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Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 The Accreditation.

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Presentation on theme: "Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 The Accreditation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 The Accreditation of Prior Learning in Germany A Federal Project Initiative

2 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 Topics: The general situation in Germany regarding academic and vocational education Non-traditional students in Germany Why accredit prior learning? The German Federal Initiative Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies A case study: The study programme ‘Bachelor of Business Administration in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises’, University of Oldenburg

3 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 The Situation in Germany Relatively few university graduates : Compared to other countries, e.g. within the OECD, the percentage of university graduates within the population is relatively low In international innovation scoring systems – e.g. the European TrendChart on Innovation – Germany ranks poorly regarding the availability of Science & Technology graduates Sophisticated vocational education system : The vocational education system has a long tradition in Germany, and provides high standards of education across a broad range of professions In Germany, graduates of the higher levels of the vocational education system (e.g. ‘Meister’, ‘Techniker’, ‘Fachwirte’) occupy positions regarded as adequate for academically educated staff (e.g. Bachelors of Engineering) elsewhere

4 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 Non-traditional Students (in % of all new students) Source: Eurostudent

5 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 Problems (I) Regarding vocational education graduates : Despite the relatively high level of education, graduates of the vocational training system may find themselves in ‘dead ends’ regarding their careers e.g. ‘Meisters’ wanting to move up to higher levels of management might find this to be difficult or impossible without an academic degree Regarding companies/employers : Especially in areas requiring high levels of knowledge, and facing rapid changes in knowledge development (e.g. ‘High-tech’ domains) encounter difficulties in personnel development Traditional suppliers of higher-level and continuing vocational training are sometimes not able to provide the education required, while academic institutions do not offer these educational services

6 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 Problems (II) Regarding universities : At present: No high-priority actual problems requiring AP(E)L or other means to increase permeability for non-traditional students. Exception: Acquisition of external funds, but the (commercial) provision of educational services is not a strong part of German academic culture In the future: Increasing problems in recruiting students, especially in the technological departments, and at least in some types of universities/polytechnics Regarding society : The evident lack of permeability for graduates of the vocational education system into academic education violates objectives of educational policy This non-permeability also blocks pathways to develop the educational standard – knowledge and skills – of working people in Germany, the most important resource we have

7 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 Why accredit prior learning? Global objective : Improve the conditions for continuing, life-long competence developement: -Maintain and develop competitiveness of the German national economy -Maintain and develop opportunities for individual and professional development -Prepare for demographic change Specific objectives of the initiative : -Improvement of practically relevant permeability between vocational and academic education -Accreditation and dynamisation of vocational competences -Development of opportunities for recruiting and developing highly qualified personnel

8 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 Accompanying Research Programme Agency Regional development projects for the accreditation of prior learning for academic studies Accreditation of prior learning for academic studies Federal Ministry of Education and Research Board

9 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 Social and educational professions Economic / managerial professions ICT professions Engineering professions (MEMS)

10 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 A Learning Outcomes B Assessment of Equivalence C Accreditation Procedure Conception / Design Description of learning outcomes from academic studies, vocational education, and practical experience Methodology to assess equivalence of outcomes across these learning environments Design of concrete accreditation procedure at university / polytechnic Implementation Which strategies and specific steps are necessary / probably successful for the implementation of these three ‘building blocks’ in practice? (Fitness for Practice)

11 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 Competence Qualification Knowledge Source: John Erpenbeck, Presentation Berlin 7.4.06

12 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 Political hurdles: Federalism: Responsibilities for vocational and academic education divided between federal level and ‘Länder’ Historically developed structural hurdles between academic and vocational education: Lack of mutual interest Language barriers Lack of knowledge about the other sector

13 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 Hurdles on the university side: Fear of losing ‚monopoly‘ in academic education Lack of interest because of presently high number of students Education – especially continuing education – is not regarded as crucial for universities` reputation / ‘excellence’ High demand of resources for study programme re-design (from traditional Diploma to Bachelor/Master) Low acceptance at accreditation agencies

14 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 Case study: North-Western Project Consortium CvO Uni Oldenburg ibe University of Oldenburg Uni Bremen / ITB University of Bremen Arbeitnehmer- kammer Bremen Employees´ Chamber Bremen IHK Ostfriesland und Papenburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry East Frisia / Papenburg Oldenburgische IHK Chamber of Commerce and Industry Oldenburg HK Bremen Chamber of Crafts Bremen © Carl-von-Ossietzky-University Oldenburg Wolfgang Müskens, 2007

15 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 Ways of Accreditation individualised Accreditation generalised vs. individualised generalised Competences from experiential learning Vocational education certificates Assessment of equivalencePortfolio seit 3/2006 möglich Complex task Accreditation by examination board © Carl-von-Ossietzky-University Oldenburg Wolfgang Müskens, 2007

16 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 Everyone holding a specific certificate gets accreditation of modules without any further examination. University and vocational education institution assess equivalence of learning outcomes once Accreditation is guaranteed by university Grundprinzipien © Carl-von-Ossietzky-University Oldenburg Wolfgang Müskens, 2007 Generalised Accreditation

