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MINER A Fiber/Cables/VST and JUPITER update Steven Manly University of Rochester DOE Program Review 17 July 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "MINER A Fiber/Cables/VST and JUPITER update Steven Manly University of Rochester DOE Program Review 17 July 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 MINER A Fiber/Cables/VST and JUPITER update Steven Manly University of Rochester DOE Program Review 17 July 2005

2 University of Rochester, DOE Program Review, 13-14 July 2005 2 WLS Fibers Scintillator Plane Clear Fiber Cables PMT Boxes MINER A: Optical system - overview ~32,000 channels ~4000 clear 8-fiber cables, light tight ~2000 ODU’s ~12,000 connectors, polished ends ~90 km of WLS fiber, mirrored on one end ~65 km of clear fiber

3 University of Rochester, DOE Program Review, 13-14 July 2005 3 Management, design, R&D, creating specs, procurement, qualifying procured materials, QC procedures, manufacturing procedures, safety during manufacture and in use, production, QC during production, calibration database, shipping MINER A: Optical system - overview Optical system is huge and critical Optical system … the nerves of MINER A. We must collect enough light, know our efficiency for doing it and understand the mapping to the PMT’s or the experiment cannot work. Requires conservative design and choice of materials, extensive R&D and testing, careful production, QC during production

4 University of Rochester, DOE Program Review, 13-14 July 2005 4 Howard Budd: level 2 manager of fiber and cables, design, R&D, in charge of VST, design of QC procedures and equipment Steve Manly: design fibers/cables, procurement of fiber and connectors, clear cable production, module scanning Robert Bradford: Module scanner design/construction Robert Flight: cable light tighting mold and boot design, mechanical interface, routing of fibers, module scanner design Jim Steinman: Cable R&D, cable light tighting boot materials and production, investigating tube material Jesse Chvojka: fiber R&D (bend tests), VST analysis Jaewon Park: fiber R&D (attenuation tests) Dan Ruggiero: connector R&D and QC, production Janina Gielata: to join in September, cable production MINER A: Optical system – People and optical system duties

5 University of Rochester, DOE Program Review, 13-14 July 2005 5 Some of the R&D done this year – Bend tests – 5” diameter bend, important for fiber routing and mechanical design Optimize fiber diameter (light output, bend radius, cost) Attenuation measurements - light output Glued vs. unglued in scintillator – light output Mirrored vs unmirrored – light output Y-11 (175 ppm) vs Y-7 (300 ppm) MINER A: Optical system - Fiber Will use Kuraray fiber: WLS: 1.2 mm, 175 ppm (Y-11), S-35, multi-clad Clear: Kuraray, 1.2 mm, S-35, multi-clad fiber WLS fiber from VST Bend test (Budd, Manly, Ruggiero, Park, Chvojka)

6 University of Rochester, DOE Program Review, 13-14 July 2005 6 Clip Box Ferrule MINER A: Optical system - Connectors Use connectors from Fujikura/DDK Similar to those used in CDF plug upgrade 1.2 mm fiber means new Ferrule design/mold First connectors produced had excellent alignment (good optically) but were rather tight to connect/disconnect. Currently working with DDK on modification. New connectors expected to arrive at FNAL today or tomorrow. FNAL Ice polish R&D Polished fiber in connector (Budd, Manly, Ruggiero)

7 University of Rochester, DOE Program Review, 13-14 July 2005 7 MINER A: Optical system - Cables Clip Box Ferrule Must make clear fiber cables light tight. Use polyurethane “boot” molded around black opaque tubing that surrounds the eight fibers (Flight, Steinman)

8 University of Rochester, DOE Program Review, 13-14 July 2005 8 MINER A: Optical system – Cables R&D/testing/QC Light injector box Connector and cable attenuation test setup Real life connector and cable test in progress (in dark box) Results from test showing no degradation with time of optical transmissivity of connection using optical grease (Budd, Chvojka, Flight, Park, Ruggiero)

9 University of Rochester, DOE Program Review, 13-14 July 2005 9 MINER A – physics studies - QE MC Determined Expected MINER A errors Used GEANT3 Monte Carlo Determined efficiency and purity vs Q 2 Plot shows x=1 cut, use events with (Q 2 -2m )/calculated error < 2 Put in effects of unfolding resolution smearing both in E and Q 2 plots Axial Form Factor – 4 year run Wagenbrun – constituent quark model (Bodek, Budd)

10 University of Rochester, DOE Program Review, 13-14 July 2005 10 QE cross section vs E Expected errors on cross section vs E Compare with world QE data sample Large errors and only marginally consistent Continuing to work on this for the Technical Design Report

11 University of Rochester, DOE Program Review, 13-14 July 2005 11 MINER A: Vertical Slice Test (VST) 3-layer, 21 scintillator prototype Mirrored WLS fiber glued into co-extruded scintillator bars and fed into prototype MINER A electronics (no clear fibers or MINER A connectors). Trigger scintillators above and below Min-I track position resolution measured to be 3.4 mm Led by Budd, analysis by Chvojka Measured 21 pe/MIP for each layer

