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11-May-04 Qianyi Zhang School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham (Supervisor: Dr Georgios Theodoropoulos) A Distributed Colouring Algorithm.

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Presentation on theme: "11-May-04 Qianyi Zhang School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham (Supervisor: Dr Georgios Theodoropoulos) A Distributed Colouring Algorithm."— Presentation transcript:

1 11-May-04 Qianyi Zhang School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham (Supervisor: Dr Georgios Theodoropoulos) A Distributed Colouring Algorithm for Control Hazards in Asynchronous Pipelines

2 11-May-04 Outline Asynchronous Hardware Handling the Control Hazards Problem –In a pipeline architecture –In asynchronous hardware –In a multistage asynchronous pipeline A Generic Distributed Colouring Solution –Multi-colour vector –Function of each pipeline stage and arbitrate unit –A Constructive Proof Some Results Summary

3 11-May-04 The Problem of Synchronisation Digital system: –a collection of subsystems performing different computations and communicating to exchange information. –Before a communication transaction the subsystems need to synchronise: wait for a common control state to be reached which guarantees the validity of data exchanged. Synchronous: Global clock defines the points in time when communication can take place (Time Driven) Problems: –Clock Skew –Power Skew –Modularity –Performance SenderReceiver

4 11-May-04 Asynchronous Logic An alternative digital design philosophy: –It allows each sub-system to operates at its own rate and communicates with its peers only when it needs to exchange information. –The synchronisation is achieved by the communication protocol: local request and acknowledge signals which provide information regarding the validity of data signals. 2-phase Handshake protocol Sutherland’s micropipeline

5 11-May-04 Asynchronous Logic Asynchronous design techniques have been explored since1950s but failed to become mainstream: difficulty to enforce specific orderings of operations and to deal with circuit hazards and dynamic states Last decade has witnessed a resurgence of interest in Asynchronous Logic –Solution to clock skew problem : No clock = no skew! –Potential for low power: Circuit components activated only when necessary –potential for higher performance: lower power allows increased supply voltages; average case optimisation –Potential for better technology migration: Modularity –Better EMC: generate low, uncorrelated Electro-Magnetic Interference However, it’s also bring new problems: –may result in a larger circuits: REQ & ACK signals –More difficult to design and understand their behaviour

6 11-May-04 Handling Control Hazards The Control hazards problem in a pipelined architecture –Control hazards arise when an instruction such as a branch a jump, or the occurrence of an unpredictable event such as an exception, changes the flow of control. –In a pipeline architecture: the prefetched instructions following a hazard must be removed from the pipeline before the new stream comes. –The processor must be able to distinguish between instructions originating from the branch or the exception target and instructions already prefetched Ins Mem Register Bank ALU Data Mem IF ID EX MEM WB SUB $2, $1, $3 AND $3, $2, $4 OR $4, $1, $2 JR $25 SW $15, 100($2)

7 11-May-04 Handling Control Hazards Control hazards in Synchronous vs Asynchronous Hardware –Synchronous: the depth of prefetching is defined by the clock cycles and is therefore deterministic. –Asynchronous: the exact number of the prefetched instructions is nondeterministic and therefore unpredictable: the depth of the prefetching depends on the precise point that the branch or the exception takes place. SUB $2, $1, $3 AND $3, $2, $4 OR $4, $1, $2 JR $25 SW $15, 100($2) Ins Mem Register Bank ALU Data Mem SUB $2, $1, $3 Need a new strategy !

8 11-May-04 Technique devised for AMULET1 processor (Manchester) When a control hazard occurs the colour of the processor changes Each instruction address issued to memory, carries the latest operating colour of the processor which will be used to mark the corresponding fetched instruction. The colour bit of an instruction which arrives at the datapath for execution, is compared with the current colour of the processor and if a match is not found, the instruction is discarded. Using “Colour” … AND $3, $2, $4 OR $4, $1, $2 JR $25 0 1 0 New stream

9 11-May-04 Control Hazard in Multiple Stages One colour bit is not enough –How many colours we need? –How to arbitrate if more than one stages send requests simultaneously Two basic observations –The state of the system is distributed –Stages that are deeper in the pipeline have higher priority than stages before them: a control transfer event that occurs at a pipeline renders other events that may occur in pipeline stages earlier in the pipeline irrelevant and invalid, event if the latter precede the former in time.

