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Revision IACT 418 IACT 918 Corporate Network Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "Revision IACT 418 IACT 918 Corporate Network Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revision IACT 418 IACT 918 Corporate Network Planning

2 Exam Format Ten short answer questions worth three marks each Name, identify, list etc Describe, discuss, define, compare Why, what Identify and describe About one paragraph maximum

3 Exam Format Two essay style (long answer questions) Must answer question Must have an introduction, body and conclusion Should have a logical flow Referencing NOT required About two pages long (500-700 words)

4 Lecture Overviews Documenting the Existing Network - Starting Points Why we need to manage networks Design Requirements capture and specification Documenting the network configuration

5 Lecture Overviews Influences on the Network Strategic Planning – Crouch Internal vs External Balance – pay equal attention

6 Lecture Overviews Ethics, Accountability & Regulation Codes of conduct Problems with ethical codes Privacy, Security, Responsibilities No simple solutions

7 Lecture Overviews Customer Care & Fault Management Customer needs Customer service gaps  Zeithaml, without good internal communications and good management practices your customers will be unhappy no matter how good your product

8 Customer service gaps Company Customer Source: Zeithaml (1996) Expected service Perceived service Service delivery Customer-driven service designs and standards Company perceptions of Customer expectations External communications to customers

9 Lecture Overviews Performance Measurement and Management Indicators  Availability, response time, throughput, utilisation, transmission volumes, errors etc Performance Management Procedure - four steps  Determining and quantifying current workload  Projecting future workload  Developing the network capacity plan  Implementation

10 Lecture Overviews Network Capacity Planning The Importance of Planning  The objective of network designers is to minimise the cost of installing and maintaining the network  These problems are complicated by the need to consider many factors  To simplify the problem of solving these models several assumptions are used – question whether these assumptions are still valid today Developing the Network Capacity Plan  develop the network capacity plan in three steps 1. facilities 2. equipment and 3. Evaluation

11 Lecture Overviews Management Architecture and Standards Network Management Software Architecture SNMP  History  Limitations  Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) The SNMP Network Management Architecture  The model used for network management of TCP/IP includes the key elements: Management station Management agent Management Information Base Network management protocol

12 Lecture Overviews Management Architecture and Standards SNMPv2  Security  Coexistence

13 Lecture Overviews Change Management Three Basic Definitions  The task of managing change The change problem  An area of professional practice  A body of knowledge Four basic Strategies Rational -Empirical People are rational and follow self interest change based on communication of information and offering incentives Normative -Re-educative People are social beings and follow social norms change based on redefining and reinterpreting existing norms, & developing commitment to new norms Power -Coercive People are mostly compliant, do as they’re told change based on the exercise of authority and the imposition of sanctions Environmental -Adaptive People oppose loss/disruption but adapt readily change based on building a new organisation and gradually transferring people to the new one

14 Lecture Overviews Human Resources Finding and keeping the right people  Environment  Development Personnel skills Staff Selection Management Responsibilities Group phases  Operations, utility, resource Business within a business Functions and responsibilities

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