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ENGS4 2004 Lecture 8 ENGS 4 - Lecture 8 Technology of Cyberspace Winter 2004 Thayer School of Engineering Dartmouth College Instructor: George Cybenko,

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2 ENGS4 2004 Lecture 8 ENGS 4 - Lecture 8 Technology of Cyberspace Winter 2004 Thayer School of Engineering Dartmouth College Instructor: George Cybenko, x6-3843 Assistant: Sharon Cooper (“Shay”), x6-3546 Course webpage:

3 ENGS4 2004 Lecture 8 Today’s Class Midterm take home – Wednesday Feb 4 Assignment 2 – this weekend, due Feb 10 Examples of state-based prediction from Lecture 7 Discussion Break Mini-lecture on SPAM Probability and Markovian Prediction Project Discussion

4 ENGS4 2004 Lecture 8 State-based Prediction What are examples of state-based prediction? Weather - Astronomy - Chemistry - Biology - Physics - Medicine - Others?

5 ENGS4 2004 Lecture 8 Limitations of State-Based Prediction Chaos – Complexity - Why is society/politics so hard to predict? Randomness – The “Monty Hall” Problem A card trick

6 ENGS4 2004 Lecture 8 Markovian Systems A system generates “events” from a “sample space” S. –e 1, e 2, e 3, … –0 <= Prob(e) = probability of event e <= 1 –P(S) = 1 –“probability” is interpreted as a frequency –in a very large sequence of independent trials, {e 1, e 2, e 3, …, e N } the frequency of an event is approximately its probability (eg. Law of Large Numbers)

7 ENGS4 2004 Lecture 8 Example – Coin Tossing S = { Heads, Tails } = { H, T } Generate a sample sequence: e 1 e 2 e 3 e 4 e 5 … The number of head will approach 1/2 These are independent trials….next coin toss does not depend on the previous coin toss Prob(next toss = head given previous toss was head) = Prob(next toss = head) = 1/2

8 ENGS4 2004 Lecture 8 Independence Now we are going to roll two die – a red one and a blue one The sum of the two dice on a roll is “independent” of the previous roll but not independent of the number showing on the red die. Example: What is the probability distribution of the sum given that the red die is showing 4? What is the distribution if we have no information about the red die?

9 ENGS4 2004 Lecture 8 Coin Toss An event is two consecutive tosses of a coin So a sequence of tosses: HHTTHHTHT produces events HH, HT, TT, TH, etc Prob(event) =1/4 Prob(HH)=1/4 Prob(HH and previous event was TH)=1/2 Prob(HH and previous event was HT)=0 Prob(HH and previous two events) = Prob(HH and previous event) Prob(current event | all past events) = Prob( current event | immediately previous event) This is a “Markov Process” Probability of the current state depends only on the previous state

10 ENGS4 2004 Lecture 8 Discussion What kinds of “prediction” technology is used in your field of study? Is it technically correct or just convenient? Why is that approach used?

11 ENGS4 2004 Lecture 8 Break

12 ENGS4 2004 Lecture 8 Examples of Markovian Prediction in Cyberspace Exponential backoff in packet-based networking –Computers on a broadcast LAN typically put packets into the network without concern or knowledge of whether other computers are simultaneously putting packets out as well. –The protocol does not avoid collisions, but it can detect collisions –When a collision is detected, each computer rolls a die (in software of course) and waits that much time before attempting to retry –If another collision is detected, roll another die with longer delays (a multiple, m, of the previous delays)

13 ENGS4 2004 Lecture 8 Examples of Markovian Prediction in Cyberspace Data Compression –The system consists of a sender and a receiver –The sender sends symbols, e 1 e 2 e 3 e 4 e 5 …. –symbol at time t is e t - this is the “event” –if the next symbol being sent is completely predictable based on the previous symbols sent, then we don’t need to transmit it!! –this is the foundation for much of data compression: if Prob( next symbol | previous symbol ) = 0 or 1 the system is deterministic if Prob( next symbol | previous symbol ) = 1/2 (two symbols) then the system is maximally random and unpredictable if Prob(next symbol = 1 | previous symbol = 0 ) = 0.7 then we can guess the next symbol will be 1 when we see a 0 and we will be right 70% of the time

14 ENGS4 2004 Lecture 8 Elements of Shannon’s Information Theory 1948, Bell Labs, Claude Shannon (later at MIT) Source (A process) Receiver (A “decoder”) “Channel” 1.How much “information” is there is the source? (Source coding) 2.What is the information carrying capacity of the channel? (Channel coding)

15 ENGS4 2004 Lecture 8 Model of a Source The source produces messages consisting of sequences of symbols. The symbols come from a finite alphabet: A = { a, b,... } The symbols occur with probabilities determined by a Markov probability distribution: Prob ( s(t) = x | s(t-1) = y, s(t-2) = z,...) = Prob ( s(t) = x | s(t-1) = y) = p(x|y) Simplest case: Prob( s(t) = x | s(t-1) = y ) = p(x) Independent, identically distributed discrete random variables

16 ENGS4 2004 Lecture 8 Example Alphabet is { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} The messages are n rolls of a fair die. EG: 534261555242436 P(x|y) = P(x) = 1/6 for all symbols x. This is a uniformly random source...each symbol has equal probability of appearing in a position in a message.

17 ENGS4 2004 Lecture 8

18 ENGS4 2004 Lecture 8 Another example The messages are : S1 - “The sun will rise today.” S2 - “The sun will not rise today.” Symbols: English sentences with fewer than 10 words and using the above words. Prob(S1) = 1, Prob(S2) = 0 Completely deterministic!!!

19 ENGS4 2004 Lecture 8 Efficient binary coding A code is a mapping of symbols to 0/1 strings so that the resulting encoded messages are uniquelydecodable. EG 123456 111100101011010000 p = 1/61/61/61/61/61/6 Average bits per symbol = 3/6 x 6 = 3 Can we do better?

20 ENGS4 2004 Lecture 8 Huffman coding 1/61/61/61/61/61/6 123456 1/3 2/3 1 0000010100111011 3/6 x 4 + 2/6 x 2 = 2 2/3 < 3

21 ENGS4 2004 Lecture 8 How about the other example? S1S2 01 Average number of bits per symbol = 1. Is this the best possible? No.

22 ENGS4 2004 Lecture 8 Entropy of a source Alphabet ={ s 1, s 2, s 3,..., s n } Prob(s k ) = p k Entropy = H = -  p k log 2 (p k ) SOURCE Shannon’s Source Coding Theorem: H <= Average number of bits per symbol used by any decodable code.

23 ENGS4 2004 Lecture 8 Examples H(die example) = - 6 x 1/6 x log(1/6) H(Sun rise) = 0 log 0 + 1 log 1 = 0 How can we achieve the entropy bound? Block codes can do better than pure Huffman coding. “Universal codes”.... eg. Lempel-Ziv.

24 ENGS4 2004 Lecture 8 Project Discussion

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