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COS 413 DAY 2. Agenda Questions? Assignment 1 due next class Finish Discussion on Preparing for Computing Investigations Begin Discussion on Understanding.

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Presentation on theme: "COS 413 DAY 2. Agenda Questions? Assignment 1 due next class Finish Discussion on Preparing for Computing Investigations Begin Discussion on Understanding."— Presentation transcript:

1 COS 413 DAY 2

2 Agenda Questions? Assignment 1 due next class Finish Discussion on Preparing for Computing Investigations Begin Discussion on Understanding Computer Investigations Tomorrow Lab will be in OMS Room 120 –Pick a lab partner (PSA/COS teams) –You will need 4 1.44 floppies – Hands-on Projects (page 66) Projects 2-1 and 2-2 –Lab write-up due in before next lab (One grade per team)

3 Public Service Announcement From Steve Worona [sworona@EDUCAUSE.EDU] –From 1-2pm Eastern Time this Thursday, September 15, I'll have the pleasure of hosting David Post on EDUCAUSE Live! David has been an ICPL participant since we began the program in 1996, speaking on the general topic of Internet governance. On Thursday, his topic will be "Whose Law? The Problem of 'Jurisdiction' on the Internet". Here's the abstract: The question "What law am I obligated to obey?" is a fundamental one in any legal system and one that every lawyer should be able to answer for his or her client. It is, though, deceptively complex-even in the non-Internet context. David Post will try to make some sense of this question as applied to activity on the Internet, both by presenting a very general framework for thinking about "jurisdictional" questions and by analyzing a number of recent cases raising specific jurisdictional issues. –There's no charge for the Webcast, but registration is required at. –EDUCAUSE Live! is open to all; feel free to pass the word. All EDUCAUSE Live! events are archived for future access.

4 Preparing For Computer Investigations (continued)

5 Understanding Enforcement Agency Investigations Understand: –Local city, county, state or province, and federal laws on computer-related crimes –Legal processes and how to build a criminal case

6 Understanding Enforcement Agency Investigations (continued) States have added specific language to their criminal codes to define crimes that involve computers Until 1993, laws defining computer crimes did not exist

7 Following the Legal Process A criminal case follows three stages: –Complaint Someone files a complaint –Investigation A specialist investigates the complaint –Prosecution Prosecutor collects evidence and builds a case

8 Following the Legal Process (continued)

9 Levels of law enforcement expertise: –Level 1 (street police officer) Acquiring and seizing digital evidence –Level 2 (detective) Managing high-tech investigations Teaching the investigator what to ask for Understanding computer terminology What can and cannot be retrieved from digital evidence –Level 3: (computer forensics expert) Specialist training in retrieving digital evidence

10 Following the Legal Process (continued)

11 Understanding Corporate Investigations Business must continue with minimal interruption from your investigation Corporate computer crimes: –E-mail harassment –Falsification of data –Gender and age discrimination –Embezzlement –Sabotage –Industrial espionage

12 Establishing Company Policies Company policies avoid litigation Policies provide: –Rules for using company computers and networks –Line of authority for internal investigations Who has the legal right to initiate an investigation Who can take possession of evidence Who can have access to evidence

13 Displaying Warning Banners Avoid litigation displaying a warning banner on computer screens A banner: –Informs user that the organization can inspect computer systems and network traffic at will –Voids right of privacy –Establishes authority to conduct an investigation

14 Displaying Warning Banners (continued)

15 Types of warning banners: –For internal employee access (intranet Web page access) –External visitor accesses (Internet Web page access)

16 Displaying Warning Banners (continued) Examples of warning banners: –Access to this system and network is restricted –Use of this system and network is for official business only –Systems and networks are subject to monitoring at any time by the owner –Using this system implies consent to monitoring by the owner –Unauthorized or illegal users of this system or network will be subject to discipline or prosecution

17 Displaying Warning Banners (continued) A for-profit organization banner –This system is the property of Company X –This system is for authorized use only –Unauthorized access is a violation of law and violators will be prosecuted –All activity, software, network traffic, and communications are subject to monitoring

18 Designating an Authorized Requester Establish a line of authority Specify an authorized requester who has the power to conduct investigations Groups who can request investigations: –Corporate Security Investigations –Corporate Ethics Office –Corporate Equal Employment Opportunity Office –Internal Auditing –The general counsel or legal department

19 Conducting Security Investigations Public investigations search for evidence to support criminal allegations Private investigations search for evidence to support allegations of abuse of a company’s assets and criminal complaints

