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Internetworking I November 19, 1998 Topics Bridged networks Internets IP datagram delivery IP addresses 15-213 class26.ppt.

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Presentation on theme: "Internetworking I November 19, 1998 Topics Bridged networks Internets IP datagram delivery IP addresses 15-213 class26.ppt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internetworking I November 19, 1998 Topics Bridged networks Internets IP datagram delivery IP addresses 15-213 class26.ppt

2 CS 213 F’98– 2 – class26.ppt The internetworking problem Want to build a single network (an interconnected set of networks, or internetwork, or internet) out of a large collection of separate networks. Challenges: heterogeneity –lots of different kinds of networks (Ethernet, FDDI, ATM, wireless, point-to-point) –how to unify this hodgepodge? scale –how do we provide uniques names for potentially billions of nodes? (naming) –how do we find all these nodes? (forwarding and routing) Note: internet refers to a general idea, Internet refers to a particular implementation of that idea (IP).

3 CS 213 F’98– 3 – class26.ppt Bridges ABC XYZ bridge Ethernet A Ethernet X adaptor (interface) port 1 (really just another adaptor) port 2 Unlike repeaters (which operate at the physical level), bridges operate at the data link level (or link level). By link level, we mean that they can parse and understand e.g. ethernet frames (as opposed to IP packets). Basic forwarding algorithm (flooding): copy each received frame to all other ports.

4 CS 213 F’98– 4 – class26.ppt Learning bridges Problem: Flooding is wasteful ABC XYZ bridge Ethernet A Ethernet X port 1 port 2 Optimization: Forward packets only when necessary by learning and remembering which hosts are connected to which bridge ports.

5 CS 213 F’98– 5 – class26.ppt Learning bridges (cont) Learning algorithm: 1. start with empty hash table T that maps hosts to ports 2. receive frame from host src on port p 3. add (src,p) to T 4. delete old entries Forwarding algorithm: 1. receive frame f from host src to host dst on port p 2. if T(dst) = n/a then flood f. else if T(dst) = p then discard f else forward f on port T(dst).

6 CS 213 F’98– 6 – class26.ppt Learning bridges (example) ABC XYZ bridge Ethernet A Ethernet X 1 2 hostport A1 A -> C flood 2 & 3 hostport A1 B1 B -> A discard hostport A1 B1 X -> A forward on 1 PQR 3Ethernet P

7 CS 213 F’98– 7 – class26.ppt Cycles in bridged networks 1. host writes frame F to unknown destination B2B1 F1 2. B1 and B2 flood F2 B2B1 F B2B1 F1 4. B1 and B2 flood F2 B2B1 F1 3. B2 reads F1, B1 reads F2 F2 B2B1 F2 5. B1 reads F1 B2 reads F2 F1 B2B1 F1 6. B1 and B2 flood F2

8 CS 213 F’98– 8 – class26.ppt Spanning tree bridges B3 A B4B5 B G B2 B1 CD E F B3 A B4B5 B G B2 B1 CD E F Networks are graph nodes, ports are graph edges Tree is constructed dynamically by a distributed “diffusing computation” that prunes ports. “spanning” refers only to networks, not bridges

9 CS 213 F’98– 9 – class26.ppt Pros and cons of bridges Pros transparency –LANS can be connected without any awareness from the hosts Cons transparency can be misleading –looks like a single Ethernet segment, but really isn’t –packets can be dropped, latencies vary homogeneity –can only support networks with identical frame headers (e.g., Ethernet/FDDI) scalability –tens of networks only »bridges forward all broadcast frames »increased latency

10 CS 213 F’98– 10 – class26.ppt Internetworks Def: An internetwork (internet for short) is an arbitrary collection of physical networks interconnected to provide some sort of host-to-host packet delivery service. internet host

11 CS 213 F’98– 11 – class26.ppt Building an internet X X Y Y Z Z network 2 (ECE) adaptor A A B B C C network 1 (SCS) adaptor We start with two separate, unconnected computer networks (subnets), which are at different locations, and possibly built by different vendors. EthernetATM Question: How to present the illusion of one network?

12 CS 213 F’98– 12 – class26.ppt Building an internet (cont) X X Y Y Z Z network 2 (ECE) adaptor A A B B C (router) network 1 (SCS) adaptor Next we connect one of the computers (in this case computer C) to each of the networks. adaptor

13 CS 213 F’98– 13 – class26.ppt Building an internet (cont) X X Y Y Z Z network 2 (ECE) adaptor A A B B C (gateway/router) network 1 (SCS) adaptor Finally, we run a software implementation of the Internet Protocol (IP) on each host and router. IP provides a global name space for the hosts, routing messages between network1 and network 2 if necessary. IP addresses:

14 CS 213 F’98– 14 – class26.ppt Building an internet (cont) internet At this point we have an internet consisting of 6 computers built from 2 original networks. Each computer on our internet can communicate with any other computer. IP provides the illusion that there is just one network.

