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Tseng:1 Wireless Networks Lab - Counter 2007/09/26 Chia-Hung Tsai.

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Presentation on theme: "Tseng:1 Wireless Networks Lab - Counter 2007/09/26 Chia-Hung Tsai."— Presentation transcript:

1 tseng:1 Wireless Networks Lab - Counter 2007/09/26 Chia-Hung Tsai

2 yctseng: 2 FT-6200 FT-6200 High-Power ZigBee Starter Kit  FT-6250 Base Development Board  FT-6251 Sensor Development Board  Jennic SDK  JN-SW-4027 SDK with CLI  DIO  Ft6200-Patch-ba-1v0.exe  FontalBSP

3 yctseng: 3 Environment When you build up your environment  BoardAPI  FontalBSP  FontalButton, FontalLED  HardwareAPI  Stack – 802.15.4 MAC  Application Queue API  Service Access Point – AppApi.h Access functions and structures used by the application to interact with the Jennic 802.15.4 stack

4 yctseng: 4 Blink sample This application uses a TickTimer to toggle the LEDs  HardwareAPI  TickTimer  FontalBSP  led_init();  led_toggle(LED0);  led_toggle(LED1);

5 yctseng: 5 Blink flowchart

6 yctseng: 6 Integrated peripherals API This API was previously known as the Hardware Peripheral Library or the Hardware API The functions are defined in AppHardwareApi.h u32AHI_Init(void);  This should be called after every reset or wake-up and before any other AHI calls are made  We can see that in sample codes in Blink application

7 yctseng: 7 Startup AppColdStart  This is the main entry point for the application just like main(), called after the ROM-resident boot loader has finished AppWarmStart  Required as the main entry point for a warm start (i.e. CPU has been powered down then restarted, but the RAM contents were retained)

8 yctseng: 8 TickTimer vAHI_TickTimerConfigure(E_AHI_TICK_TIMER_ RESTART); vAHI_TickTimerWrite(0); vAHI_TickTimerInterval((16*1000*1000)/2); vAHI_TickTimerIntEnable(TRUE); bAHI_TickTimerIntStatus(); vAHI_TickTimerIntPendClr();

9 yctseng: 9 LED control #include led_init(); led_on(LED0); led_off(LED1); led_toggle(LED0);

10 yctseng: 10 Lab Counter  Modify the Blink application to an counter application  FT node has 2 LEDs  Count from 0 to 3

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