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Chemistry 1010 Air. Did We Go To The Moon Or Not? We Never Went To The Moon -Book by Bill Kaysing.

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Presentation on theme: "Chemistry 1010 Air. Did We Go To The Moon Or Not? We Never Went To The Moon -Book by Bill Kaysing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemistry 1010 Air

2 Did We Go To The Moon Or Not? We Never Went To The Moon -Book by Bill Kaysing

3 Nerve Agents Sarin From Yahoo Images

4 Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases Gases molecules are moving in strait lines, randomly, and with various speeds Higher the temperature, the faster the gas particles move The gas molecules collide with each other without loosing any kinetic energy – like billiard balls Gas molecules take up very little space in their containers Gas molecules have no attraction between themselves The collisions against the sides of the container create pressure

5 How Fast Do Gas Molecules Move? 1 meter per second equals 2.2 miles per hour

6 Now Wait a Minute – This doesn’t make sense!!!! From Yahoo Images

7 Pheromones Page 322

8 What is air pressure? It is the combined force that gas molecules exert against the side of a container

9 Measuring Air Pressure barometer

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