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Charm Production: from HERA to LHC

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1 Charm Production: from HERA to LHC
International Conference November 19 – , Mainz, Germany Martin zur Nedden Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

2 Content Charm Production Experiments Physics Results Introduction
Hadronic Interaction Electron-Proton Interaction Experiments HERA, TEVATRON and LHC Detectors and Spectrometers Physics Results D*-Production and F2c Charm Fragmentation Charmonium Production W + charm-Jet production Rare Decays and Flavor Changing Neutral Currents

3 Content Charm Production Experiments Physics Results Introduction
Hadronic Interaction Electron-Proton Interaction Experiments HERA, TEVATRON and LHC Detectors and Spectrometers Physics Results D*-Production and F2c Charm Fragmentation Charmonium Production W + charm-Jet Production Rare Decays and Flavor Changing Neutral Currents

4 Charm Production At HERA: At LHC open Charm charmonium spectroscopy
contribution to F2 charm fragmentation charmonium spectroscopy excited charmed states production in media (HERA-B) At LHC charmonium spectroscopy charmonium polarization detector calibration trigger commissioning Not all can be covered here… At TEVATRON: D0 mixing and CP violation excited charmed states FCNC charm fragmentation, W + c-jets charmonium spectroscopy and polarization

5 Hadronic Production of Heavy Quarks
parton-density-function within the hadron partonic cross setion hadronisation: formation of hadrons with heavy quarks or quarkonia stats factorisation of the process production in hadronic interaction

6 Heavy-Quark Production in Hadron Collisions
g Q flavor excitation g flavor creation g g radiative corrections gluon splitting Leading Order and Next to Leading Order B/D-hadrons and/or b/c-jets are the observables for b/c-quark proton structure: HERA fragmentation: HERA/TEVATRON NLO QCD

7 Quarkonia Formation qq formation: production of heavy quarks in media
PDF hadronization/fragmentation: formation of final state wiht charm long distance (~1/(mcv)) process: non-perturbative calculations and input from experiments needed, model dependence: CSM, COM, CEM, NRQCD qq formation: production of heavy quarks in media short distance (~1/mc) / high momentum process: perturbative calculation

8 Quarkonia Production Models
Color Singlet Model - can’t produce color-neutral JP = 1- cc pair by simple gluon fusion. - produce a colored state and one hard gluon carries away color - pT spectrum does not match data - underestimates cross sections by factors of From NRQCD, Color Octet Mechanism - color radiated off by soft gluons adjustable hadronisation parameter: → match measured pT spectra and cross section predicts transverse polarization, increasing with pT

9 Heavy Quark Production in Electron-Proton Scattering
direct process: boson gluon fusion main contribution charmonium formation at HERA J/Y ( pJ/y) indirect process: resolved photon indirect process: flavor excitation two kinematic regimes: • photoproduction (PHP) with Q2 ~ 0 • electroproduction (DIS) with Q2 > 2 GeV2

10 Content Charm Production Experiments Physics Results Introduction
Hadronic Interaction Electron-Proton Interaction Experiments HERA, TEVATRON and LHC Detectors and Spectrometers Physics Results D*-Production and F2c Charm Fragmentation Charmonium Production W + charm-Jet Production Rare Decays and Flavor Changing Neutral Currents

11 The HERA Experiments e+p: s = 320 GeV ZEUS H1 HERA I: 1994 – 2000
HERA II: H1 total lumi on tape: ~ 0.5 fb-1 per experiment

12 The HERA-B Spectrometer
spectrometer at the HERA storage ring: proton-fixed target 920 GeV protons p+A  X , s = 41.6 GeV 150 M di-lepton trigger events ~ J/ψ ~ c ~ ψ’ 210 M minimum bias events

13 Tevatron Experiments p+ p: √s = 1.96 TeV CDF total lumi on tape:
~ 3 fb-1 per experiment D0

14 The ATLAS Experiment at LHC
p + p: √s = 14 TeV

15 A transverse slice through CMS (LHC)
p + p: √s = 14 TeV

16 The LHCb Spectrometer Muon System RICH Detectors Vertex Locator
p + p: √s = 14 TeV Muon System RICH Detectors Vertex Locator pp collision Point ~ 1 cm B Calorimeters Tracking System

17 Content Charm Production Experiment Physics Results Introduction
Hadronic Interaction Electron-Proton Interaction Experiment HERA, TEVATRON and LHC Detectors and Spectrometers Physics Results D*-Production and F2c Charm Fragmentation Charmonium Production W + charm-Jet Production Rare Decays and Flavor Changing Neutral Currents

