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Denz & Alulu Aesthetics. Paintings in Industrial Revolution: mass production took over so many aspects of our daily life.

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Presentation on theme: "Denz & Alulu Aesthetics. Paintings in Industrial Revolution: mass production took over so many aspects of our daily life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Denz & Alulu Aesthetics

2 Paintings in Industrial Revolution: mass production took over so many aspects of our daily life.


4 Victorian Arts* Art should serve a moral purpose by representing and reinforcing social values.

5 Victorian Arts* Art should serve a moral purpose by representing and reinforcing social values.

6 Aesthetic Movement the self-determined value of art to create and celebrate art solely for the pleasure The mixture of visual qualities of one piece *confusion is its attraction everyone has the equal right to enjoy the pleasure of art and has the opportunity to decide his personal taste

7 Aesthetic Movement : Confusion is its Attraction To borrow foreign images and styles regardless of their historical or geographical background

8 Aesthetic Movement : Confusion is its Attraction

9 William Morris Strawberry Thief Chintz * Confusion creates a pleasurable visual stimulus * The Japanese influence became the strongest and best known, a cult for Japan at that time emerged accordingly.

10 William Morris * March 24, 1834 – October 3, 1896 If I were asked to say what is at once the most important production of Art and the thing most to be longed for; I should answer; A beautiful House. *the importance of beauty in everyday life.

11 - Art for Art’s Sake Oscar Wilde The only excuse for making a useless thing is that one admires it intensely. [ All art is useless. ]

12 。 美學自始至終 pursue pleasure in the senses Postmodern Aesthetics* 只注重藝術品是否對感官造 成衝擊力,不注重藝術品背 後複雜的理論性概念。

13 Image seeks to explain itself – Koyaanisqatsi: Life Out of Balance



16 Theory from Lyotard The attempt to free/decolonize the unconscious from the conscious

17 Depends on whether one feels a “pleasure in beauty” 美與醜的標準如何評斷?

18 Kantian pleasure in beauty – disinterested, demands a universal validity.

19 一種評斷美醜的方法: 專制地為美學擬定 一階級制度, follow the Kantian theory which regards “beauty” as a property of things, not an abstract characteristic.

20 Aesthetics Now : the sublime is to combine beauty with ugliness, to find pleasure in the unpresentable. (South Park)


22 美學在台灣 高科技美學將 3C 產品美化為裝飾品


24 喂 ? 我是黑金剛啦 :p

25 美學在台灣 像維多利亞時期重室內設計




29 美學在台灣 食品 – 吃完馬上就要丟的 也要精心設計包裝


31 Countless meticulous designs are only directing to products of one single practical use. □□ □ □

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