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Rational Addiction © Allen C. Goodman 2004
How do we characterize addiction?
There are lots of models. One that has become popular is the “rational addiction” model. It is powerful and useful. Be aware, however, that it is only one of several models and not all economists, and CERTAINLY not all addiction researchers believe in it in its entirety.
Reinforcement and Tolerance
Addictive behavior is usually assumed to involve both “reinforcement” and “tolerance.” Reinforcement means that greater past consumption of addictive goods, such as drugs or cigarettes, increases the desire for present consumption. But tolerance cautions that the utility from a given amount of consumption is lower when past consumption is greater.
Consider instantaneous utility
(1) U(t) = u[c(t), S(t), y(t)] U(t) = Utility at time t c(t) = Consumption of addictive good at time t S(t) = “Addictive capital stock” that depends on past consumption of c. Tolerance implies that dU/dS < 0. Greater past consumption of addictive goods lowers current utility. Stated differently, Higher c(t) lowers future marginal utility by raising future values of S.
Consider instantaneous utility
(1) U(t) = u[c(t), S(t), y(t)] U(t) = Utility at time t c(t) = Consumption of addictive good at time t S(t) = “Addictive capital stock” that depends on past consumption of c. Reinforcement implies that dc/dS > 0. Greater past consumption of addictive goods raises MU of current consumption. Myopic users – condition above is sufficient. Rational maximizers – Also consider the future harmful consequences of the current behavior.
Consider instantaneous utility
(1) U(t) = u[c(t), S(t), y(t)] U(t) = Utility at time t c(t) = Consumption of addictive good at time t S(t) = “Addictive capital stock” that depends on past consumption of c. Rational maximizers – Also consider the future harmful consequences of the current behavior. For rational maximizers , reinforcement requires that the + effect of an increase in S(t) on the MU of c(t) exceeds the - effect of higher S(t) on the future harm from greater c(t).
Implications It is not surprising that addiction is more likely for people who discount the future heavily since they pay less attention to the adverse consequences. Addiction to a good is also stronger when the effects of past consumption depreciate more rapidly, for then current consumption has smaller negative effects on future utility. The harmful effects of smoking, drinking, and much drug use do generally disappear within a few years after a person stops the addiction unless vital organs, such as the liver, get irreversibly damaged.
Addictive Stock and Consumption
Consumption, C Initial Stock = S0 Depends on past consumption and life-cycle. A1 A2 C0 Stock, S S0
Addictive Stock and Consumption
Steady State! C = dS Consumption, C C*1 A1 A2 C*2 When A is above the steady state line, both C and S grow. Both fall, when A is below the steady state line C2 Stock, S C1 S0 S1 S2 S*2 S*1
Addictive Stock and Consumption
Steady State! C = dS Consumption, C C*1 A1 C** A2 C*2 If S0 is below S1, a rational consumer eventually stops. If S0 is above S1, a rational consumer may go to S*1. C2 Stock, S C1 S0 S1 S2 S*2 S*1
Impact of price change To analyze rational addicts’ responses to change in prices of an addictive goods, suppose they are at c*2 = δS*2 along A2, and that a fall in the price of c raises the demand curve for c from A2 to A1. Consumption increases at first from c*2 to c**, and then c grows further over time since cc** is above the steady-state line. Consumption grows toward the new stable steady state at c*1 = δS*1 This shows that long-run responses to price changes exceed short-run responses because initial increases in consumption of addictive goods cause a subsequent growth in the stocks of addictive capital, which then stimulates further growth in consumption
Addictive Stock and Consumption
To analyze rational addicts’ responses to change in prices of an addictive goods, suppose they are at c*2 = δS*2 along A2, and that a fall in the price of c raises the demand curve for c from A2 to A1. Consumption, C C*1 A1 C** A2 C*2 Consumption increases at first from c*2 to c**, and then c grows further over time since c** is above the steady-state line. Consumption grows toward the new stable steady state at c*1 = δS*1 C2 Stock, S C1 S0 S1 S2 S*2 S*1
Econometric Specification
Ct = Ct-1 + tCt+1 + 1Pt + 2 et + 3et+1 1 Increases in current price decrease current consumption when the MU of wealth, past consumption, and future consumption are fixed. A good is addictive when > 0, and the degree of addiction is larger when is larger. IN THIS FORMULATION, it requires 3 data points.
