not A “belongs” to all SMs of P).

22 Properties of SMs Stable models are minimal models Stable models are supported If P is locally stratified then its single stable model is the perfect model Stable models semantics assign meaning to (some) non-stratified programs –E.g. the one in the example before

23 Importance of Stable Models Stable Models are an important contribution: –Introduce the notion of default negation (versus negation as failure) –Allow important connections to NMR. Started the area of LP&NMR –Allow for a better understanding of the use of LPs in Knowledge Representation –Introduce a new paradigm (and accompanying implementations) of LP It is considered as THE semantics of LPs by a significant part of the community. But...

24 Cumulativity D A semantics Sem is cumulative iff for every P: if A  Sem(P) and B  Sem(P) then B  Sem(P U {A}) (i.e. all derived atoms can be added as facts, without changing the program’s meaning) This property is important for implementations: –without cumulativity, tabling methods cannot be used

25 Relevance D A directly depends on B if B occur in the body of some rule with head A. A depends on B if A directly depends on B or there is a C such that A directly depends on C and C depends on B. D A semantics Sem is relevant iff for every P: A  Sem(P) iff A  Sem(Rel A (P)) where Rel A (P) contains all rules of P whose head is A or some B on which A depends on. Only this property allows for the usual top-down execution of logic programs.

26 Problems with SMs The only SM is {not a, c,b} a  not bc  not a b  not ac  not c Don’t provide a meaning to every program: –P = {a  not a} has no stable models It’s non-cumulative and non-relevant: –However b is not true in P U {c} (non-cumulative) P U {c} has 2 SMs: {not a, b, c} and {a, not b, c} –b is not true in Rel b (P) (non-relevance) The rules in Rel b (P) are the 2 on the left Rel b (P) has 2 SMs: {not a, b} and {a, not b}

27 Problems with SMs (cont) Its computation is NP-Complete The intersection of SMs is non-supported: c is true but neither a nor b are true. a  not bc  a b  not ac  b Note that the perfect model semantics: –is cumulative –is relevant –is supported –its computation is polynomial

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