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Bronco Bookstore Fall 2009 Update – Course Materials Affordability Presentation to Academic Senate December 2, 2009 Karen Ward, Director Bookstore Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Bronco Bookstore Fall 2009 Update – Course Materials Affordability Presentation to Academic Senate December 2, 2009 Karen Ward, Director Bookstore Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bronco Bookstore Fall 2009 Update – Course Materials Affordability Presentation to Academic Senate December 2, 2009 Karen Ward, Director Bookstore Services Suzanne Donnelly, Assistant Director Book Division

2 Bronco Bookstore Fall 2009 Update: Course Materials Affordability In Spring 2009 we presented information on: State & federal government actions impacting textbooks: State textbook legislation Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) Bureau of State Audits Report Bookstore Initiatives to respond to government requirements/recommendations: Strengthening existing used book/buyback program Guaranteed Buyback Textbook Rental pilot

3 Bronco Bookstore Fall 2009 Update – Course Materials Affordability Review- HEOA (Higher Education Opportunity Act) 2008 Reauthorization of the Federal Higher Education Act, affects every college in the United States that receives any federal funds Two provisions in Section 112 impact both the University and the Bookstore directly: Requires textbook price information, including ISBN #, be posted with the online schedule of classes, or that the online schedule is linked to the bookstore’s information Requires institution to provide their bookstores with all required/recommended book lists for all courses These requirements go into effect starting July 1, 2010 Intent is to create centralized information source for students to find out about textbook usage and costs.

4 Bronco Bookstore Fall 2009 Update – Course Materials Affordability Continuing programs to keep book costs down: Strong Used book program Offering Students Choices: package components, loose- leaf versions, etc. “Sliding” Margins Digital Options including Jumpbooks/CourseSmart ( Access codes generated by our store POS system) Partnership with CENGAGE BRAIN - link on our website

5 Bronco Bookstore Fall 2009 Update – Course Materials Affordability Update on status of NEW Programs Guaranteed Buyback For books that qualify, we guarantee students will get 50% of the new retail price at buyback. Bookstore needs to know which books will be used the following term before students start buying books for the current term. In place 3 quarters now, results hard to measure but students seem to appreciate knowing.

6 Bronco Bookstore Fall 2009 Update – Course Materials Affordability Update on status of NEW Programs Rental Program Piloted 5 rental books this Fall Requiring 2 year book adoption commitment from faculty/department Initial investment of @ $19,000 in rental inventory, 210 rental copies made available. Saved students @ $15,000 compared to purchasing new books

7 Bronco Bookstore Fall 2009 Update – Course Materials Affordability

8 Rental Program- Pilot Results Initial investment of @ $19,000 in rental inventory, 210 rental copies made available. Saved students @ $15,000 compared to purchasing new books Rental program increased the % of students who accessed the books, compared to last year

9 Bronco Bookstore Fall 2009 Update – Course Materials Affordability Rental Program- Pilot Results Adding additional titles in Winter and Spring quarters Contact us if you are interested!

10 Bronco Bookstore Fall 2009 Update – Course Materials Affordability Looking Ahead: Bookstore Advisory Council - we’re recruiting! Expanding digital/rental options with enhanced CengageBrain partnership Evaluating feasibility of “low price guarantee” Researching open access models

11 Bronco Bookstore Fall 2009 Update – Course Materials Affordability As always… we depend on faculty cooperation & timely textbook requisitions Due dates are same every year (Fall= 3 rd Friday of May, Winter= Oct. 15, Spring=3 rd Friday of January, Summer= April 15) Department coordinators & chairs notified via email 3-4 weeks ahead of each due date. Dates also publicized in PolyUpdates and posted on Faculty page of store website.

12 Bronco Bookstore Fall 2009 Update – Course Materials Affordability As always… we depend on faculty cooperation & timely textbook requisitions Requisitions can be submitted online or emailed to Incentive program offered to thank departments and faculty who help us by following our due dates.

13 Bronco Bookstore Fall 2009 Update – Course Materials Affordability Bronco Bookstore is part of the Cal Poly Pomona Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit auxiliary Self supporting, not subsidized Helps support programs on campus Focus on service, educational mission of university Positive results from customer service survey 2008 Pricing, buyback still concerns for our students

14 Bronco Bookstore Fall 2009 Update – Course Materials Affordability Thank You! We truly appreciate your support! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us: Karen Ward Suzanne Donnelly X3276 X3284

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