Cigarettes and Alcohol
Both are goods for which ingestion can bring pleasure … but also addiction. Small amounts of alcohol may not be harmful, and MAY on occasion be helpful. Cigarettes are harmful.
Lots of estimates of price elasticities
Becker, Grossman, and Murphy looked at cigarette addiction. Lots of econometrics, but basically like the equation a couple of slides back.
Estimated Elasticities
Various impacts of policies to reduce cigarette smoking. Tens if not hundreds of studies have been done.
Alcohol consumption Grossman and colleagues (1998) applied the Becker-Murphy model to alcohol consumption by young adults ages 17 to 29 using the longitudinal data from the Monitoring the Future project. Given that the prevalence of alcohol dependence and abuse is highest in this age group (Grant et al. 1991), such an approach accounting for the addictive aspects of alcohol consumption may be more relevant to this sample than to a sample including all age groups. Using data obtained in baseline surveys of high school seniors conducted from 1976 through 1985 and in followup surveys conducted through 1989, the investigators estimated alcohol demand both in the context of the model of addictive behavior and in the context of models that ignore the addictive aspects of consumption.
Alcohol Consumption The study found consistent evidence that increases in the price of alcohol resulting from higher monetary prices significantly reduced the number of alcoholic drinks consumed by young adults in the past year. Moreover, the analyses provided strong evidence that drinking in this age group is addictive in the sense that a strong interdependency existed among past, current, and future alcohol consumption. That is, current drinking decisions depended on past alcohol consumption and influenced future consumption.
Alcohol Consumption The finding that drinking by young adults can be considered an addictive behavior has important implications for the effects of price on alcohol consumption. For example, when Grossman and colleagues (1998) used models that ignored the addictive aspects of alcohol consumption to analyze their data, they estimated an average price elasticity of alcohol demand of When they used the model accounting for the addictive nature of alcohol, however, the estimated average long-term price elasticity of demand was -0.65, indicating that price had a much greater influence on alcohol consumption. Moreover, the estimate of the long-term price elasticity was approximately 60% higher than the short-term elasticity (which, in turn, was almost 40% higher than the average estimate derived using nonaddictive models).
Gruber* Critique It is extremely difficult to predict price changes. Most cigarette tax increases are not announced very far in advance at all. Second, the rational addiction framework embeds another important assumption besides forward-looking consumption behavior: time consistency. This assumption is at odds with virtually all laboratory experiments and with a variety of casual real-world evidence on smoking decisions. They change the Becker and Murphy (B-M) model to incorporate time inconsistent preferences, and obtain predictions for price changes which are very similar to what are delivered by the B-M model. But they obtain radically different implications for policy. Instead of the standard result that the optimal tax on cigarettes depends only on their associated externalities, they find that there are substantial “internalities” as well which justify government intervention. For very modest parameterization of these internalities, and ignoring any costs other than those associated with the excess mortality of smoking, they find that there are sizable optimal "internality" taxes on the order of $1 per pack or more.
Results not surprising
This result should not be surprising. The key feature of smoking, particularly in contrast to other “addictive bads” such as drinking, is that its internal effects dwarf its external costs (second hand smoke, etc.). The vast majority of harm done by a smoker is to him or herself. At standard values of the value of a life/year, they estimate above that a pack of cigarettes costs $30.45 in terms of lost life expectancy. If even a small share of these internal costs are to be considered by government policy makers, the resulting justification for intervention easily outweighs any externalities associated with smoking. *IS ADDICTION “RATIONAL”? THEORY AND EVIDENCE Jonathan Gruber and Botond Köszegi
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