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1 Consulting Analysis Module 4. 2 Keep focused on the timeline Week 1234567891011 Prepare for Kick-off Meeting Assign teams Team forming Review and execute.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Consulting Analysis Module 4. 2 Keep focused on the timeline Week 1234567891011 Prepare for Kick-off Meeting Assign teams Team forming Review and execute."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Consulting Analysis Module 4

2 2 Keep focused on the timeline Week 1234567891011 Prepare for Kick-off Meeting Assign teams Team forming Review and execute consulting contract Interview and research business Draft, revise and execute team contact Draft and revise project management plan Start secondary research Draft and revise business case statement Analyze and organize secondary research Plan, draft and test primary research Conduct primary research Analyze and organize primary research Draft and revise preliminary recommendations Draft final report Draft, revise, rehearse presentation Revise final report DUE Consulting Contract Team Contract Project Manage- ment Plan Business Case Statement including SWOT analysis Primary Research Instrument Prelimin- ary Recom- mend- ations Draft report Final Present- ation Final Report

3 3 Income Statement

4 4 Balance Sheet

5 5 Cash Flow Statement

6 6 Pareto Principle 80/20 rule

7 7 Cost Benefit Analysis Fixed costs Project benefits (usually cash flow) Will cover this in Module 7

8 8 Fishbone Diagram

9 9 Force Field Analysis

10 10 Benchmarking Measure against others Check

11 11 Best Practices Look at what the best competitors do

12 12 Organizational Analysis What employees should be doing Metrics they should be measured on

13 13 Prototype Create a prototype to test on potential customers

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