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PSY399 encounters the Z-tag What is this course? oA study-abroad experience that explores some of the most prominent European figures in the history.

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2 PSY399 encounters the Z-tag

3 What is this course? oA study-abroad experience that explores some of the most prominent European figures in the history of contemporary psychology. oAn encounter with local students, professional and academic psychologists.

4 Knowledge objectives oDiscuss major historical and philosophical movements in Europe. oExplain the theories and underlying assumptions of major European pioneers of psychology oDiscuss ways in which these major theorists’ ideas influenced the development of psychology in the U.S. oExplain the importance of the cultural setting in which the theorists developed their ways of thinking.

5 How so? Z knowledge oThe "then" culture and the "now" culture oThe "there" culture and the "here' culture oThe readings and museum visits oThe current "there" academic and professional community oCompare, contrast, interact, ask why

6 Skill objectives (1) oExercise of personal responsibility, including teamwork task-sharing, cooperation, and mutual regard within a Christian framework. oCompetence in diverse cultural settings, involving travel, eating, dealing with foreign currency, and interacting with local students, professors, and members of the community.

7 How so? Z skill objectives(1) oWe will have some specific training in the pre-travel orientation concerning situations they may encounter, questions they may have, how to behave as the "outsider" etc. oWe will have more specific processing of possible issues, feelings and insights in the various locations. oThis will also be part of the de-briefing exercise, and the construction of their portfolio.

8 Skill objectives (2) oAwareness of self as a cultural being, especially awareness of the biases inherent in one’s cultural and social background. oCritical and thoughtful reflection about ideas and experiences, as evidenced in both oral and writing assignments.

9 How so? Z skills objectives (2) The awareness of self as a cultural being, and of one's cultural biases is related to: The lived experience of the course The substance of what we are teaching concerning the development of thought and theory under different cultural conditions

10 And finally… Z skill objectives (3) Synthesis and evaluation of experiences, including the ability to bring together the various components of the study- abroad experience and integrate these with their previous framework.

11 How so? Z-skill objectives (3) oReflective writing throughout oComposition of portfolio oDebriefing/exchange/presentation meeting oInformal contact afterwards for interested students

12 Particular sites and highlights oPassau oVienna oZurich oParis oNancy oLondon

13 Passau oThe Alstadt Hotel oThe Institute for the History of Psychology

14 Vienna About being a Jewish psychologist The Freud House Modern Jewish Museum Old Jewish museum Synagogue tour Viktor Frankl sites

15 Vienna (2) About being a Viennese psychologist in the mid-1900's Adler sites The Landtmann Café The Central Cafe

16 Vienna (3) About being a contemporary Viennese psychologist Dr. Datler Prof. Batthyany students

17 In the other locations We have similar sequences of experiences that put students in touch with both the past and the present, and with particular themes. For more information, see our syllabus here attached

18 May this course invite our students to enter new spaces.


20 The end

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