20 Conducting Security Investigations (continued) Situations in the enterprise environment: –Abuse or misuse of corporate assets –E-mail abuse –Internet abuse

21 Conducting Security Investigations (continued)

22 Employee abuse of computer privileges –Employee company startup –Porn site –Malicious e-mail

23 Distinguishing Personal and Company Property PDAs and personal notebook computers Employee hooks up his PDA device to his company computer Company gives PDA to employee as bonus

24 Maintaining Professional Conduct Professional conduct determines credibility –Ethics –Morals –Standards of behavior –Maintain objectivity and confidentiality –Enrich technical knowledge –Conduct with integrity

25 Maintaining Professional Conduct (continued) Maintaining objectivity –Sustain unbiased opinions of your cases Avoid making conclusions about the findings until all reasonable leads have been exhausted Considered all the available facts Ignore external biases to maintain the integrity of the fact-finding in all investigations Keep the case confidential

26 Maintaining Professional Conduct (continued) Stay current with the latest technical changes in computer hardware and software, networking, and forensic tools Learn about the latest investigation techniques that can be applied to the case Record fact-finding methods in a journal –Include dates and important details that serve as memory triggers –Develop a routine of regularly reviewing the journal to keep past achievements fresh

27 Maintaining Professional Conduct (continued) Attend workshops, conferences, and vendor- specific courses conducted by software manufacturers Monitor the latest book releases and read as much as possible about computer investigations and forensics

28 Summary Computer forensics: systematic accumulation of digital evidence in an investigation Differs from network forensics, data recovery, and disaster recovery in scope, technique, and objective Laws relating to digital evidence were established in the late 1960s To be successful, you must be familiar with more than one computing platform

29 Summary (continued) To supplement your knowledge, develop and maintain contact with computer, network, and investigative professionals Public investigations typically require a search warrant before the digital evidence is seized The Fourth Amendment applies to governmental searches and seizures During public investigations, you search for evidence to support criminal allegations

30 Summary (continued) During private investigations, search for evidence to support allegations of abuse of a company or person’s assets and, in some cases, criminal complaints Silver-platter doctrine: handing the results of private investigations over to the authorities because of indications of criminal activity Forensics investigators must maintain an impeccable reputation to protect credibility

31 Summary (continued) Most information is stored on hard disks, floppy disks, and CD-ROMs in a nonvolatile manner Peripheral components (video adapter cards, sound cards, mice, keyboards, NICs) attach to mainboard via an expansion slot or port All peripherals must have a unique IRQ and I/O address to communicate with the processor Hardware information can be gathered from computer manuals, BIOS, or other OSs

32 Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations Chapter 2 Understanding Computer Investigation

33 Objectives Prepare a case Begin an investigation Understand computer forensics workstations and software

34 Objectives (continued) Conduct an investigation Complete a case Critique a case

35 Preparing a Computer Investigation Role of computer forensics professional: gather evidence to prove a suspect committed a crime or violated a company policy Collect evidence that can be offered in court or at a corporate inquiry –Investigate the suspect’s computer –Preserve the evidence on a different computer

36 Preparing a Computer Investigation (continued) Follow an accepted procedure to prepare a case Chain of custody –Route the evidence takes from the time you find it until the case is closed or goes to court

37 Examining a Computer Crime Computers can contain information that helps law enforcement determine: –Chain of events leading to a crime –Evidence that can lead to a conviction Law enforcement officers should follow proper procedure when acquiring the evidence –Digital evidence can be easily altered by an overeager investigator

38 Examining a Computer Crime (continued)

39 Examining a Company Policy Violation Employees misusing resources can cost companies millions of dollars Misuse includes: –Surfing the Internet –Sending personal e-mails –Using company computers for personal tasks

40 Taking a Systematic Approach Steps for problem solving: –Make an initial assessment about the type of case you are investigating –Determine a preliminary design or approach to the case –Create a detailed design –Determine the resources you need –Obtain and copy an evidence disk drive

41 Taking a Systematic Approach (continued) Steps for problem solving (continued): –Identify the risks –Mitigate or minimize the risks –Test the design –Analyze and recover the digital evidence –Investigate the data you recovered –Complete the case report –Critique the case

42 Assessing the Case Systematically outline the case details: –Situation –Nature of the case –Specifics about the case –Type of evidence –OS –Known disk format –Location of evidence

43 Assessing the Case (continued) Based on case details, you can determine the case requirements: –Type of evidence –Computer forensics tools –Special OSs

