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Summary Cell doctrine;

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1 Summary Cell doctrine; Two major types of microscopes: light and electron; Limitation of resolution: wavelength of radiation; Advantage and disadvantage of light and electron MS Different types of light microscopes: bright field, phase contrast, DIC, dark field,fluorescent, confocal Image processing: digital enhancement Two major types of EM: TEM and SEM Additional tricks: shadowing, freeze-fracture, freeze etching, negative staining, tomography; Live imaging, calcium indicators, caged compounds, GFP, pulse chasing

2 Lecture 4 Membrane: lipids and membrane proteins
Plasma membrane

3 Cell membrane: thin layer of dynamic and fluid lipid and protein
molecules held together by noncovalent interactions 30% of the proteins encoded in our genome are membrane proteins

4 Membrane lipids, like the most abundant kind, phospholipids,
are amphipathic

5 Closed lipid bilayer membranes are energetically favorable

6 Properties of the lipid bilayer
Liposome and black membranes Diffuse across 2 um in 1 sec! Needs phospholipid translocators

7 Cholesterol decreases permeability and fluidity at high
Concentrations but also inhibits phase transition “freeze” or “gel”

8 Four major phospholipids (50% of lipid)

9 Lipid rafts are small, specialized areas in membranes
where some lipids (primarily sphingolipids and cholesterol) and proteins are concentrated GPI-linked 70 nm in diameter

10 The asymmetrical distribution of phopholipids
and glycolipids in the lipid bilayer Negative inside Phosphotidylcholine and sphingomyelin: outer Phosphotidylethanolamine and phosphotidylserine: inner PKC requires phosphotidylserine Apoptotic cells have their phosphotidylserine translocated to outer bilayer

11 Phosphotidylinositol--
lipid kinases add phosphate groups in the inositol ring (PI3-kinase) Phospholipases cleave the inositol phospholipid molecules into two fragments

12 Glycolipids are only present on the outer monolayer
Ganglioside: Protection Electrical effects Cell-recognition Entry points for bacteria No genetic evidence

13 Various ways membrane proteins associate with the lipid bilayer
Glycosylphosphatidylinositol(GPI) and phosphatidylinositol-specific Phospholipase C (PIPC)

14 Most transmembrane domains are made of  helices
Hydrogen bonds in the polypeptide chain

15 Some barrels form large transmembrane channels
10 aa is sufficient, barrels are rigid and hyropathy plots cannot identify barrels Crystallize readily, abundant in outer membranes of mito, chloroplast and bacteria. Pore-forming proteins (porin). Loops of polypeptide chain in the lumen. Selective (maltoporin). Some are receptors or enzymes not transporters.

16 Glycosylation and disulfide bonds

17 Membrane proteins can be solubilized and purified in detergents
amphipathic Charged (ionic) -sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) Uncharged(nonionic) -Triton


19 The biconcave shape of red blood cells
No nucleus:pure plasma membrane!

20 Spectrin is a cytoskeletal protein noncovalently associated
with the cytosolic side of the red blood cell membrane

21 Ankyrin connects spectrin to Band 3
Band 4.1 binds to spectrin, actin and glycoporin

22 Membrane proteins diffuse in the membrane

23 Measuring the rate of lateral diffusion by photobleaching
Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching Fluorescence Loss in photobleaching

24 Domains of an epithelial cell
Proteins and lipids are NOT always free to go anywhere they want Intercellular junctions

25 Membrane domains created in a single cell

26 The cell surface is coated with a carbohydrate layer
Glycoproteins Glycolipids Some proteoglycans Ruthenium red Lectins

27 Summary Membranes are made of lipids and proteins; Lipid bilayer is a energetically favored structure; Fluidity, permeability and asymmetry of lipid bilayer Membrane proteins and transmembrane domains; Membrane protein modifications and asymmetry; RBCs are good models for plasma membrane; Membrane proteins in some membranes are more free to move laterally; 8. Carbohydrate layer.

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