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Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure Welcome to the 2006 YorkInfo Partnership Annual General Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure Welcome to the 2006 YorkInfo Partnership Annual General Meeting."— Presentation transcript:


2 Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure Welcome to the 2006 YorkInfo Partnership Annual General Meeting

3 Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure Welcome Welcome and Appreciation Participation Mystery Prize – ballots given for  Attending the meeting  Volunteering to be session scribe or presenter  Great Ideas  Be generous

4 Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure Agenda 8:00 – 8:30 8:30 – 8:45 8:45 – 9:45 9:45 – 10:00 10:00 – 11:00 11:00 – 12:00 12:30 – 1:00 1:00 – 2:45 2:45 – 3:00 Continental Breakfast Welcome and Setting the Stage Where Are We Now (Presentations) Break Where Do We Want to Be in 2009? (Break-out Session) How Do We Get There (Break-out Session) Working Lunch Developing the Action Plan for the Partnership (Group Session) Next Steps and Review of Action Items

5 Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure Partnership Vision Our communities will be enriched through the provision of a coordinated geospatial information infrastructure

6 Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure Partnership Mission The Partnership will develop a geospatial information infrastructure enabling efficient integration and access to mapping technologies and information.

7 Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure Strategic Goals Create a geospatial framework to facilitate sharing of accurate, current, relevant geographic information Efficient creation and maintenance of spatial data Create efficiencies and economies of scale related to the development and acquisition of tools, licences and training Create opportunities for joint initiatives Present a strong, unified voice in the geomatics sector at provincial and federal levels Provide coordinated GIS emergency management planning and support

8 Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure Today’s Goal Why a multi-year plan? Approach to developing the plan Objectives What we hope to accomplish Where are we now

9 Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure

10 “Rules” of the Road Collect as many ideas as possible with no criticisms or judgments made while ideas are being generated. All ideas are welcome no matter how silly or far out they seem. Be creative. Every person and every idea has equal worth Don’t focus on detail. Keep ideas at a high level. Build on others' ideas. Reverse the thought of 'quality over quantity.' Here we want quantity; the more creative ideas the better. Write all ideas on a flipchart so the whole group can easily see them. Respect timeframes.

11 Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure Where Do We Want to Be in 2009? – Break-out Session Mercury and Jupiter Technology Infrastructure/Hardware GIS/Applications Managed Information Partnerships Neptune and Saturn Business Solutions Products/Training/ Technology Transfer Policies Partnerships 1.Each group to needs a scribe and a presenter. 2.In each of the assigned goal brainstorm on ideas on where your group wants the Partnership to be in 2009 in relation to the areas/categories. (40 minutes) 3.Report back to the larger group. (20 minutes)

12 Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure How Do We Get There – Break-out Session 1.From the group list choose one priority item from each of the assigned four categories. 2.Identify what actions/activities the Partnership needs to undertake to get there. 3.Identify any gaps to be addressed or barriers to overcome. 4.If time permits, go back and do another. 5.Report back to the larger group.

13 Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure Developing the Action Plan Each organization to put labels on the 1 – 5 priorities. Identify the priorities based on numbers. Define the priority activities and outcomes (mini scope) Go through each one and look at timeframes (2007, 2008, or 2009) Who would like to participate in scoping of the items, define roles, participants and develop high- level actions plan.

14 Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure Comments from the Participants

15 Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure Next Steps and Review of Action Items Meeting outcomes will be recorded and distributed Meetings will be scheduled to further scope activities Annual work plan will be finalized Report back at September Coordinating Committee and Information Management & Technology Committee

16 Enriched Communities through Coordinated Geospatial Infrastructure And the Winner is…

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