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DNA: Promises and Problems I.What is DNA? An analogy II. Common DNA technologies A.DNA profiling B.Genetic Engineering C.Reprogenetics D.Stem Cell Research.

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Presentation on theme: "DNA: Promises and Problems I.What is DNA? An analogy II. Common DNA technologies A.DNA profiling B.Genetic Engineering C.Reprogenetics D.Stem Cell Research."— Presentation transcript:


2 DNA: Promises and Problems I.What is DNA? An analogy II. Common DNA technologies A.DNA profiling B.Genetic Engineering C.Reprogenetics D.Stem Cell Research E.Cloning III. Brave New World?

3 DNA is like a cookbook Genes are like recipes for proteins Codons are like the words in the recipes ATCG are like the letters of the words I. What is DNA? An Analogy Amino Acids are like the ingredients Ribosomes are like the ovens RNA is like the cook Proteins are like the cookies

4 Questions In the DNA analogy, what are the words? A. Codons B. ATCG C. Amino acids D. Genes In the DNA analogy, what are the recipes? A. Codons B. ATCG C. Amino acids D. Genes

5 II. Common DNA technologies A. DNA profiling B. Genetic Engineering C. Reprogenetics D. Stem Cell Research E. Cloning

6 A. DNA profiling

7 Connections Three domains Genetic homology implies biological relationship which implies common ancestry.

8 Genome Comparisons Bonobo Chimp 98.7% homology 6 to 8 mya

9 Human origins and connections The human family Human origins 99.9% homology The Genographic Project

10 DNA Databases CODIS

11 Questions Based on DNA profiling and other DNA comparisons, how genetically similar are humans and chimpanzees? a. 10.3%b. 50.9%c. 98.7%d. 99.9% Based on DNA profiling and other DNA comparisons, how genetically similar are all humans? a. 10.3%b. 50.9%c. 98.7%d. 99.9% What is the goal of the Genographic Project? a.To determine how many genes humans have b.To determine where humans originated c.To determine how closely related we are to other animals d.To determine the paths taken by humans from out of Africa

12 B. Genetic engineering

13 transgenic organisms How can we do this?

14 Animals that glow!!!! GFP

15 Axolotl A germline GFP transgenic axolotl Paedomorphosis


17 agriculture

18 The Holy Grail of GM Crops Legumes Rhizobium: root bacterium nitrogenase N2N2 High in protein Protein and nitrogen Nitrogen fixation 78% of air Nitrogen fertilizer

19 medicine zygote egg sperm Germ line therapy 1. Gene therapy 2. Pharmacogenetics SCID What about other genes?

20 Questions Why did researchers insert a jellyfish gene into a monkey? a.Monkeys that glow make really cool pets b.Just to see if they could do it c.So they could study the activity of the gene of interest d.To find out if jellyfish and monkeys were related Which of the following is NOT a use for transgenic species? a.Producing important human proteins b.Growing human organs c.Producing animals that produce better animal products d.Determining the function of human genes e.All of these are uses of transgenic species

21 Genetic testing for diseases

22 C. Reprogenetics In vitro fertilization (IVF) Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)

23 C. Reprogenetics PGD Cystic fibrosis Hemophilia Sickle cell trait Tay Sachs (preimplantation genetic diagnosis) IVF (in vitro fertilization) Sex determination At risk diseases Eugenics?

24 D. Stem Cell Research Ethics? Totipotent and pluripotent

25 E. Cloning Therapeutic versus Reproductive cloning

26 F. Brave New World?

27 Unsubmissive Plant by Remedios Varo The end

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