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New Directions in Internet Topology Measurement and Modeling John Byers Topology Modeling Group, Boston University CS: Mark Crovella, Marwan Fayed, Anukool.

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Presentation on theme: "New Directions in Internet Topology Measurement and Modeling John Byers Topology Modeling Group, Boston University CS: Mark Crovella, Marwan Fayed, Anukool."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Directions in Internet Topology Measurement and Modeling John Byers Topology Modeling Group, Boston University CS: Mark Crovella, Marwan Fayed, Anukool Lakhina, Ibrahim Matta, Alberto Medina Physics: Paul Krapivsky, Sid Redner Statistics: Eric Kolaczyk

2 Some observations about the Internet Rapid, decentralized growth: –90% of Internet systems were added in the last four years –Connecting to the network can be a purely local operation This rapid, decentralized growth has opened significant questions about the physical structure of the network; e.g., –The number of hosts connected to the network –The properties of network links (delay, bandwidth) –The interconnection pattern of hosts and routers –The interconnection relationships of ISPs –The geographic locations of hosts, routers and links

3 Approaching the Internet Scientifically Engineering or Science? Engineering: study of things made Science: study of things found Although the Internet is an engineered artifact, it now presents us with questions that are better approached from a scientific posture. Worthwhile scientific goals –Understand what drives Internet growth –Basic investigations pay off in unexpected ways

4 Talk Organization A brief retrospective. Towards a scientific understanding of the Internet. Specific directions: –Geometry/geography-driven topology generation. Where are the nodes/links in the Internet (recap) What is the geographical extent of ASes? –Measuring and modelling the time-evolution of AS sizes.

5 Case Study: “Origins” paper, [MMB ‘00] Goal: Causal explanation for then unexplained power-laws in [FFF ‘99]. Our hypothesis: Simple Barabasi-Albert model of incremental growth, preferential attachment. Model led to topologies which fit known metrics… BUT –How to validate this explanation? –[FFF ‘99] snapshots inadequate for testing hypotheses about time-evolution of the system. –In fact, no adequate set of measurements available. Also, much easier to invalidate than validate.

6 Case Study: “Origins” paper, [MMB ‘00] Not an entirely wasted effort... Some positive outcomes: –BRITE/BRIANA topology generation framework / analysis engine for testing wide assortment of models. –Motivation to focus on modeling problems where validation was possible… –… or better yet, to start from measurements themselves. And some future considerations: –Do topology models need to be explanatory, or just descriptive? –How to place value on a model that cannot be validated?

7 Our current approach Measurement: –understand topological features from direct study –leverage measurements from others as possible –measurements of time-evolution of a system are especially helpful Characterization and Modeling Validation: provide empirical confirmation that model predictions fit measured data Tool-Building: build our models / other models into BRITE (open source).

8 Breathing life into topology generation Raw topology analogous to a skeleton –presents coarse structure, but incomplete, inanimate –inadequate for conducting most simulations Flesh out by building annotated graphs: –Label nodes with autonomous system (AS) ID’s. –Label edges with link bandwidths. –Label edges with latencies. –Do this in a representative manner. Animate the topology: –Generate representative traffic workloads across the annotated graph. –Consider other dynamic factors (churn, link failures) Now we’re ready to conduct a simulation.

9 One primary direction: Geography Long-term goal: annotated graph generation: –Label nodes with autonomous system (AS) ID’s. –Label edges with link bandwidths and latencies. How? –All of the problems seem more tractable when we consider the underlying geometry of the network. But next to nothing is known about the geometry/ geography of today’s Internet. –Geographic extent of ASes? –Distribution of link lengths? Inter-AS link lengths? Our first step (now complete): measurements.

10 Where is the Internet? ? ? ? ? ?

11 Assumptions and Definitions We treat the Internet as an undirected graph embedded on the Earth’s surface –Nodes correspond to routers or interfaces –Edges correspond to physical router-router links –Routers associated with an administering AS –Not concerned with hosts (end systems) We will ignore many higher and lower level questions

12 Our Basic Approach Obtain IP-level router maps  Mercator and Skitter Find geographic location of each router  Ixia’s IxMapping; Akamai’s EdgeScape Identify AS associated with each router  RouteViews

13 Mercator: Govindan et al., USC/ISI, ICSI Skitter: Moore et al., CAIDA Based on active probing from a single site Resolves aliases Uses loose source routing to explore alternate paths Traceroutes from 19 monitors to large set of destinations Does not resolve aliases Destinations attempt to cover IP address space