18 Selection of charmed Mesons
production of charm-quarks in ep-interaction via boson-gluon-fusion identification of D*+ via the mass difference ΔM of the invariant masses momentum transfer Q2 = -q2 = (k’-k)2 momentum fraction x of scattered quark looking for charm within the decay chanel of D*-mesons

19 D-Meson Decay Signature
example from ZEUS/HERA using vertex detector to reconstruct secondary vertices

20 Open Charm-Production at HERA
HERA I : PDF – central measurement of HERA PDF obtained from the fits to inclusive F2 inclusive F2 experimentally very precise contribution of events with charm to F2 high measurement of F2c has large uncertainties HERA II: precise PDF – crucial importance for the LHC combined HERA - PDF are of unprecedented precision dependent on parameterization of the QCD fit need a cross check / direct access to the gluon final state measurements (jets, heavy quarks) extremely important F2c at HERA II on the way to precision measurement

21 D* Production, Q2 dependence
measurement for DIS (5 GeV2 < Q2 < 100 Q2) and high Q2 data (up to Q2 = 103 GeV2) full HERA statistics: ~ 350 pb-1 good description by NLO calculations

22 D* in DIS (low Q2) differential cross sections measured in Q2, x, pT and η reasonable described by NLC QCD calculation double differential cross section in x and Q2 enables the extraction of F2c double differential: η in bins of pT

23 HERA Measurement of F2c problem: detector acceptance of ~ 30%
→ strong model dependence due to large extrapolation factors comparison of different analysis methods - inclusive lifetime (H1, HERA I + II) - μ pTrel (ZEUS, HERA II) - D+, D0, Ds cross sections (ZEUS, HERA II) - D* cross sections (H1, ZEUS, HERA I+II) - D+ and lifetime (ZEUS, HERA II) theory prediction differ for Q2 < (2mc)2

24 HERA Measurement of F2c different methods agree well
combination of all available measurements (H1 / ZEUS, different analyses) improve precision strong rise towards low x at lager Q2 different inputs to the theoretical predictions: - parton densities - mass treatment - charm fragmentation

25 Content Charm Production Experiment Physics Results Introduction
Hadronic Interaction Electron-Proton Interaction Experiment HERA, TEVATRON and LHC Detectors and Spectrometers Physics Results D*-Production and F2c Charm Fragmentation Charmonium Production W + charm-Jet Production Rare Decays and Flavor Changing Neutral Currents

26 Charm Fragmentation D* Peterson: Kartvelishvili:
parton scattering cross section (perturbative) parton density function (non perturbative) fragmentation function (non perturbative) D* Peterson: Kartvelishvili:

27 Fragmentation Function
ET(Jet) > 9 GeV, inclusive kT algorithm data described by NLC QCD calculations with Peterson (ε = 0.079) or Kartvelishvili (α = 2.67) fragmentation

28 Fragmentation Function
for shape comparison to other experiments normalization to 1/binwith for z > 0.3 with PYTHIA phase space extrapolated to pT(D*) =0 and finite bin size to extract the mean value of z

29 Content Charm Production Experiment Physics Results Introduction
Hadronic Interaction Electron-Proton Interaction Experiment HERA, TEVATRON and LHC Detectors and Spectrometers Physics Results D*-Production and F2c Charm Fragmentation Charmonium Production at HERA-B and LHCb W + charm-Jet Production Rare Decays and Flavor Changing Neutral Currents

30 Nuclear Effects for Charmonium Production
J/ final state formation effects: nuclear absorption comover absorption multiple scattering + energy loss initial state effects: shadowing (nuclear PDFs) parton energy loss intrinsic charm HERA-B: acsess to production in media measurement of a using C and W targets: based on Glauber-model: a ≠ 1  „dependence”

31 xF-Dependence of Nuclear Effects
J/ for c = 0.5 fm xF  [fm] 0.2 30 10 -0.2 4 formation time and length:  (xF) =   c   = (xF) boost of J/ w.r.t. nucleus

32 J/ pT Distributions of HERA-B
HERA-B combined result HERA-B E672/706/771/789 NA50 increase of <pT2> with A (radius of nucleus): linear dependence on the nuclear path length of the incident parton

33 *J/ψ xF – Distribution of HERA-B
HERA-B combined result wxF : width ΔxF : shift width increasing with radius of nucleus shift increasing with radius of nucleus pT distribution: increase of <pT2> with radius xF distribution: increasing width and shift with radius both effects compatible with initial state energy loss