17 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 im Qualifikationsverbund Nord-West Several vocational education certificates, e.g. ‘Certified Business Administrator (CCI)’ BA „Business Administration in SME“ University of Oldenburg © Carl-von-Ossietzky-University Oldenburg Wolfgang Müskens, 2007 Study Courses and Certificates Several vocational education certificates, e.g. ‘Meister’ B.Sc. „Systems Engineering“ M.Sc. „Systems Engineering“ University of Bremen

18 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 Vocational education certificate Study module (e.g. Production) Assessment of equivalence Experts assess, the content overlap between study module and certificate, and assess the EQF levels of the competences acquired in the study module and in the vocational education programme, respectively Content domains Skills Knowledge EQF-Level MLI (Module Level Indicator) Relation toEQF Several domains of competence regarded © Carl-von-Ossietzky-University Oldenburg Wolfgang Müskens, 2007 Generalised Accreditation

19 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 Competence Knowledge Module Level Indicator Scope and Actuality Critical appreciation Interdisciplinarity Skills Problem Solving Skills Relation to Practice Autonomy Communication Awareness of ethical and social issues © Carl-von-Ossietzky-University Oldenburg Wolfgang Müskens, 2007 Scales of the MLI

20 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 Scales of the MLI - Examples of Items Knowledge Module Level Indicator Scope and Actuality Cirtical appreciation Interdisciplinarity „The module contains at least some in-depth knowledge on the actual state of research within the domain.“ „The module provides an awareness for the limits of the knowledge acquired.“ „The module contains interdisciplinary topics, requiring knowledge from different domains.“ Skills Problem Solving Skills Relation to Practice „The learning objectives or examination questions require comprehensive cognitive of practical skills.“ „The module provides knowledge with immediate practical usability.“ © Carl-von-Ossietzky-University, Oldenburg, Wolfgang Müskens, 2007

21 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 Competence Module Level Indicator Autonomy Communication Awareness of ethical and social issues „The module contains learning objectives implying non-predictable changes.“ „The Learners have demonstrated their ability to communicate their understanding of the domain to other learners.“ „When solving problems, the learners take into account interests of others and show solidarity with people affected by the solutions.“ Scales of the MLI - Examples of Items © Carl-von-Ossietzky-University Oldenburg Wolfgang Müskens, 2007

22 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 There are differences regarding the EQF levels between both educational programmes These differences – when comparing content-similar modules – are minimal, always less than half a level-step There is no reason to deny accreditation based on these findings © Carl-von-Ossietzky-University Oldenburg Wolfgang Müskens, 2007 Comparison Certified Business Administrator (CCI) / - BA „Business Administration“

23 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 © Carl-von-Ossietzky-University Oldenburg Wolfgang Müskens, 2007 MLI-based Comparison of Competences (cost accounting) Knowledge Critical appreciation Interdisciplinarity Problem solving Practice Autonomy Social/ethical aspects Bachelor programmeVocational programme

24 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 © Carl-von-Ossietzky-University Oldenburg Wolfgang Müskens, 2007 MLI-based Comparison of Competences (all modules / subjects) Knowledge Critical appreciation Interdisciplinarity Problem solving Practice Autonomy Social/ethical aspects Bachelor programmeVocational programme

25 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 Ways of Accreditation individualised Accreditation generalised vs. individualised generalised Competences from experiential learning Vocational education certificates Assessment of equivalencePortfolio seit 3/2006 möglich Complex task Accreditation by examination board © Carl-von-Ossietzky-University Oldenburg Wolfgang Müskens, 2007

26 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 Student delivers portfolio (evidence of experiential learning) Student solves complex task on her/his own (without supervision) Lecturer assesses task based on competence- oriented standards Permission to take part in one ore more examinations (one examination per module) If successful: accreditation of credits for respective module(sA Student receives study material and a complex task for the respective module(s) Ablauf © Carl-von-Ossietzky-University Oldenburg Wolfgang Müskens, 2007 Individualised Accreditation

27 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 EQF: Competence Leadership Management tasks in a team Responsibility Autonomy Communicative competence Communication of ideas, problems, and solutions Methods (e.g. presentation) References Job descriptions Official documents... Presentations Reports Written communication... EQF: Skills Solving complex skills Practical skills Creativity and Innovation Presentation of three examples from professional experience © Carl-von-Ossietzky-University Oldenburg Wolfgang Müskens, 2007 Portfolio

28 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 EQF: Knowledge Domain knowledge Critical appreciation Interdisciplinary knowledge EQF: Skills Solving complex problems Practical skills Creativity and Innovation Using theory, models Critical use of theory, models Knowledge at ‘interfaces’ to other domains Application of domain-specific methods to the practical problem Application of models and theory to the practical problem © Carl-von-Ossietzky-University Oldenburg Wolfgang Müskens, 2007 Complex Task

29 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 Professional adequacy of solution Comprehensibility Communicative Competence Communicate ideas, problems, solutions Taking people affected by the Problem / the solution into account Social Competence Taking others into account © Carl-von-Ossietzky-University Oldenburg Wolfgang Müskens, 2007 Complex Task

30 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 © Carl-von-Ossietzky-University Oldenburg Wolfgang Müskens, 2007 An entrepreneur as student

31 Accreditation of Prior Learning for Academic Studies Presidency Conference “Realising the European Learning Area” Munich, 4 – 5 June 2007 Thank you for your attention!

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