14 Datasets Mercator Collected August 1999 228,263 routers 320,149 links Skitter Collected January 2002 704,107 interfaces 1,075,454 links

15 IxMapping: Moore et al., CAIDA Given an IP address, infers geographic location based on a variety of heuristics –Hostnames, DNS LOC, whois e.g., 190.ATM8-0-0.GW3.BOS1.ALTER.NET is in Boston Able to map over 98% of routers/interfaces Similar to GeoTrack [Padmanabhan] which exhibits reasonable accuracy –Median error of 64 mi –90% queries within 250 mi

16 EdgeScape: Akamai Given an IP address, returns lat./long. Methods employed not currently published; available as a commercial service. Claims mean error of < 50 miles Able to map over 99% of routers/interfaces

17 RouteViews Provides daily BGP table snapshots For each of the router/interface inventories, we pull a BGP snapshot from the same date. Then, for each interface, infer the associated AS by the AS advertising the containing block. For routers with multiple interfaces, use the majority vote; discard if there is no majority vote (2% of all routers).

18 Where are the routers? USA

19 Europe

20 Interfaces and People: USA, Skitter Grid size: ~90 mi x 90 mi

21 Routers and People Upper, Mercator; Lower, Skitter USA Europe Japan

22 Router Location: Summary Router location is strongly driven by population density Superlinear relationship between router and population density: R  k P a k varies with economic development (users online) a is greater than one (1.2 - 1.7) More routers per person in more densely populated areas

23 Link Preference Function Interested in influence of distance on link formation: f(d) = P[C|d] i.e., Probability two nodes separated by distance d are directly connected by a link. Estimated as: number links of length d f(d) = ------------------------------------------- number of router pairs separated by d

24 f(d) for USA (Skitter) Distance Sensitive Distance Insensitive

25 Link Distance Preference for USA Skitter, d < 250, semi-log plot  L  140 mi.

26 Large d: distance insensitivity F(d) =  f(u) d u=1 USA data, Skitter

27 Link Formation: Summary Link formation seems to be a mixture of distance-dependent and –independent processes Waxman (exponential) model remarkably good for large fraction of all links! –But, crucial difference is that we are using a very irregular spatial distribution of nodes Small fraction of non-local links are very important (structural)

28 Where are the ASes? Two measures: –# of distinct locations (grid cells) –area of the convex hull of the set of distinct locations Computing convex hull –cut earth along Int’l Date Line and unroll –use Albers equal area projection to approximately preserve areas

29 AS Findings (1) [TDGJSW ‘01] Size of an AS (in routers) and AS degree are well correlated. We find 3-way correlation between size, degree and # of distinct locations. Distribution of number of locations is long- tailed, highly variable.

30 AS Findings (2) 80% of ASes have 0 area -- two or fewer distinct locations. The rest of the ASes fall in two regimes: –small ASes have considerable variability –largest ASes are fully dispersed –cutoff: degree > 100 or interfaces > 1000. size, degree and # of distinct locations.

31 Direction 2: AS Size Distribution Goal: Model the growth and evolution of ASes and their sizes. Bonus: RouteViews BGP logs may later help validate model predictions. Hosts enter the system and either: –Create a new AS or –Join an existing AS At each timestep, a pair of ASes may also merge.

32 The Simplest Plausible Model N(t) = number of Ases M(t) = number of hosts dN/dt = (q-r)N dM/dt = pM + qN where q is the rate of new AS creation r is the rate of AS coalescence p is the rate of creation of new nodes Relative values of p, q and r determine average AS size. When p > q - r, average AS size grows as N^((p-q+r)/(q-r)).

33 Preliminary Findings Model behavior tractable to analyze. AS births, deaths and mergers can be identified with some degree of confidence from RouteViews logs. –But… differentiating BGP churn from bona fide events can be challenging –Statistical de-noising methods may apply (?) Simple model makes reasonable predictions –But… coalescence kernel needs fine-tuning, i.e. measurements indicate that r is not size-indep.

34 In Conclusion Generating test networks rather than test topologies is a natural next step. Geometry/geography provides leverage. Plenty of unexplored territory. Validation and measurement continues to be underappreciated. Measurements of time-evolving systems are in particularly short supply. Modeling problems can be a bonanza for statisticians and physicists.

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