34 Nuclear Dependence Measurement: pT
pT broadening effect as seen by E866 confirmed good agreement of E866 and HERA-B measurement in the common region of pT

35 Nuclear Dependence Measurement: xF
average α measurement form HERA-B:

36 J/ Production at LHCb prompt J/ production not fully understood
- NRQCD (Colour Octet Model) successful in reproducing pT spectrum at TEVATRON - but predicts increasing transverse polarization at high pT (not observed) cross-section + polarization important probes of charmonium production - LHCb has unique acceptance coverage in pT and  - synergy with b production measurement

37 Identifying Prompt J/
J/ signal in 19 million min bias events (1.1 s of running with nominal luminosity) mass resolution ~ 11 MeV S/B ~ 4 Expect 3.2  106 events in 5 pb-1 at 8 TeV separate J/ from prompt and b decays m+ primary vertex m- dz prompt component: Gaussian J/ from B-meson decay: exponential combinatorical background

38 χc Production at HERA-B
selection by γ reconstruction (Eγ) and invariant mass measurement relative measurement of χc to J/ψ production disentangle χc1 and χc2 by double Gaussian fits: separate cross section measurements background subtraction by mixed events

39 Event Counting HERA-B LHCb
Separation of χc1 and χc2 in the ΔM spectra: double Gaussian fit with some fixed parameters predicted by MC free parameters are the ratio and sum of event numbers HERA-B LHCb Signal in inclusive J/ events ΔM ~ 27 MeV (cf M(c2 ) - M(c1 ) = 55 MeV ) Some sensitivity to ratio (c2 ) / (c1 )

40 Production Cross Section Ratio R(c)
HERA-B: final result: Rχc = (18.8 ± 2.8)% of the produced J/ψ’s come from χc decays E771 (p-Si) E369/ 610/ 673 (p-Be) π-A HERA-B 2000 ISR (p-p) E705 (p-Li) 2002/3 final CDF (p-p) HERA-B

41 Content Charm Production Experiment Physics Results Introduction
Hadronic Interaction Electron-Proton Interaction Experiment HERA, TEVATRON and LHC Detectors and Spectrometers Physics Results D*-Production and F2c Charm Fragmentation Charmonium Production at ATLAS/CMS W + charm-Jets Rare Decays and Flavor Changing Neutral Currents

42 Motivation for Charmonium at LHC
large number of J/ψ → μ+μ- and Υ → μ+μ- decays is expected at LHC: → alignment and calibration of trigger and tracking → test for QCD calculations → prompt quarkonia is a main source of background to (rare) B processes key player in the early data taking: → at low luminosity lower pT threshold possible to collect large physics sample → ATLAS reach larger pT as TEVATRON: enhance its analysis power Pb-Pb collisions at high energies and luminosities: → The Pb-Pb runs will occur at 5.5 TeV per NN collision, with 1027 cm-2s-1 Pb-Pb instantaneous luminosity → quarkonium states will be produced with very high rates 42

43 Expected Quarkonia at early LHC data
85 pb-1 60 pb-1 ATLAS D fb-1 CDF 1.1 fb-1 Tevatron 1x J/ψ 4.2x  ~1000 J/ψ’s per hour expected 60 pb-1 should allow for competitive measurement of quarkonium polarization, with enough statistics in the crucial high pT region. High pT data is important since TEVATRON suffers from statistics in this region. With 10 pb-1 ATLAS will be able to measure ratios of quarkonia cross sections, which can help to constrain NRQCD octet matrix elements. 43

44 Inclusive Differential J/ψ cross sections
observed J/ yield results from: direct production decays from ’ and c states decays from B hadrons CMS will measure the inclusive, prompt and non-prompt (B decays) production cross sections in 1 or 2 days at 1031 cm-2s-1 (1 pb-1 of integrated luminosity), CMS will collect ~ J/ events J/ yield is extracted by fitting the dimuon mass distribution, separating the signal peak from the underlying background continuum CMS simulation

45 Quarkonium production cross-section
Onia production pT (MC) and the differential cross-section contributions from color singlet, color octet and singlet/octet of  . Tevatron (1.8 TeV) The dominant contribution at high pT range is the 3S1 color octet fragmentation (dashed dotted line). LHC MC (14 TeV)  production cross section J/Ψ prod. cross section 45

