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Causality & Global States. P1 P2 P3 12 3 4 5 0 0 0 1 2 Physical Time 4 6 Include(obj1 ) obj1.method() P2 has obj1 Causality violation occurs when order.

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Presentation on theme: "Causality & Global States. P1 P2 P3 12 3 4 5 0 0 0 1 2 Physical Time 4 6 Include(obj1 ) obj1.method() P2 has obj1 Causality violation occurs when order."— Presentation transcript:

1 Causality & Global States

2 P1 P2 P3 12 3 4 5 0 0 0 1 2 Physical Time 4 6 Include(obj1 ) obj1.method() P2 has obj1 Causality violation occurs when order of messages causes an action based on information that another host has not yet received. In designing a DS, potential for causality violation is important

3 Detecting Causality Violation P1 P2 P3 (1,0,0) (2,0,0) Physical Time (2,0,2) Potential causality violation can be detected by vector timestamps. If the vector timestamp of a message is less than the local vector timestamp, on arrival, there is a potential causality violation. 0,0,0 1,0,0 2,0,1 2,2,2 2,1,2 2,0,2 2,0,0 Violation: (1,0,0) < (2,1,2)

4 Communication Modes in DS  Unicast (best effort or reliable)  Messages are sent from exactly one host to one host  Best effort guarantees that if a message is delivered it would be intact  Reliable guarantees delivery of messages.  Broadcast  Messages are sent from exactly one host to all hosts on the same network.  Reliable broadcast protocols are not practical  Multicast  Messages are sent from exactly one host to several hosts on the same or different networks.  Multicast can be implemented above a reliable unicast

5  Process messages from each host in the order they were sent:  Each processor keeps a sequence number for each host (use own sequence for marking own messages)  When a message is received, as expected, accept higher than expected, buffer in a queue lower than expected, reject Ordering Guarantees (FIFO) If Message# is

6 Example: FIFO Multicast P1 P2 P3 0 0 0 Physical Time 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 01 0 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 Reject: 1 < 1 + 1 Accept 1 = 0 + 1 Accept: 2 = 1 + 1 2 0 0 Buffer 2 > 0 + 1 Accept: 1 = 0 + 1 2 0 0 Accept Buffer 2 = 1 + 1 Reject: 1 < 1 + 1 Accept 1 = 0 + 1 Sequence Vector 0 0 0

7  Process messages in an order that guarantees no potential causal violation  Each processor keeps a vector of sequences, one entry for each host  A copy of the vector is sent with each message  When a message is received, If all vector entries are as expected, accept else higher than expected, buffer in a queue lower than expected, reject Ordering Guarantees (Causal) If any vector entry is

8 Example: Causal Ordering Multicast P1 P2 P3 Physical Time (1,1,0) Reject: Accept 0,0,0 1,0,0 1,1,0 1,0,0 Buffer, missin g P1(1) 1,1,0 Accept: 1,0,0 Accept Buffered messag e 1,1,0 (1,0,0) (1,1,0) Accept

9 Process Histories and States  For a process P i, history(P i ) = h i = prefix history(P i k ) = h i k = S i k, P i ‘s State immediately before k th event  For a set of processes, global history, H =  i (h i ) global state, S =  i (S i k i ) a cut C  H = h 1 c1  h 2 c2  …  h n cn the frontier of C = {e i ci, i = 1,2, … n}

10 Consistent States  A cut C is consistent if  e  C (if f  e then f  C)  A global state S is consistent if it corresponds to a consistent cut P1 P2 P3 e10e10 e11e11 e12e12 e13e13 e20e20 e21e21 e22e22 e30e30 e31e31 e32e32 Inconsistent cut Consistent cut

11 Global States  A Run is a total ordering of events in H that is consistent with each h i ’s ordering  A Linearization is a run consistent with happens-before (  ) relation in H.  Linearizations pass through consistent global states.  A global state S k is reachable from global state S i, if there is a lineralization, L, that passes through S i and then through S k.  A DS evolves as a series of transitions between global states S 0, S 1, ….

12 Global State Predicates  A global-state-predicate is a function from the set of global states to {true, false}, e.g. deadlock, termination  A stable global-state-predicate is one that once it becomes true, remains true in subsequent global states, e.g. deadlock  if P is a gobal-state-predicate, then safety(P)   S reachable from S 0, P(S) = false liveness(p)   L  lineralizatoins from S0  S L : L passes through S L & P(S L ) = true  We need a way to record global states

13 The “Snapshot” Algorithm  Records a set of process and channel states such that the combination is a consistent GS.  Assumptions:  No failure, all mages arrive intact, exactly once  Communication channels are unidirectional  Message access is FIFO-ordered  There is a comm. Path between any two processes  Any process may initiate the snapshot (sends Marker)  Snapshot does not interfere with normal execution behavior  Each process records its state and the state of its incoming channels (no central collection)

14 The “Snapshot” Algorithm (2) Marker sending rule for process P i  record P i ’s state  for each outgoing channel C, send a marker on C Marker receiving rule for a process P k, on receipt of a marker over channel C`  if P k has not yet recorded its state -record P k ’s state -record the state of C` as “empty” -turn on recording of messages over other incoming channels -for each outgoing channel C, send a marker on C else -record the state of C` as all the messages received over C` since P k saved its state

15 Snapshot Example P1 P2 P3 e10e10 e20e20 e23e23 e30e30 e13e13 a b M e 1 1,2 M 1- P1 initiates snapshot: records its state (S1); sends Markers to P2 & P3; turns on recording for channels C21 and C31 e 2 1,2,3 M M 2- P2 receives Marker over C12, records its state (S2), sets state(C12) = {} sends Marker to P1 & P3; turns on recording for channel C32 e14e14 3- P1 receives Marker over C21, sets state(C21) = {a} e 3 2,3,4 M M 4- P3 receives Marker over C13, records its state (S3), sets state(C13) = {} sends Marker to P1 & P2; turns on recording for channel C23 e24e24 5- P2 receives Marker over C32, sets state(C32) = {b} e31e31 6- P3 receives Marker over C23, sets state(C23) = {} e13e13 7- P1 receives Marker over C31, sets state(C31) = {}

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