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Symposium on Knowledge Environments for Science: HENP Collaboration & Internet2 Douglas Van Houweling President & CEO, Internet2/UCAID November 26, 2002
November 2002 Slide 2 Overview High Energy Physics Computing Challenges Internet2 Infrastructure Issues Observations
November 2002 Slide 3 HENP Computing Challenges Geographical dispersion of people and resources Complexity of the detector and the LHC environment Scale: Tens of Petabytes per year of data Major challenges associated with: Communication and collaboration at a distance Managing globally distributed computing & data resources Cooperative software development and physics analysis 5000+ Physicists 250+ Institutes 60+ Countries
November 2002 Slide 4 Data Grids Data Grids- New Forms of Distributed Systems Four LHC Experiments ATLAS, CMS, ALICE, LHCB Data Stored: ~40+ Petabytes/year CPU: 0.30+ PetaFlOPS/year LHC Experiments producing Exabytes (1 EB = 10 18 Bytes) 0.1 EB in 2007 1.0 EB by 2012
November 2002 Slide 5 LHC Data Grid Hierarchy Tier 1 Tier2 Center Online System CERN 700k SI95 ~1 PB Disk; Tape Robot FNAL: 200k SI95; 600 TB IN2P3 Center INFN Center RAL Center Institute Institute ~0.25TIPS Workstations ~100-1500 MBytes/sec 2.5 Gbps 0.1–10 Gbps Physicists work on analysis “channels” Each institute has ~10 physicists working on one or more channels Physics data cache ~2.5 Gbps Tier2 Center ~2.5 Gbps Tier 0 +1 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier2 Center Tier 2 ~PByte/sec Experiment CERN/Outside Resource Ratio ~1:2 Tier0/( Tier1)/( Tier2) ~1:1:1
November 2002 Slide 6 TransAtlantic BW Reqs Transatlantic Net WG (HN, L. Price), Installed BW. Maximum Link Occupancy 50% Assumed See
November 2002 Slide 7 Emerging DataGrid Community Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) ATLAS, CMS, LIGO, SDSS Access Grid; VRVS: supporting group-based collaboration And Others presented at this symposium
November 2002 Slide 8 Current Grid Challenges Stable High Performance Network Platform Standard Core Middleware Secure Workflow Management and Optimization Maintaining a Global View of Resources and System State Workflow: Strategic Balance of Policy Versus Moment-to-moment Capability to Complete Tasks Handling User-Grid Interactions: Guidelines; Agents Building Higher Level Services, and an Integrated Scalable User Environment for the Above
November 2002 Slide 9 DataTAG Project EU-Solicited Project. CERN, PPARC (UK), Amsterdam (NL), and INFN (IT); and US (DOE/NSF: UIC, NWU and Caltech) partners Main Aims: Ensure maximum interoperability between US and EU Grid Projects Transatlantic Testbed for advanced network research 2.5 Gbps Wavelength Triangle from 7/02; to 10 Gbps Triangle by Early 2003 NL SURFnet GENEVA UK SuperJANET4 ABILEN E ESNET CALRE N2 It GARR-B GEANT NewYork Fr INRIA STAR-TAP STARLIGHT Wave Triangle 2.5 G 10G Atriu m VTHD
November 2002 Slide 10 Infrastructure Issues Network performance & stability Abilene -> 10 gig wavelength End-to-end performance National Light Rail Middleware NSF Middleware Initiative Core middleware – Shibboleth, etc. Application requirements Multicast, IPv6
November 2002 Slide 11 National Light Rail Footprint PIT POR FRE RAL WAL NAS PHO OLG ATL CHI CLE KAN OGD SAC BOS NYC WDC STR DAL DEN LAX SVL SEA SDG 15808 Terminal, Regen or OADM site Fiber route NLR Buildout Starts in 2003 Initially 4 10 Gb Wavelengths To 40 10Gb Waves in Future NREN Backbones reached 2.5-10 Gbps in 2002 in Europe, Japan and US; US: Transition now to optical, dark fiber, multi-wavelength R&E network
November 2002 Slide 12 Some thoughts… Technology is rapidly progressing We can move more bits, faster and over many types of media Many changes in scientific practice are emerging Difference between data collectors and analyzers Synchronization of many instruments Combination of simulation and observation Shifting focus from instruments to datasets And many more…
November 2002 Slide 13 HENP Working Group High Energy and Nuclear Physics Working Group Formed working group in late 2001 Needed additional focus on network intensive aspects of their research Currently over 80 individuals participating