10 11-May-04 A Generic Distributed Technique A colour vector with priorities: –One colour bit per stage –A vector C = (c 1, c 2, c 3, …,c n,) in the set C n, where C is the set of colours C = {0,1}, n is the number of stages in the pipeline and c i is the colour of the stage i. Priority of c i > Priority of c j, i>j Two arbitrations are made –An Address Arbitration Unit (AAU) : reject the invalid control hazard request –Each Stage: discard the prefetched instructions following the hazard S1S2S3S4

11 11-May-04 The Address Arbitration Unit –Operates as an autonomous unit issuing to memory instruction addresses as they arrive from the Program Counter (normal operation) or from the pipeline stages (in the case a control hazard occurs). –Keeps a record of the colour state of the processor (vector c) –If a new transfer address arrives from stage S k : If any higher priority colour bit (c j where j>k) in the address is different than the corresponding colour bit of the AAU, rejects the address Otherwise lets it through and updates own copy of vector c A Generic Distributed Technique

12 11-May-04 A Generic Distributed Technique Each stage S k in the pipeline –Keeps a record of the colour state of the processor (vector c) which it reads from the instructions as they get through –For each new instruction that arrives: If any higher priority colour bit (c j where j>k) in the instruction is different than the corresponding colour bit of the stage: lets instruction through and updates own copy of vector c Otherwise: –If own colour bit different rejects instruction –Otherwise executes instruction S1S2S3S4

13 11-May-04 0000 AAU 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 (1) 00000100 * * A Constructive Proof 0000 0000 0000 0100 0100 0000 0000

14 11-May-04 00000100 AAU (1) * * A Constructive Proof 0000 0000 0000 0100 0100 0000 0000

15 11-May-04 0000 AAU 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0100 0000 0000 00010100 (2) ** 0100 * * A Constructive Proof 0000 0000 0000 0100 0100 0001 0001 0001

16 11-May-04 0001 AAU 00010100 ** 0000 0000 0000 0100 0100 0001 0001 * * 0000 0100 (2) A Constructive Proof

17 11-May-04 0001 AAU 00010100 ** 0000 0000 0000 0100 0100 0001 0001 * * 0100 0001 (2) A Constructive Proof

18 11-May-04 0000 AAU 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0100 (2) 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0001 00000001 * * * * A Constructive Proof

19 11-May-04 0001 AAU 00010100 (2) 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0001 0001 ** * * A Constructive Proof

20 11-May-04 An Integrated Framework for Formal Verification and Distributed Simulation of Asynchronous Hardware EPSRC Project No. GR/S11091/01 & GR/S11084/01 £380,000+ - for 3 years starting April 2003 Objectives: –Exploit compositionality of designs to enable automatic support for refinement checking, equivalence checking and deadlock detection. –Investigate applicability of data independence as a means to automate datapath abstraction and verification of parameterised component descriptions. –Investigate applicability of semi-formal techniques in the context of asynchronous hardware. –Develop algorithms and techniques for partitioning, load balancing, synchronisation and monitoring to support the distributed simulation. –Develop a prototype CSP-oriented integrated environment for the specification, distributed simulation and formal verification of asynchronous VLSI systems. –Develop test cases and conduct experiments to test and evaluate our approach.

21 11-May-04 Evaluation –Synthesisable asynchronous implementation of MIPS R3000 processor core –Compatible Instruction Set with R3000 –5-stage pipeline datapath –With precise exceptions Balsa: –a synthesis tool for Asynchronous Hardware, developed by AMULET group –A asynchronous hardware description language based on CSP –A discrete event simulator on RTL level –A compiler for gate level netlist

22 11-May-04 The Balsa model of S1 The Balsa model of AAU Evaluation Cost Estimation of Stages Cost comparison with SAMIPS

23 11-May-04 Summary and Future Work A distributed colouring algorithm for dealing with control hazards in asynchronous pipeline The main advantages: –It provides flexibility in designing the pipeline of the processor, enabling perfeching at any depth –Low extra cost introduced in terms of silicon area This approach has just been integrated to SAMIPS and proved correct in functionality. We will evaluate the performance of this approach and the overhead it imposes in terms of time and power

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