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Cells With Attitude By Sydney Burkholder, Yumi Sakakibara, Sarah Penrose, and Tia Cooksie.

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Presentation on theme: "Cells With Attitude By Sydney Burkholder, Yumi Sakakibara, Sarah Penrose, and Tia Cooksie."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cells With Attitude By Sydney Burkholder, Yumi Sakakibara, Sarah Penrose, and Tia Cooksie

2 Cell Introduction In this power point we will go over the various cell parts and their functions. The picture to the right is of a composite cell.

3 Cell Membrane The cell membrane is a very thin bilayer that surrounds the cell. It is made of lipids, proteins and some carbohydrates. The membrane is selectively permeable, which means that it controls what comes in and out of the cell. Another function of the cell membrane is signal transduction, which means that makes the cell aware of its surrounding.

4 Cytoplasm The cytoplasm is the jelly of the cell. It is made of cytosol. It also has protein tubules and rods that make up the cytoskeleton.

5 Mitochondria It is a long, fluid-filled sac. It has an outer and inner layer. The inner layer has cristae, the enzymes on cristae control some chemical reactions that make ATP. They are also involved in aerobic respiration.

6 Endoplasmic Reticulum It’s made of flattened sacs, long canals, and fluid filled sacs called vesicles. Rough E.R. has ribosomes on it and is part of protien synthesis. Smooth E.R. doesn’t have ribosomes and is part of the lipid synthesis.

7 Ribosomes They are made in the Nucleolus.

8 Golgi Apparatus It is made of flattened sac’s, it refines, packages, and delivers protiens.

9 Lysosomes They are the garbage disposals of the cell. They break down old cell parts and digest bacteria.

10 Peroxisomes They have enzymes that speed up synthesis of bile acids, detoxification of hydrogen peroxides, and break down certain lipids and rare bio chemicals.

11 Microfilaments & Microtubules Microfilaments are tiny rods and microtubules are long, bigger tubes. They provide cell movement.

12 Centrosome It consists of 2 hollow cylinders called centrioles, and they distribute chromosomes during mitosis.

13 Vacuoles A tiny bubble like vesicle with a liquid or solid material. And appears in the cytoplasm. Its main function is to transport things for the cell.

14 Nuclear Membrane A bilayer structure that surrounds the nucleus, it has nuclear pores that allow certain molecules to leave the nucleus.

15 Nucleus It contains Chromatin which is loosely coiled DNA. It directs cell activity. Inside is the Nucleolus.

16 Nucleolus It makes ribosomes.

17 Plant Cell The plant cell is Eukaryotic. In addition to have the same parts as the animal cell, the plant cell also contains chloroplasts which contain chlorophyll. (the green stuff that makes the plant green.) They have enzymes that speed up synthesis of bile acids, detoxification of hydrogen peroxides, and break down certain lipids and rare bio chemicals.

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