46 Differential J/ψ cross section
CMS simulation CMS simulation pp at 14 TeV 3 pb-1  ~ J/ A: convolution between the detector acceptance and the trigger and reconstruction efficiencies, which depend on the assumed polarization corr : needed if MC does not match “reality” Competitive with TEVATRON results after only 3 pb-1

47 Quarkonium production in Pb-Pb collisions
dNch/dh = 3500   -

48 J/y → m+m-: Acceptances and Mass Resolutions
material between the silicon tracker and the muon chambers (ECAL, HCAL, magnet iron) prevents hadrons from giving a muon tag but impose a minimum muon momentum of 3.5–4.0 GeV/c. This is no problem for the Upsilons but sets a relatively high threshold on the pT of the detected J/ψ’s. low pT J/ψ acceptance: better at forward rapidities. dimuon mass resolution is 35 MeV pT (GeV/c) h J/y barrel + endcaps barrel + endcaps Acceptance barrel CMS simulation pT (GeV/c)

49 pT reach of quarkonia measurements
0.5 nb-1 : 1 month at 4x1026 cm2s-1 expected quarkonia yields: J/ψ : ~ ,  : ~ ● produced in 0.5 nb-1 ■ rec. if dN/dη ~ 2500 ○ rec. if dN/dη ~ 5000 J/y statistical accuracy (with trigger) of ’/ ratio vs. pT should be good enough to rule out some models CMS simulation CMS simulation

50 Content Charm Production Experiment Physics Results Introduction
Hadronic Interaction Electron-Proton Interaction Experiment HERA, TEVATRON and LHC Detectors and Spectrometers Physics Results D*-Production and F2c Charm Fragmentation Charmonium Production W + charm-Jets Rare Decays and Flavor Changing Neutral Currents

51 W + charm “μ-tagged jet” method: - consider the electric charge
possible background to top, stop-quark and SM charged Higgs production |Vcd|2 suppresses d-quark-gluon fusion production ⇒ Wc production provides direct sensitivity to s-quark PDFs s-quark PDF is important for these processes at TEVATRON/LHC: a probe of s-quark PDF at hadron colliders tests QCD evolution “μ-tagged jet” method: - consider the electric charge correlation of μ from c-quark and lepton from W - require events with opposite charge NOS ≫ NSS

52 W+c-Jet Fraction W+c-jet selection with theory prediction
• all lepton channels considered for W boson decay • Z →μμ rejected by requiring Mμμ<70 GeV for μ-channel • σ(W+c-jet) fraction compared with theory prediction in jet pT: ALPGEN calculates the matrix element PYTHIA does showering and hadronization • measurement is consistent with theory prediction

53 W+c-Jet Cross Section CDF measurement of total cross section for W+c-jet production with ~1.8 fb-1 data electron and muon channels considered for W boson decay c-jet with pT(c) > 20 GeV/c and |η(c)|< 1.5: c-jet identified from semileptonic decay by looking for a muon within jet measurement agrees with NLO calculation

54 Content Charm Production Experiment Physics Results Introduction
Hadronic Interaction Electron-Proton Interaction Experiment HERA, TEVATRON and LHC Detectors and Spectrometers Physics Results D*-Production and F2c Charm Fragmentation Charmonium Production W + charm-Jets Rare Decays and Flavor Changing Neutral Currents

55 Upper limit for D0→μ+μ– search for a signal of the FCNC decay D0→μ+μ– in all di-muon samples observed events: 3 expected background: 6 limit (90% CL): best limit at publication time

56 experimental strategy CDF:
Search for FCNC D0→mm SM expectation BR ~ 3∙10-13 best limit: <4.1∙ % CL, Beatrice/WA92,E771 enhanced in N.P. (R-Parity Violation Susy: ~3.5*10-6) experimental strategy CDF: events from two-track trigger using first 69 pb-1 of data to cancel acceptance effects normalize to D0→pp Result: BR(D0→mm) < 2.4*10-6 at 90% CL Take pdg value for d->pipi Comment: muon fake rate set limit (~10-6)

57 Summary Charm production is an issue at many experiments
Still a very active field on hadron colliders Important measurements form TEVARTON concerning - polarisation - D0 – mixing and CP-Violation - charmonium production process (color octet model) - charm fragmentation Fundamental inputs form HERA-measurements - charm contribution to structure functions - charmonium production and polarisation Input form HERA/TEVATRON needed for LHC - understanding detector and trigger - charmonium production important for many measurements in B-Physics program - many new inputs expected from LHCb

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