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You Cannot ReSIST Hugh Glaser Electronics & Computer Science University of Southampton DSSE, 28th February 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "You Cannot ReSIST Hugh Glaser Electronics & Computer Science University of Southampton DSSE, 28th February 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 You Cannot ReSIST Hugh Glaser Electronics & Computer Science University of Southampton DSSE, 28th February 2007

2 With Ian Millard Afraz Jaffri Benedicto Rodriguez ReSIST Partners –esp. Brian Randell

3 ReSIST EU Network of Excellence –( –Resilient Systems –15 partners across Europe Resilience Knowledge Base Resilience-Explicit Computing Dissemination

4 Semantic Web Challenge Winner 2003 CS AKTive Space –Gather data –UK People, projects, publications Research funding Top Universities –Geographical presentation AKT Project (

5 The Challenges Organisational Intelligence –Who is doing what where? –What impact are they having? Integrating resources – –Research Councils, HEFCE, HESA, RAE, EU, Institutional DBs and web sites, ePrints, citation services… Information is heterogeneous and distributed –Not under own control –Not in a common format… Presenting to users


7 Conceptual Architecture 3store AKT Referenc e AKT Referenc e data sources gatherers and mediators ontologyknowledge repository (triplestore) applications

8 So what is RDF...? Resource Description Framework W3C recommendation, comes predominantly from Semantic Web research efforts A modelling language designed to represent facts about resources in the World Wide Web Can be used to model any abstract domain, things do not have to be accessible on the web to be described in it

9 RDF: Basic components RDF graphs are formed by triples subjectpredicateobject










19 Open - SPARQL PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX owl: PREFIX akt: PREFIX akts: PREFIX wiki: PREFIX course: SELECT * WHERE { ?paper akt:has-title ?title. ?paper akt:has-author ?person. ?paper ?abstract } LIMIT 10


21 At the Centre

22 Important Components 3store and CRS Open source semantic store Scalable –ReSIST - 50 million facts –Garlik - 1,000,000,000s Uses lack of predefined schema Cluster Distributed queries next –Across external stores

23 Triplestore Evaluation

24 Consistent Reference Service (CRS) –Where is the Semantic Web here? Technologies used Who is “Jongho Nang”? Which paper is “MPEG 비디오 스트림에 대한 MC-DCT 영역에서의 자막 처리 방법 ”?




28 Problems –Finding co-referents NLP, Statistical, Structural –Making the knowledge available Exposing a DB? (Semantic) Web services Home page (FOAF file)? Identify co-referents –Against different policies - fit for purpose Are false positives acceptable? Distributed and federated (compare OAI-PMH) Not a Naming Authority

29 Query by URI: – Response from CRS: <ns1:Bundle rdf:about= ""> 20061126 Need to compute fixed point across CRSes But “canon” can be used Maintained according to need –Automatic –By Hand

30 Real Semantic Web The RKB Explorer –Accessing live RDF Current ECS? –Query over multiple SPARQL endpoints Triplestore per major resource External triplestores –Universities –Funding agencies (CORDIS, NSF, etc) CRS –Different sources because of different curation –Different types: convenience, good engineering –Different policies: application needs, trust At last the Ontology is of some use.

31 Future for ReSIST Extend the use of Semantics Resilient-Explicit Computing –Model expert knowledge –Model processes –Model components Support Engineer/Scientist –Move effectively between System design Knowledge Base People –To choose cost, characteristics, etc Support Run-Time Deployment –Dynamic Reconfiguration

32 Grid E-Scientists Entire E-Science Cycle Encompassing experimentation, analysis, publication, research, learning Institutional Archive Local Web Publisher Holdings Digital Library E-Scientists Graduate Students Undergraduate Students Virtual Learning Environment E-Experimentation E-Scientists Technical Reports Reprints Peer- Reviewed Journal & Conference Papers Preprints & Metadata Certified Experimental Results & Analyses Data, Metadata & Ontologies In the Wild


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