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Problem: Pension Crisis Solution: Portable Alpha Ryan ALM, Inc. - The Solutions Company 1-888-RyanALM

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Presentation on theme: "Problem: Pension Crisis Solution: Portable Alpha Ryan ALM, Inc. - The Solutions Company 1-888-RyanALM"— Presentation transcript:

1 Problem: Pension Crisis Solution: Portable Alpha Ryan ALM, Inc. - The Solutions Company 1-888-RyanALM

2 2 Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM Index Returns YTD 2009 Estimated Weights Liabilities : Market (Tsy STRIPS) FAS 158 (AA Corporates) PPA (3 Segment) PPA (Spot Rates) GASB /ASOP (8% ROA) -19.52 % 12.67 4.54 23.53 8.16 100 % Assets : Ryan Cash Lehman Aggregate S&P 500 MSCI EAFE Int’l Asset Allocation Model 0.53 % 5.93 26.46 32.45 5 % 30 60 5 19.43 % 100 % Assets – Liabilities Market FAS 158 PPA (3 Segment) PPA (Spot Rates) GGASB/ASOP (8% ROA) 38.95% 6.76 14.89 -4.15 11.27 Total Returns 2000200120022003200420052006200720082009 Assets-2.50-5.40-11.4120.048.924.4312.256.82-24.4719.43 Liabilities25.963.0819.471.969.358.870.8111.76 33.93-19.52 Difference: Annual-28.46-8.48-30.8918.08-0.43-4.4411.44-4.94-58.4038.95 Cumulative-37.60-73.40-60.08-66.13-76.75-64.60-78.38-181.57-106.94 The Ryan Letter December 2009 (Copyright Ryan ALM, Inc. 2009 …All Rights Reserved)

3 3 Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM

4 4 Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM

5 5 Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM

6 6 Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM Funding Ratio ____________ RatioMarket Value of Assets / MV of Liabilities Requires Custom Liability Index 1990sMost Pensions had Surpluses Didn’t change their Asset Allocation 2000sFunding Ratios eroded by 40% to 60% ProblemFocus on ROA instead of Funding Ratio

7 7 Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM

8 8 Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM Pension Plan Objective ____________________

9 9 Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM Risk ____ TraditionVolatility of Total Returns Ryan ALM NOT Meeting the Client Objective (Uncertainty) Objective Liability Driven Sharpe Ratio Based on 3 month T-Bill New Ratio Based on Objective (Information Ratio)

10 10 Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM Risk Management ________________ TraditionReduce Volatility of Total Returns Ryan ALMIncrease Certainity of Meeting Objective Objective = Liability Driven Requires Objective Index Objective IndexCustom Liability Index

11 11 Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM Problem : Liability Valuation _________________________ Single Discount Rate Not market interest rates (ASOP = ROA, PPA = 2 year weighted average) Present Value calculated annually/triennially (Months delinquent) Liability Term Structure not transparent (Short, Intermediate, Long, Very Long)

12 12 Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM Problem : Generic Indexes _______________________ Represent the market not client liability schedule Generic Indexes do NOT represent clients’ true objective Client liability schedule is unique to each client (snowflakes) Confucius : Given Wrong Index … Get Wrong Risk/Reward

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14 14 Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM

15 15 Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM

16 16 Asset Allocation ________________ Should be based on “Funding Ratio” (Market Value of Assets / MV of Liabilities) Requires Custom Liability Index to Measure MV of Liabilities Large Deficit = Different Asset Allocation than Small Deficit Should be Dynamic (Tactical) Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM

17 17 Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM Solution: Contributions ____________________ Enhances Funding Ratio Contributions are a Future Asset Usually pay Liability Benefit Payments CLI will be recalculated to reflect this (Net Liability) Current Assets should fund Net Liabilities

18 18 Portable Alpha ________________ Transfer (Porting) of Excess Returns above Objective Index from Alpha Portfolio(s) to Beta Portfolio Requires Custom Liability Index = Liability Objective Alpha Portfolio = non-bonds to outgrow Liabilities Beta Portfolio = bonds to match Liabilities Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM

19 19 Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM

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21 21 Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM

22 22 Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM Portable Alpha (Benefits) ___________ As Portable Alpha Transfers Excess Returns above Liability Index Beta Portfolio grows and grows… creating 4 Major Benefits : 1. Reduces Contribution Costs (Fully Funds Liabilities) 2. Reduces Interest Rate Risks (Hedges Liabilities) 3.Increases Funded Ratio (Client Objective) 4.Increases Certainty of Meeting Objective

23 23 Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM

24 24 Asset Allocation ______________ Should be based on “Funding Ratio” and “Time” Deficit / Time (Average Life of Liabilities) = Alpha Needed 30% Deficit / 15 years = 2% per year Larger the Deficit > Requires More Alpha Estimated Alpha = ROA – YTM of Liabilities ROA = 8% YTM = 5% Alpha E = 3% 2% / 3% = 67% allocation to Alpha Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM

25 25 Ryan ALM 5-year Scenario _______________________________________ Liabilities: Interest Rates go up 30-yr U.S. Treasury = 4.50% >> 8.50% Growth Rate = ( 5.00%) Annual Note: Liabilities behave like long bonds ------- Annual Growth Rate ------- Assets 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% Liabilities - 5% -5% - 5% - 5% - 5% Alpha (Annual) 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% Funding Ratio = 50% > 82% 89% 94% 98% 103% = 60% > 99% 104% 109% 115% 120% Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM

26 26 Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM Bond Management ________________ Mission Best Value in Bonds = Defeasance Match + Fund Liabilities Chronologically Liability Index Fund (Requires CLI) Benefits Reduces Cost (Contributions) Reduces Risk (Interest Rate Risk) Reduces Volatility of Funded Ratio

27 27 Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM

28 28 Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM PIPER Study of Bond Managers ____________________________ Annual Total Returns (Periods Ending 12/31/08) 5 yrs. 10 yrs. 1 st Quartile 4.67% 5.75% Median 3.84% 5.22% Lehman Aggregate 4.64% 5.63% Median Manager loses to Lehman Aggregate 1 st Quartile loses to Lehman Aggregate (after fees)

29 29 Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM

30 30 Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM Problem: No Alpha in Bonds ________________________ Total Returns (Periods Ending 12/31/09) Indexes 10 yrs. 20 yrs. Lehman Aggregate 6.33% 7.01% Ryan 5-year STRIPS 7.21% 7.57% Difference - 0.88% - 0.56% Lehman Agg Duration consistently @ 5 year Intrinsic Value of any investment = vs. Risk-Free Treasury

31 31 Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM No Generic Index has same Cash Flow as Clients Liabilities Lehman Aggregate (12/31/06) 1-3 years 24.58% 3-5 years30.46 5-7 years27.09 7-10 years08.91 10+ years08.96 Lehman Aggregate = 40% in Securitized instruments Cash flow behavior tends to move in wrong direction Rates go up = duration gets longer Cash flow gets reduced Cash Flow ________

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33 33 Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM

34 34 Performance Measurement _______________________ Compares Assets vs. Objective Objective = Custom Liability Index Beta Portfolio = Liability Index Fund Alpha Portfolios = Portfolios that Beat Liabilities Requires CLI to Measure Alpha and Manage Beta Portfolio Ryan ALM, Inc. The Solutions Company 1- 888-Ryan-ALM

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