15 CS 213 F’98– 15 – class26.ppt Internet protocol stack Berkeley sockets interface Reliable byte stream delivery (process- process) best effort datagram delivery (host-to- host) best effort datagram delivery (process- process) Application (FTP, Telnet, WWW, email) User Datagram Protocol (UDP) User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Internet Protocol (IP) Network Interface (ethernet) Hardware physical level data link level network level transport level

16 CS 213 F’98– 16 – class26.ppt IP IP service model: IP provides best-effort delivery of datagram (connectionless) packets between two hosts. –IP tries but doesn’t guarantee that packets will arrive (best effort) –packets can be lost or duplicated (unreliable) –ordering of datagrams not guaranteed (connectionless) IP an addressing scheme for all the hosts in the internet Why would such a limited delivery model be useful? simple, so it runs on any kind of network provides a basis for building more sophisticated and user-friendly protocols like TCP and UDP

17 CS 213 F’98– 17 – class26.ppt Example internet R1 R2 H1 H2 H3 Network 3 (FDDI) H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 R3 Network 2 (Ethernet) Network 4 (Point-to-point) Network 1 (Ethernet)

18 CS 213 F’98– 18 – class26.ppt IP layering IP TCP ETH IP ETHFDDI IP FDDIP2P IP P2PETH IP TCP ETH Protocol layers used to connect host H1 to host H8 in example internet. H1R1R2R3H8

19 CS 213 F’98– 19 – class26.ppt Encapsulating IP datagrams in Ethernet Ethernet frame header Ethernet frame header IP datagram header IP datagram header IP datagram data IP datagram header IP datagram header IP datagram data IP datagram Ethernet frame The same idea is used for other types of physical networks

20 CS 213 F’98– 20 – class26.ppt VerHlen IP packet format VERIP version HLHeader length (in 32-bit words) TOSType of service (unused) LengthDatagram length (max 64K B) IDUnique datagram identifier Flags xxM (more fragmented packets) Offset Fragment offset TTLTime to Live ProtocolHigher level protocol (e.g., TCP) TOSLength Datagram IDFlags TTLProtocolChecksum Source IP address Destination IP address Options (variable) Offset Data 048161931

21 CS 213 F’98– 21 – class26.ppt Fragmentation and reassembly Different networks have a different maximum transfer unit (MTU). A problem can occur if packet is routed onto network with a smaller MTU. e.g. FDDI (4,500B) onto Ethernet (1,500B) Solution: break packet into smaller fragments. each fragment has identifier and sequence number Destination reassembles packet before handing it up in the stack. alternative would be to reassemble when entering network with larger MTU Sender can disable fragmentation using flag.

22 CS 213 F’98– 22 – class26.ppt Fragmentation example IP TCP ETH IP ETHFDDI IP FDDIP2P IP P2PETH IP TCP ETH H1R1R2R3H8 ETHIP1400FDDIIP1400P2PIP512 P2PIP512 P2PIP376 ETHIP512 ETHIP512 ETHIP376 MTU=1500 MTU=4500MTU=532MTU=1500

23 CS 213 F’98– 23 – class26.ppt Fragmentation example (cont) start of header ident=xm=1offset=0 rest of header 512 data bytes start of header ident=xm=1offset=512 rest of header 512 data bytes start of header ident=xm=0offset=1024 rest of header 376 data bytes First packet Second packet Third packet

24 CS 213 F’98– 24 – class26.ppt Internet addresses Each host h has a physical address P(h) and a unique IP address I(h). IP addresses contain a network part and a host part: 01281624 network(7)host (24)0 31 network (14)host (16)10 network (21)host (8)110 Class A (128 nets, 16 M hosts/net) Class B (16 K nets, 65 K hosts/net) Class C (2 M nets, 256 hosts/net) 3 classes of addresses:

25 CS 213 F’98– 25 – class26.ppt Example Internet addresses 0123481624 networkhost0 31 networkhost10 networkhost110 Class A Class B Class C HostIP NumberClassNetwork cs.cmu.edu128.2.222.173B0x0002 cmu.edu128.2.35.186B0x0002 cs.stanford.edu171.64.64.64B0x2640 att.com192.128.133.151C0x008085

26 CS 213 F’98– 26 – class26.ppt CMU internet ATM PSC AT&TSprint (PDL/CMCL Labs) 7th floorWean gw.cs poconos.cmcl 8th floor Wean bakerporter cyert host

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