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Stochastic Processes Dr. Talal Skaik Chapter 10 1 Probability and Stochastic Processes A friendly introduction for electrical and computer engineers Electrical.

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Presentation on theme: "Stochastic Processes Dr. Talal Skaik Chapter 10 1 Probability and Stochastic Processes A friendly introduction for electrical and computer engineers Electrical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stochastic Processes Dr. Talal Skaik Chapter 10 1 Probability and Stochastic Processes A friendly introduction for electrical and computer engineers Electrical Engineering department Islamic University of Gaza December 2011

2 The word stochastic means random. The word process in this context means function of time. 2

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4 Example: where is a uniformly distributed random variable in represents a stochastic process. 4

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6 Ensemble average: With t fixed at t=t 0, X(t 0 ) is a random variable, we have the averages ( expected value and variance) as we studied earlier. Time average: applies to a specific sample function x(t, s 0 ), and produces a typical number for this sample function. 6

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14 14 For a specific t, X(t) is a random variable with distribution:

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20 When Cov[X,Y] is applied to two random variables that are observations of X(t) taken at two different times, t 1 and t 2 =t 1 + τ seconds:  The covariance indicates how much the process is likely to change in the τ seconds elapsed between t 1 and t 2.  A high covariance indicates that the sample function is unlikely to change much in the τ -second interval.  A covariance near zero suggests rapid change. Autocovariance 20

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23  Recall in a stochastic process X(t), there is a random variable X(t 1 ) at every time t 1 with PDF f X(t1) (x).  For most random processes, the PDF f X(t1) (x) depends on t 1.  For a special class of random processes know as stationary processes, f X(t1) (x) does not depend on t 1.  Therefore: the statistical properties of the stationary process do not change with time (time-invariant). 23

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