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KAHUGPONGAN SA MINDANAO, INC. (KAMI) 14 July 2007 Betania Retreat House Religious of the Virgin Mary Quezon City.

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1 KAHUGPONGAN SA MINDANAO, INC. (KAMI) 14 July 2007 Betania Retreat House Religious of the Virgin Mary Quezon City


3 REGIONAL AGENDA LOCAL UP-ALL STRENGTHENING. Define UP-ALL for city and for KAMI composition and membership. Weaving capability building into actual advocacy, lobbying efforts and engagement.. Enhancing the PO to PO and NGO-NGO exchanges as regular event during meetings and assemblies.

4 REGIONAL AGENDA COLLABORATION WITH LGU. Advance project level to city development concerns and treat city as a unit of engagement.. City Agenda as bases/ objectives of engaging/collaborating.. Scanning to identify all players and stakeholders as to its inclusivity.

5 Grade respective performances based on responsiveness and people’s participation in CSP formulation, CLUP updating, LHB’s as venues for institutionalized collaboration.

6 REGIONAL AGENDA LOCALIZATION OF CMP. Lobby to respective LGU’s. Regular sharing and updating on LCMP

7 REGIONAL AGENDA ELECTORAL ENGAGAMENT. Advocacy issues can be translated as bases for political engagement (LCMP, Shelter Code, Shelter Planning, etc.). Barangay Election- nearest arena for political engagement and the most accessible to PO’s.. Assess respective performances on previous elections (especially those who consciously committed/ endorsed party list or candidates.). Organized party list for 2010 elections.

8 REGIONAL AGENDA PROVISION OF BASIC SERVICES. Lobby for the increase of LGU’s equity counterpart from 10% - 30%.. Lobby for the allocation of IRA for basic social services to CA’s.. MOU (Memo Of Understanding) with LGU’s to finance site development for TO Projects.

9 REGIONAL AGENDA OTHER SOCIAL HOUSING APPROACHES Localized housing finance outside of CMP (e.g. DBP – HUDCC- DPUCSP) and other housing finance loan facility from other government housing agencies and banks.

10 REGIONAL AGENDA OTHER ISSUES AND CONCERNS. Champion anti-sex trafficking campaign and programs and alternative livelihood projects.. Consultation among players/stakeholders in all cities in order to formulate comprehensive convergence programs.

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