12 University of Rochester, DOE Program Review, 13-14 July 2005 12 JUPITER: phenomenology (Bodek, Bradford, Budd) JLab Hall A Collaboration, PRL 84 (2000) 1398. Recent measurements of nucleon vector form factors in eA scattering show validity of dipole form factor parameterization is questionable eA elastic nucleon form factors used to get vector QE cross section in neutrino scattering. New parameterization(s) needed

13 University of Rochester, DOE Program Review, 13-14 July 2005 13 BBBA 05 parameterization based on work by Kelly plus additional duality constraints Bradford, Bodek, Budd, Arrington, hep-ex/0602017. JUPITER: phenomenology

14 University of Rochester, DOE Program Review, 13-14 July 2005 14 JUPITER: Hall C – measurement of F 2 and R=  L /  T on nuclear targets in the nucleon resonance region Neutrino structure function measurements and MINOS kinematic coverage – WA59 has error on F 2 of 20-30% and done on Ne JLab coverage E02-109 and E04-001 (Bodek, co-spokesperson) eA data on H, D, C, Al, Fe targets Steinman thesis topic: measure F 2 and R Will help experiments understand cross sections and nuclear effects From contribution of V. Tvaskis, J. Steinman and R. Bradford to NuInt’05 Log 10 (x) Log 10 (Q 2 ) (Steinman, Manly, Bodek, Bradford)  N fractional error ~ 0.5  R  N fractional error ~ 1.5  R  R = 0.2 implies 10% error on  N and 30% error on  N CVC relates vector structure functions in electron scattering to neutrino counterparts See E04-001 proposal at

15 University of Rochester, DOE Program Review, 13-14 July 2005 15 Steinman working primarily with Christy (Hampton/JLab) and Tvaskis (JLab), Manly acting as superviser Keppel (Hampton/JLab), Bodek, Bradford also involved Substantial progress made in the last year and a half Preliminary cross sections available and calibrations and charge symmetric background corrections done Expect to finish extend to heavier targets and produce final cross sections and structure function measurements in the next 1-1.5 years From talk by V. Tvaskis at NuInt’05 JUPITER: Hall C

16 University of Rochester, DOE Program Review, 13-14 July 2005 16 JUPITER: Hall B (CLAS) – misc. measurements of exclusive final states in eA scattering to understand better nuclear effects relevant for experiments in the resonance region (Manly, Bradford and undergrads: Dave Sher, Ian Kleckner, Jennifer Cano) Manly gave talk on this at JLab neutrino workshop in June. Great interest in these measurements among neutrino folk. Allows neutrino MC tuners to take into account nuclear effects like transparency and absorption in a brute force way. They can look at data for vector part and appropriate Q 2 only. How often do you see proton from QE event? (Affects Evis and event categorization.) How often do you lose a pion in a resonance or inelastic event? (Affects Evis and event categorization) Coherent  o production background electron neutrinos. How often does charge exchange happen? Is there an A dependence? Examples of measurements:  Momentum distributions for protons and charged pions in 1-  and 2-  events (E, Q 2, A=H,C,Fe)  ep  ep  o  ep  + below 2  threshold   o /  + ratio as function of W and Q 2 Neutral and charged pions look different in detectors. Need to understand A dependence. The reconstructed neutrino energy is a critical quantity for neutrino expts. Tune models with CLAS measurements.

17 University of Rochester, DOE Program Review, 13-14 July 2005 17 Neutral and charged pions look different in detectors. E is a critical quantity. Tune models that can be used in expts. i.e., K2K result, E is important Oscillations No oscillations JUPITER: Hall B Paschos, Schienbein, Yu, hep-ph/0408148 ANP model calculations K2K Collaboration, hep-ex/0212007.

18 University of Rochester, DOE Program Review, 13-14 July 2005 18 Fermi smearing and radiative corrections ~cancel  o  + acceptance differences ~cancel Fermi smearing and radiative corrections ~cancel JUPITER: Hall B Hydrogen: E=4.462 GeV Carbon: E=4.462 GeV W W Invariant mass of Reconstructed pizeros Progress:

19 University of Rochester, DOE Program Review, 13-14 July 2005 19 Plans for upcoming year  Expect CD-1, CD-2, CD-3a approval for MINER A by spring.  Complete single module prototype (Rochester production of cables and fiber, construction of module mapper)  Progress on tracking (multi-module) prototype  Complete Hall-C F2 and R analysis on nuclear data  First results from Hall-B on exclusive final states

20 University of Rochester, DOE Program Review, 13-14 July 2005 20 Additional MINER A research associate: based at FNAL to supervise module scanning/production and veto wall construction/installation and play a major role in detector commissioning. (Bradford is incredibly productive, but will be working with module construction and needs a little time to do science.) Requests Additional MINER A graduate student: based at FNAL to help with cable production and work with single module and multi-module prototypes. Work on exclusive eA analysis and integration of JUPITER information into MINER A MC. Continuation of Manly transition: need 2 months summer salary and travel/computing/operations funds. NP picked up Steinman for one year. This year NP picking up all travel/computing/operations funds for Manly/Steinman, including MINER A.

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