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UFCEKT-20-33D Modelling and Animation 3D Modelling & Animation Lighting.

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Presentation on theme: "UFCEKT-20-33D Modelling and Animation 3D Modelling & Animation Lighting."— Presentation transcript:

1 UFCEKT-20-33D Modelling and Animation 3D Modelling & Animation Lighting

2 UFCEKT-20-33D Modelling and Animation Agenda The Importance of Light in Modelling Light Types in Maya Lighting Characteristics Adjustments and Controls Placing and Set-ups

3 UFCEKT-20-33D Modelling and Animation The Importance of Lighting Shapes the world we see Initiates the perception of colour Allows us to distinguish shape and form Use light in Maya to ‘visually model’ the scene Lighting plays an essential part in the perceived quality of a surface material and texture Probably the hardest part of the modelling process

4 UFCEKT-20-33D Modelling and Animation Maya Light Types Ambient Point Area Volume Spot Once created a light can be changed easily to another type

5 UFCEKT-20-33D Modelling and Animation Light Types in Maya Spot light. Emits light from a point within a limited cone angle that can be positioned. Spot lights feature the most attributes of all Maya light types Directional light. Parallel rays of light emitted from a cylindrical source, illuminates a scene similar to direct sunlight

6 UFCEKT-20-33D Modelling and Animation Light Types in Maya Point light. Emits light equally in all directions from a single point. Has a lighting characteristic similar to a light bulb. Area light - Emits light using a two-dimensional area - larger area gives more intensity.

7 UFCEKT-20-33D Modelling and Animation Light Types in Maya Ambient light. Raises the overall light in the scene by increasing the brightness of all objects Volume light. Casts light within the boundaries of a specified volume.

8 UFCEKT-20-33D Modelling and Animation Spot Lights

9 UFCEKT-20-33D Modelling and Animation Spot Light Attributes Intensity - how much light emitted from the source light Decay - how much light diminishes away from the source light (fall -off) Cone Angle - width of the lights cone of influence - area outside cone not illuminated Penumbra Angle - fall off at edge of cone angle - more gives a softer edge to the light cone Drop-off - how much the light diminishes at the outer edges Colour - set an RGB colour for the light - affects colour of scene

10 UFCEKT-20-33D Modelling and Animation Inverse Square Law d1 d2 Inverse Square Law - Doubling the distance between light source and subject requires four times the light to retain the same illumination level

11 UFCEKT-20-33D Modelling and Animation Light Effects Barn Doors Gobos Slide Projector

12 UFCEKT-20-33D Modelling and Animation Lighting Setups: Placement OverheadSpot Overhead + side Side + fill

13 UFCEKT-20-33D Modelling and Animation Lighting Setups: Soft Lighting Single light hard edges Two lights soft edges Single light soft edges Many lights soft edges

14 UFCEKT-20-33D Modelling and Animation Maya Lighting Colour Model Maya follows colour model based on additive synthesis Red Green Blue All lights = White Two lights combined = complementary colour No lights = Black

15 UFCEKT-20-33D Modelling and Animation The Colour Wheel

16 UFCEKT-20-33D Modelling and Animation Colour Models: RGB & CMYK

17 UFCEKT-20-33D Modelling and Animation Additive Synthesis

18 UFCEKT-20-33D Modelling and Animation Additive Synthesis

19 UFCEKT-20-33D Modelling and Animation Positioning Lights and Viewing Maya lights can be positioned by looking through the selected light Changes in the selected lights attributes may be viewed dynamically by via the Interactive Photorealistic Renderer (IPR) window

20 UFCEKT-20-33D Modelling and Animation Maya Lighting Summary Lighting plays an essential part in the perceived quality of surfaces Spotlights have the most control of all Maya light types use others to fill and model the surfaces as required - also convey mood Probably the hardest part of the modelling process to get right

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