November 2002 Slide 14 HENP- Experiment Example Large Hadron Collider (2006) Largest superconductor installation in the world Generating multiple petabytes of data per year, gigabytes per second One in a trillion events might lead to a major physics discovery
November 2002 Slide 15 HENP- Applications Remote Collaboration, VRVS Distributed Data Storage Distributed Computation and Databases Dynamic Visualizations
November 2002 Slide 16 NEESGrid Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation A “Grid” Project Consists of 10 initial sites across the U.S. addressing the needs of structural, geo- technical and tsunami researchers
November 2002 Slide 17 NEESGrid- Applications Video as Data Collaboration Remote Instrumentaiton Distributed Data storage Final goal- simultaneous physical and computational experiments
November 2002 Slide 18 eVLBI (Astronomy) Electronic Very Long Baseline Interferometry Astronomers combine data from multiple antennas to create a single image that is more accurate than any single antenna could create Requires coordination of multiple physical resources as well as advanced network services
November 2002 Slide 19 eVLBI- Experiment Example Astronomers collect data about a star from many different earth based antennae and send the data to a specialized computer for analysis on a 24x7 basis VLBI is not as concerned with data loss as they are with long term stability (unlike physics) The end goal is to send data at 1Gb/s from over 20 antennae that are located around the globe.
November 2002 Slide 20 eVLBI- Applications Advanced network protocol development Cooperation and participation across international networks Remote instrumentation Real time data analysis allows for flexibility and agility in response to transient astronomical events
November 2002 Slide 21
November 2002 Slide 22
November 2002 Slide 23 Building Global Grids Implications for Society Meeting the challenges of Petabyte-to-Exabyte Grids, and Gigabit-to-Terabit Networks, will transform research in science and engineering These developments could create the first truly global virtual organizations (GVO) If these developments are successful, and deployed widely as standards, this could lead to profound advances in industry, commerce and society at large By changing the relationship between people and “persistent” information in their daily lives Within the next five to ten years Realizing the benefits of these developments for society, and creating a sustainable cycle of innovation compels us TO CLOSE the DIGITAL DIVIDE
November 2002 Slide 24 Closing the Digital Divide What HENP and the World Community Can Do Spread the message: ICFA SCIC, IEEAF et al. can help Help identify and highlight specific needs (to Work On) Policy problems; Last Mile problems; etc. Encourage Joint programs [DESY’s Silk project; Japanese links to SE Asia and China; AMPATH to So. America] NSF & @LIS Proposals: US and EU to South America Make direct contacts, arrange discussions with gov’t officials ICFA SCIC is prepared to participate where appropriate Help Start, Get Support for Workshops on Networks & Grids Encourage, help form funded programs Help form Regional support & training groups (requires funding)
November 2002 Slide 25 Technology, Stewardship Access to and development of leading infrastructures and new classes of information-rich systems carries obligations Stewardship Playing a leading role in making these assets usable by a broad sector of the World Community Examples Develop devices and systems for the disabled; With no discrimination against any area of society Develop standardized toolkits and portals for wide access from schools Encourage joint programs and support from industry Strong education and outreach components in all medium and large research proposals (e.g. NSF)
November 2002 Slide 26 INTRO Doug, Slides 3 to 17 are modified from Harvey’s talk. I am not totally familiar with his stuff. Slide 18 is blank Slides 19 to 28 are from my standard slide deck. I know these in depth. Can give detailed talking points. Feel free to call me on my cell phone if you have questions: 734.730.3300 I will be around all day/evening - Charles
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