44 Planning your Investigation A basic investigation plan should include the following activities: –Acquire the evidence –Complete an evidence form and establish a chain of custody –Transport evidence to a computer forensics lab –Secure evidence in an approved secure container

45 Planning your Investigation (continued) A basic investigation plan (continued): –Prepare a forensics workstation –Obtain the evidence from the secure container –Make a forensic copy of the evidence –Return the evidence to the secure container –Process the copied evidence with computer forensics tools

46 Planning your Investigation (continued) An evidence custody form helps you document what has been done with the original evidence and its forensics copies There are two types: –Single-evidence form –Multi-evidence form

47 Planning your Investigation (continued)


49 Securing your Evidence Use evidence bags to secure and catalog the evidence Use computer safe products –Antistatic bags –Antistatic pads Use well-padded containers

50 Securing your Evidence (continued) Use evidence tape to seal all openings –Floppy disk or CD drives –Power supply electrical cord Write your initials on tape to prove that evidence has not been tampered Consider computer-specific temperature and humidity ranges

51 Understanding Data-Recovery Workstations and Software Investigations are conducted on a computer forensics lab (or data-recovery lab) Computer forensics and data-recovery are related but different Computer forensics workstation –Specially configured personal computer To avoid altering the evidence, use: –Forensics boot floppy disk –Write-blockers devices

52 Setting Up your Workstation for Computer Forensics Set up Windows 98 workstation to boot into MS- DOS –Display a Startup menu –Modify Msdos.sys file using any text editor Install a computer forensics tool –DriveSpy and Image From start menu -> msconfig (ok) -> select advanced

53 Setting Up your Workstation for Computer Forensics (continued)

54 Modify MSDOS.SYS file

55 Conducting an Investigation Begin by copying the evidence using a variety of methods –Recall that no single method retrieves all data –The more methods you use, the better

56 Gathering the Evidence Take all necessary measures to avoid damaging the evidence –Place the evidence in a secure container Complete the evidence custody form Transport the evidence to the computer forensics lab Create forensics copies (if possible) Secure evidence by locking the container

57 Understanding Bit-stream Copies Bit-by-bit copy of the original storage medium Exact copy of the original disk Different from a simple backup copy –Backup software only copy known files –Backup software cannot copy deleted files or e-mail messages, or recover file fragments

58 Understanding Bit-stream Copies (continued) A bit-stream image file contains the bit-stream copy of all data on a disk or partition Preferable to copy the image file to a target disk that matches the original disk’s manufacturer, size, and model

59 Understanding Bit-stream Copies (continued)

60 Copying the Evidence Disk A forensic copy is an exact duplicate of the original data Create a forensic copy using: –MS-DOS –Specialized tool such as Digital Intelligence’s Image First, create a bit-stream image Then, copy the image to a target disk

61 Copy Using MSDOS Write protect original (move tab) Boot to MSDOS mode Insert original floppy in drive Type “Diskcopy A: A: /v” Insert new floppy when prompted Label new floppy Resecure oprignal floppy to secure evidence locker

62 Coping using Image Boot to MSDOS mode Insert original floppy Change to work folder Acquire image from disk –Image a: c:\work\..\daImage.img Remove original floppy

63 Restoring an image Boot to MSDOS mode Insert new floppy Change to work folder restore image from disk –Image daImage.img a: Remove new floppy and label

64 Analyzing the digital evidence Using DriveSpy –Page 55-61 in text

65 Completing the Case You need to produce a final report –State what you did and what you found You can even include logs from the forensic tools you used If required, use a report template The report should show conclusive evidence that the suspect did or did not commit a crime or violate a company policy

66 Critiquing the Case Ask yourself the following questions: –How could you improve your participation in the case? –Did you expect the results you found? –Did the case develop in ways you did not expect? –Was the documentation as thorough as it could have been?

67 Critiquing the Case (continued) Questions continued: –What feedback has been received from the requesting source? –Did you discover any new problems? What are they? –Did you use new techniques during the case or during research?

68 Summary Use a systematic approach to investigations Plan a case by taking into account: –Nature of the case –Case requirements –Gathering evidence techniques Do not forget that every case can go to court Apply standard problem-solving techniques

69 Summary (continued) Keep track of the chain of custody of your evidence Create bit-stream copies of the original data Use the duplicates whenever possible Some tools: DriveSpy and Image, FTK, MS-DOS commands Produce a final report detailing what you did and found

70 Summary (continued) Always critique your work as a way of improving it Apply these lessons to future cases

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