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Presentation on theme: "DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTING & ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY - CET INDUCTION FOR NEW STUDENTS BY CET STAFF Zubair Hanslot – Sept, 2006."— Presentation transcript:


2 WELCOME The Department of Computing & Electronic Technology at the University – Welcomes all new and continuing students. Induction take place today and Friday 22 nd September All timetable classes commence in the week beginning Monday 25 th September, 2006

3 HEALTH & SAFETY Please refer to University rules regarding Health and Safety. This can be found in the student handbook which has already been issued to you. Main point to note is: When the fire alarm is activated (continuous siren) you must vacant the building immediately via the nearest safe exit and assemble for a roll call at one of the designated points.

4 INDUCTION EVENTS Please refer to your induction timetable for events planned for this week. Key objective of induction is getting you started with University facilities and services, completing module selection forms, getting your timetable and meeting other staff and students.

5 ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE The University is organised into departments and the Department of Computing & Electronic Technology has 35 Academic Staff who are supported by Administrative and Technician Staff CET is organised as follows: Head of Department 6 Principal Lecturers Academic Staff Students Central Administrative & Technical Staff Student Information Centre & Student Data Management

6 CET ACADEMIC THEMES CET is arranged into three academic areas: –CIT – Computing & Internet Technologies delivering : Computing Technology Internet Communications & Network Multimedia & Website Development Computer Games Software Development Games Design Sound Engineering Special Effects –CIS – Computing & Information Systems delivering : Computing Business Software Development Internet Systems Development Information Technology/Systems Development – M.Sc –ECE – Electronic & Computer Engineering delivering : Electronic & Computer Engineering – B.Eng(Hons) Advanced Microelectronic for Industrialist – M.Sc

7 COURSE STRUCTURE –Most courses are semester based. Each academic year has 2 semesters. –Semester 1- Sept to Feb and –Semester 2 – Feb to July. –ECE courses are no longer ‘semesterised’. –Full Time courses within CET are either: Conventional 3 year degrees having 2 A level entry 3.5 year degree incorporating a 2 year HND – 1 A level 4 year degree incorporating a balancing semester and a 2 year HND –Part Time courses are normally 1.5*(Full Time) –How much time do you need to invest in learning? See course handbook.

8 COURSE STRUCTURE SHOWN IN SEMESTER BLOCKS 3 yr degree 3.5 yr hnd/degree 4 yr bal/hnd /degree 60 Level 2Level 3Level 1 Level 0/Bal

9 MANAGEMENT OF PATHWAYS Each programme of study will be managed by a –Course Leader supported by supported by –Module and Academic Level Tutors Course Committee will meet once per semester where student views via student representative will be sought Student Reps will also be invited to Board of Study meetings once per term. A meeting of board of examiners will sit at the end of each semester and module/progression results will be decided upon.

10 ACADEMIC TUTOR ROLE Each student will be assigned an Academic Level Tutor. The academic level tutor will be a point of contact for the student to find information and services and to advise on academic matters You should meet your academic level tutor during this week. If there is an issue you need to discuss you are responsible in making contact with your Academic Level Tutor

11 METHODS OF COMMUNICATION Normal method of communication will be (non-exhaustive list): University e-mail for general and specific items University e-mail for general and specific items Notice boards & Website for timetables and documentation Post for communication of results and other related matters You are responsible to make sure your details on the University’s computer (SITS) is checked and kept up to date. Module tutors may also use their website, public directories and WebCT for module specific communication. Academic level tutors may also use land and mobile phones/SMS.

12 MODULE SELECTION & COURSE SPECIFIC INFORMATION This week you will be attending a module selection event. This is where you map-out your learning programme for this academic year. i.e. the modules you will be studying which will determine your time- table. Once the module selection form is completed it will be entered into the module scheduling process in order to allocate you into practical and tutorial groups and issue a time-table. During Module Selection Course Leaders will issue a Programme Handbook detailing general and specific information. Academic staff will be present to assist you.

13 Course Regulations Most of what you need to know is found in your student handbook, course handbook and academic regulatory handbook found on the University and department websites. Main point to note is: Late Submission of Work: CET have opted out of the regulatory framework and applies a rule of late assignments as: –Up to 5 days late: assessment mark multiplied by 0.8 –Greater than 5 days late: zero mark recorded. In the above context a 'day' excludes Saturdays, Sundays and other public holidays days when the Institute is closed. In higher education, we expect you to manage you time very carefully.

14 Course Regulations At the end of each semester, we will decide on your academic performance. In terms of module performance we make the following decisions: Module pass – which means you have obtained overall mark of at least 40% AND minimum mark of 35% in each component of the module. Module refer – which means you have failed to make the pass mark in one or more component of a module and therefore you will need take a re-sit an exam/assignment. Also the refer work will have a capping penalty of 40% thus it will limit your grade in the module. Module defer – which means we have accepted a valid reason (e.g. serious medical) for your not having passed the module. You will be given another opportunity to re-sit exam/assignment without a capping penalty. Module repeat – which means you have badly failed more than one component of the module and therefore you will need to repeat the whole module again at a later date. Progression from one year to next is only allowed provided you are not repeating more than 20 credits.

15 Course Regulations Around March you will be invited to attend module selection events for the next academic year. This is where you, with help from your Academic Level Tutor, will map out your study programme for the coming academic cycle. Please note there is set deadline for this activity. Students who fail to attend this session and don’t complete the module selection within the specified deadline will have to pay a small charge for late filing of module selections.

16 LOCATION OF ROOMS Refer to Visitors Guide. Most classes will take place in B,C,D and M block. LS&D rooms are located in Eagle, access via library

17 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS CET staff wish everyone well on their chosen course and look forward to meeting with individuals. Key websites for information: We are happy to take any questions.


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