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MTH 070 Elementary Algebra Ron Wallace. Expectations Student Instructor Others Attend ALL classes Prepare for class Ask questions Answer questions Academic.

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Presentation on theme: "MTH 070 Elementary Algebra Ron Wallace. Expectations Student Instructor Others Attend ALL classes Prepare for class Ask questions Answer questions Academic."— Presentation transcript:

1 MTH 070 Elementary Algebra Ron Wallace

2 Expectations Student Instructor Others Attend ALL classes Prepare for class Ask questions Answer questions Academic Integrity Work Ethic/Attitude

3 Homework is Due Each Monday @ 8:00 AM Late work will be accepted through 8:00 AM the day of the chapter test (50% penalty) Grading Components “Daily” Homework (10%) Via MyMathLab at Practice makes perfect … … only if you practice correctly! do a problem check your answer if wrong … why?

4 Grading Components “Daily” Homework (10%) “Daily” Quizzes (10%) 4 Tests (80%) Exit Exam Must score 80% or above to pass this class (A, B, or C) and place into MTH095. Exit exam can improve your lowest test score. + 50% of difference Maximum: +10% Homework is Due Each Monday @ 8:00 AM Late work will be accepted through 8:00 AM the day of the chapter test (50% penalty)

5 Partial Credit Life Does NOT Give Partial Credit You get charged for a bounced check. The bridge collapses. The patient dies. The bank forecloses/repossesses. You get fired. Very little, if any, partial credit will be given on tests. You are expected to do arithmetic correctly. You may use a calculator to check most solutions.

6 Take Notes! “95% of what you hear is forgotten within 72 hours.” “90% of what you hear is forgotten a few days later.“ “50% of what you hear is forgotten within 60 seconds.” “66% of what you hear is forgotten in one day.” The more you become engaged in the class, the more you will remember and get out of it. "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." -- Confucius

7 Understanding vs. Processes Why? vs. How?

8 Terminology and Notation Correctly and Accurately Communicate Mathematics

9 Calculators Not required, but recommended. Basic 4-Function Calculator TI-84 Primary use … Checking your answers Practice w/ Homework Build confidence

10 How will I ever use any of this stuff in my future life? AKA: Why study math? Develop analytical skills. Develop logical and deductive reasoning. Develop skills of abstraction and generalization. Develop problem solving skills. Develop the ability to work through multi-step processes. Develop ability to breakdown a problem into smaller problems.

11 Course Web Sites Syllabus Notes Class Recordings Other materials Homework e-Textbook

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