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Classification: Unclassified DECISION BRIEF. Classification: Unclassified Parts of the Decision Brief Purpose Problem Statement Recommendation Prior Coordination.

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Presentation on theme: "Classification: Unclassified DECISION BRIEF. Classification: Unclassified Parts of the Decision Brief Purpose Problem Statement Recommendation Prior Coordination."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classification: Unclassified DECISION BRIEF

2 Classification: Unclassified Parts of the Decision Brief Purpose Problem Statement Recommendation Prior Coordination Background Facts Assumptions Courses of action (COA) Criteria (Screening and Evaluation) Analysis Comparison of COAs Conclusion

3 Classification: Unclassified Purpose To gain your decision/concurrence on a new location for Spring 07 FTX.

4 Classification: Unclassified Problem Statement To determine the best location for Spring 07 Field Training Exercise (FTX) for the Cyclone Battalion between April and May 2007.

5 Classification: Unclassified Recommendation COA 2 the State National Guard Training Facility in Atterbury, IN is the best COA.

6 Classification: Unclassified Prior Coordination Unit/PersonResults Cadre/SFC Hardrock Possible Sites Supply Technician Backorder MRE’s (19May)

7 Classification: Unclassified Background We cannot use Camp Lazarus for Spring FTX due to overbooking by Boy Scouts We need a new location for Spring FTX

8 Classification: Unclassified Facts Bearing on the Problem (1 of 5) Cadet Enrollment – 140 students

9 Classification: Unclassified Facts Bearing on the Problem (2 of 5) Budget Total of $3980

10 Classification: Unclassified Facts Bearing on the Problem (3 of 5) Able to lease 48 passenger busses for $900 per departure and return for trips between 150 and 250 miles. $1800 If distance is greater than 250 miles an additional $80 motel room and $150 per additional 100 miles is added to the bus invoice.

11 Classification: Unclassified Facts Bearing on the Problem (4 of 5) (2) GSA 15 Passenger Vans with fuel cards available. (2) University 15 Passenger Vans for $80 per day; $ 0.20 / mile also available.

12 Classification: Unclassified Facts Bearing on the Problem (5 of 5) 550 MRE’s available for issue No Re-supply until May 19

13 Classification: Unclassified Assumptions 70% Attendance Rate of 140 = 98 Cadets Need 2 Busses to transport 96 Cadets Assuming 8 Cadre in attendance (SU) Assuming Cadet Mertz is not attending due to profile 105 Total Personnel Anticipated

14 Classification: Unclassified Courses of Action COA 1 - State National Guard Training Facility, Dawson, WV COA 2 - State National Guard Training Facility, Atterbury, IN COA 3 - Alumnus Back-Forty, Utopia, OH COA 4 – Pikes National Guard Training Area, Pikeville, OH

15 Classification: Unclassified Screening Criteria STX. Squad STX - Wooded area for missions Land Nav. Day and Night Land Navigation course availability Garrison. Billeting available for Garrison Evaluation

16 Classification: Unclassified Screened Out COA’s COA 3 - Alumnus Back-Forty, Utopia, OH Failed screening criteria Garrison because no barracks available for garrison evaluation COA 4 – Pikes National Guard Training Area, Pikeville, OH Failed screening criteria Garrison because no barracks available for garrison evaluation

17 Classification: Unclassified Surviving COA’s COA 1 - State National Guard Training Facility, Dawson, WV COA 2 - State National Guard Training Facility, Atterbury, IN

18 Classification: Unclassified Evaluation Criteria (1 of 4) Short Title: Distance Definition: Distance from University Unit of Measure: Miles from University Formula: Less is better Weight = 1.00

19 Classification: Unclassified Evaluation Criteria (2 of 4) Short Title: Cost Definition: Monetary cost of FTX Unit of Measure: US Dollars Formula: Less is better Weight = 2.00

20 Classification: Unclassified Evaluation Criteria (3 of 4) Short Title: Availability Definition: Availability of Training Site Unit of Measure: Days Formula: Farther from Finals Dates is preferable (Late May are Finals) Weight = 1.00

21 Classification: Unclassified Evaluation Criteria (4 of 4) Short Title: Heat Definition: Availability of Heat in buildings Unit of Measure: Available or not Formula: Heat is preferable Weight = 1.00

22 Classification: Unclassified Analysis of COA 1 + Advantages: None -- Disadvantages: Distance – Over 250 miles from school Cost – Total Cost of $3910 for travel Availability: Only available mid-late Apr, not available in May Heat – No heat available in barracks

23 Classification: Unclassified Analysis of COA 2 + Advantages: Cost – Total cost of $2160 Distance – Below 250 miles from school Availability – Available mid-late Apr and early May Heat – Heat available in Barracks - Disadvantages: None

24 Classification: Unclassified Comparison of COAs CriteriaCOA 1COA 2 Distance2x1=21x1=1 (Weight: 1) Cost2x2=41x2=2 (Weight: 2) Availability2x1=21x1=1 (Weight: 1) Heat2x1=21x1=1 (Weight: 1) Total 10 5 LOWER NUMBER IS BETTER Note:First number is ranking order; second number is weight of criteria

25 Classification: Unclassified Conclusion COA 2 - State National Guard Training Facility, Atterbury, IN is the best because: Advantage is it’s under 250miles away Advantage is it costs substantially less Advantage is that is available during mid- late April and early May Advantage is that the barracks have heat No Disadvantages based on evaluation criteria

26 Classification: Unclassified Recommendation COA 2 - State National Guard Training Facility, Atterbury, IN is the best COA and should be selected as the COA.

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