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Polymer Matrix Composites (PMC). Reasons for the use of polymeric materials as matrices in composites  i. The mechanical properties of polymers are inadequate.

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1 Polymer Matrix Composites (PMC)

2 Reasons for the use of polymeric materials as matrices in composites  i. The mechanical properties of polymers are inadequate for structural purposes, hence benefits are gained by reinforcing the polymers  Processing of PMCs need not involve high pressure and high temperature  The equipment required for PMCs are much simpler

3 Disadvantages of PMC  Low maximum working temperature  High coefficient of thermal expansion- dimensional instability  Sensitivity to radiation and moisture

4 Classification of Polymer Matrices  1. Thermoset  2. Thermoplastic- crystalline & amorphous  3. Rubber

5 Thermoset  Thermoset materials are usually liquid or malleable prior to curing, and designed to be molded into their final form malleablemoldedmalleablemolded  has the property of undergoing a chemical reaction by the action of heat, catalyst, ultraviolet light, etc., to become a relatively insoluble and infusible substance.  They develop a well-bonded three-dimensional structure upon curing. Once hardened or cross-linked, they will decompose rather than melt.  A thermoset material cannot be melted and re-shaped after it is cured. melted  Thermoset materials are generally stronger than thermoplastic materials due to this 3-D network of bonds, and are also better suited to high-temperature applications up to the decomposition temperature of the material. thermoplastictemperaturethermoplastictemperature

6  Some examples of Thermosets are:  Polyester resin (used in glass-reinforced plastics/fibreglass (GRP)) Polyester resinGRP Polyester resinGRP  Epoxy resin (used as an adhesive and in fibre reinforced plastics such as glass reinforced plastic and graphite-reinforced plastic) Epoxy resin fibre reinforced plasticsgraphite-reinforced plastic Epoxy resin fibre reinforced plasticsgraphite-reinforced plastic  Polyimides used in printed circuit boards and in body parts of modern airplanes Polyimides  Vulcanized rubber Vulcanized rubber Vulcanized rubber  Phenolic


8  Polyester -polyester resins are generally copolymers of unsaturated polyesters with styrene resinsstyreneresinsstyrene -Styrene is the crosslinking monomer and curing is effected by the use of an organic peroxide initiator which generates free radicals leading to the formation of 3-D network -Are relatively inexpensive and have low viscosities, which is beneficial in many fabrication processes


10  Epoxy  is a thermosetting epoxide polymer that cures (polymerizes and crosslinks) when mixed with a catalyzing agent or "hardener". thermosettingepoxidepolymercatalyzingthermosettingepoxidepolymercatalyzing  More expensive and more viscous than polyester  Epoxies have a major advantage in that they are usually cured in two or more stages. This allows preforms to be pre-impregnated with the epoxy in a partially cured state  The pre-preg may be stores, before moulded into the final shape and then cured

11 -Generally start as linear low molecular weight polymer, curing agents such as polyamides & polyamines were used as curing agents -The mechanical properties depend on the particular resin system and the curing; generally epoxies are stiffer and stronger, but brittle than polyester -Epoxies maintain their properties to higher temperature than polyester

12 Phenolic  Produced by reacting phenol and formaldehyde, characteristics of the resin product depending on the proportions of the reactant and catalyst  Good fire resistance  An undesirable feature of phenolic resin- volatile by-product are evolved during curing; hence high pressures are often necessary in composite production

13 Polyimides  More expensive, less widely used than polyester and epoxies, but can withstand relatively high service temperature  The presence of ring structure, results in high stiffness, low CTE, and service temperature as high as 425C for several hours  Like other thermoset, polyimides are brittle where R′ and R″ are two carbon atoms of an aromatic ring.

14 Thermoplastic  is a plastic that melts to a liquid when heated and freezes to a brittle, very glassy state when cooled sufficiently. meltsbrittleglassymeltsbrittleglassy  Most thermoplastics are high molecular weight polymers whose chains associate through weak van der Waals forces (polyethylene); stronger dipole- dipole interactions and hydrogen bonding (nylon); or even stacking of aromatic rings (polystyrene). molecular weight polymerschainsvan der Waalsforcespolyethylenedipole- dipolehydrogen bondingnylonaromaticpolystyrenemolecular weight polymerschainsvan der Waalsforcespolyethylenedipole- dipolehydrogen bondingnylonaromaticpolystyrene  The bondings are easily broken by the cobined action of thermal activation and applied stress, that’s why thermoplastics flow at elevated temperature  unlike thermosetting polymers, thermoplastic can be remelted and remolded.

15  Thermoplastics can go through melting/freezing cycles repeatedly and the fact that they can be reshaped upon reheating gives them their name  Some thermoplastics normally do not crystallize: they are termed "amorphous" plastics and are useful at temperatures below the Tg. They are frequently used in applications where clarity is important. Some typical examples of amorphous thermoplastics are PMMA, PS and PC. PMMAPSPCPMMAPSPC  Generally, amorphous thermoplastics are less chemically resistant

16  Depends on the structure of the thermoplastics, some of the polymeric structure can be folded to form crystalline regions, will crystallize to a certain extent and are called "semi-crystalline" for this reason.  Typical semi-crystalline thermoplastics are PE, PP, PBT and PET.  Semi-crystalline thermoplastics are more resistant to solvents and other chemicals. If the crystallites are larger than the wavelength of light, the thermoplastic is hazy or opaque.  Why HDPE exhibits higher cystallinity than LDPE?

17  Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) is a semicrystalline polymer having 20-40% crystallinity.  It has a rigid backbones, which gives high Tg and Tm (Tg= 143C and Tm= 343C). Can be employed at temperature as high as 230C)  It is possible to blend two or more polymers to obtain a multi-phase product with enhances properties

18 Comparison of typical ranges of property values for thermoset and thermoplastics  Propertiest/sett/plastic  Young’s Modulus (GPa)1.3-6.01.0-4.8  Tensile strength(MPa)20-18040-190  Max service temp.(ºC)50-45025-230  Fracture toughness,K Ic 0.5-1.01.5-6.0 (MPa 1/2 )

19 Thermoplastics are expected to receive attention compared to thermoset due to:  Ease of processing  Can be recycled  No specific storage  Good fracture modulus

20 Rubber  Common characteristics;  Large elastic elongation (i.e. 200%)  Can be stretched and then immediately return to their original length when the load was released  Elastomers are sometimes called rubber or rubbery materials  The term elastomer is often used interchangeably with the term rubber rubber  Natural rubber is obtained from latex from Hevea Brasiliensis tree which consists of 98% poliisoprena  Synthetic rubber is commonly produced from butadiene, spt styrene-butadiene (SBR) dan nitrile- butadiene (NBR)

21  To achieve properties suitable for structural purposed, most rubbers have to be vulcanized; the long chain rubber have to be crosslinked  The crosslinking agent in vulcanization is commonly sulphur, and the stiffness and strength increases with the number of crosslinks

22 PREPREG  It is short form for pre-impregnation material  It is a semifinished product  It will be used in next processing technique to obtain a finish product  It can be produced from thermoset or thermoplastic matrix

23 Thermoplastic prepregs are getting attention due to:  Easy storage  High toughness  Fast & easy processing  Can be recycled

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