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Legislation It has made things possible for students with disabilities.

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Presentation on theme: "Legislation It has made things possible for students with disabilities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Legislation It has made things possible for students with disabilities.

2 P.A. 198/451 Michigan Act 1971 Free, appropriate education for all handicapped

3 P.A. 198/451 Birth through 25 years of age Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team (MET)

4 IDEA  Zero reject  Free appropriate public education  Birth-21 years  Nondiscriminatory evaluation

5 IDEA  IEP  LRE  Due process  Advocacy

6 IDEA  Confidentiality of records  Parental and Student Participation

7 IDEA  Reauthorization of PL94-142 ( 1975 )  Added TBI and autism  Transition services  A.T.

8 Section 504 and ADA  Civil Rights for the Handicapped  Architectural accessibility

9 Section 504 and ADA  Prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in employment, transportation and telecommunication services.

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