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Measurement of the Top Quark mass using data from CDF experiment at Tevatron Fedor Prokoshin.

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Presentation on theme: "Measurement of the Top Quark mass using data from CDF experiment at Tevatron Fedor Prokoshin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measurement of the Top Quark mass using data from CDF experiment at Tevatron Fedor Prokoshin

2 Particles our world is made of Neutrino


4 Leptons and quarks

5 Top Quark

6 mass M top = 173.1±1.3 GeV/c 2GeVc twice of W ±, Z 0 2 orders b 4 orders u, d 5 orders e -

7 Why Measure the Top Quark Mass? m top is a fundamental parameter of the Standard Model constrains the mass of the elusive Higgs Boson: 1-loop corrections to m W depend quadratically on the top quark mass m top and logarithmically on m H. Measuring m top and m W one can extract information on m H WW H W WW t b


9 2009 1994-95 CDF DǾ History of top mass measurements 2008200720062004 (Data 1992-1996)20052004

10 Main Injector and Recycler  p source Booster Tevatron Collisions every 396 ns Beam energy 980 GeV  s = 1.96 TeV Inst. Lum. ~5x10 32 cm -2 s -1

11 CDF Detector

12 CDF II Collaboration


14 Gervasio Gomez/CDFMoriond EW 200514 Top Mass Mt  175 GeV  Yukawa coupling  1Special role in EWSB? Dominant parameter in radiative corrections: quadratic in m t, logarithmic in m H Mt from precision EW measurements


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