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Improving Communication: How to Send Messages  Style- How a person verbalizes his/her message to others  Closed Style- Communications are definite and.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Communication: How to Send Messages  Style- How a person verbalizes his/her message to others  Closed Style- Communications are definite and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Communication: How to Send Messages  Style- How a person verbalizes his/her message to others  Closed Style- Communications are definite and discourage open discussion  Open Style- Communications are flexible and encourage open discussion  Three Types of Closed Communication Dogmatic (Rigid & Absolute) “I” Statements Commando (Forcing & Pressuring) Being Tentative & Flexible Grandiose (Exaggerated & All Inclusive) Use Qualifiers & Tentative Phrases

2 Becoming an Effective Communicator  Be Direct & Straightforward (BE HONEST)  “We cannot hear what the other is not saying” (Buscaglia, 1992, p. 152).  Decrease the use of Metamessages  Clarity  Be specific perhaps using behavioral terms  Immediacy  Timing can make a significant difference  Supportiveness  Actively promote understanding for both you and the listener  Efficiency  Eliminate Filler Words

3 Paralanguage and Body Language  Paralanguage- aspect of language communication involving vocal changes and variations in the human voice including: Rhythm, Inflection & Pitch, Volume, Speed, and Articulation.  Effects of Paralanguage  Sensitive vs Insensitive, Hurtful vs Caring, Condescending vs Equal  Body Language- the nonverbal aspect of communication  Up to 55% of message  Three Areas of Body Language  Body Movements  Gestures  Body Position

4 Paralanguage and Body Language  Spatial Relationships (Four Distinct Zones  Intimate (touching to 18 inches)  Personal (18 inches to 4 feet apart)  Social (4 feet to 12 feet apart)  Public (12 feet or more apart  Presentation of Self- the attempt to present ourselves to others so they will see us as we wish to be seen.  Kinesics- the science of body language

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