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Ordering and Consistent Cuts Presented By Biswanath Panda.

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Presentation on theme: "Ordering and Consistent Cuts Presented By Biswanath Panda."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ordering and Consistent Cuts Presented By Biswanath Panda

2 Introduction Ordering and global state detection in a “distributed system” Fundamental Questions  What is a distributed system?  What is a distributed computation?  How can we represent a distributed system?  Why are today’s papers so important?

3 A distributed system is …. A collection of sequential processes p 1, p 2, p 3 …..p n Network capable of implementing communication channels between pairs of processes for message exchange Channels are reliable but may deliver messages out of order Every process can communicate with every other process(may not be directly) There is no reasoning based on global clocks All kinds of synchronization must be done by message passing

4 Distributed Computation A distributed computation is a single execution of a distributed program by a collection of processes. Each sequential process generates a sequence of events that are either internal events, or communication events The local history of process p i during a computation is a (possibly infinite) sequence of events h i = e i 1, e i 2 ….... A partial local history of a process is a prefix of the local history h i n = e i 1, e i 2 … e i n The global history of a computation is the set H = U i=1 n h i

5 So what does this global history as defined tell us? It is just the collection of events that have occurred in the system It does not give us any idea about the relative times between the events As there is no notion of global time, events can only be ordered based on a notion of cause and effect So lets formalize this idea

6 Happened Before Relation (→) If a and b are events in the same process then a → b If a is the sending of a message m by a process and b is the corresponding receive event then a → b Finally if a → b b → c then a → c If a → b and b → a then a and b are concurrent → defines a partial order on the set H

7 Space Time Diagram Graphical representation of a distributed system If there is a path between two events then they are related Else they are concurrent

8 Is this notion of ordering really important? Some idea of ordering of events is fundamental to reason about how a system works Global State Detection is a fundamental problem in distributed computing  Enables detecting stable properties of a system  How do we get a snapshot of the system when there is no notion of global time or shared memory  How do we ensure that that the state collected is consistent Use this problem to illustrate the importance of ordering This will also give us the notion of what is a consistent global state

9 Global States and Cuts Global State is a n-tuple of local states one for each process Cut is a subset of the global history that contains an initial prefix of each local state Therefore every cut is a natural global state Intuitively a cut partitions the space time diagram along the time axis A Cut is identified by the last event of each process that is part of the cut

10 Example of a Cut

11 Introduction to consistency Consider this solution for the common problem of deadlock detection System has 3 processes p1, p2, p3 An external process p0 sends a message to each process (Active Monitoring) Each process on getting this message reports its local state Note that this global state thus collected at p 0 is a cut p 0 uses this information to create a wait for graph

12 Consider the space time diagram below and the cut C 2 1 2 3 Cycle formed

13 So what went wrong? p 0 detected a cycle when there was no deadlock State recorded contained a message received by p3 which p1 never sent The system could never be in such a state and hence the state p0 saw was inconsistent So we need to make sure that application see consistent states

14 So what is a consistent global state? A cut C is consistent if for all events e and e’ Intuitively if an event is part of a cut then all events that happened before it must also be part of the cut A consistent cut defines a consistent global state Notion of ordering is needed after all !!

15 Passive Deadlock Detection Let’s change our approach to deadlock detection p 0 now monitors the system passively  Each process sends p 0 a message when an event occurs What global state does p 0 now see Basically hell breaks lose

16 FIFO Channels Communication channels need not preserve message order Therefore p 0 can construct any permutation of events as a global state Some of these may not even be valid (events of the same process may not be in order) Implement FIFO channels using sequence numbers Now we know that we p 0 sees constructs valid runs But the issue of consistency still remains

17 Ok let’s now fix consistency Assume a global real-time clock and bound of δ on the message delay Don’t panic we shall get rid of this assumption soon RC(e): Time when event e occurs Each process reports to p 0 the global timestamp along with the event Delivery Rule at p 0 : At time t, deliver all received messages upto t- δ in increasing timestamp order So do we have a consistent state now?

18 Clock Condition Yes we do!! e is observed before e’ iff RC(e) < RC(e’) Recall our definition of consistency Therefore state is consistent iff This is the clock condition For timestamps from a global clock this is obviously true Can we satisfy it for asynchronous systems?

19 Logical Clocks Turns out that the clock condition can be satisfied in asynchronous systems as well → is defined such that Clock Condition holds if  A and b are events of the same process and a comes before b then RC(a)<RC(b)  If a is the send of an event and b is corrsponding receive then RC(a)<RC(b)

20 Lamport’s Clocks Local variable LC in every process LC: Kind of a logical clock Simple counter that assigns timestamps to events Every send event is time stamped LC modification rules LC(e i ) = LC + 1 if e i is an internal event or send max{LC,TS(m)} + 1 if e i is receive(m)

21 Example of Logical Clocks p1 p2 p3 1 1 1 2 24 4 3 5

22 Observations on Lamports Clocks Lamport says  a → b then C(a) < C(b) However  C(a) < C(b) then a → b ?? Solution: Vector Clocks  Clock (C) is a vector of length n  C[i] : Own logical time  C[j] : Best guess about j’s logical time

23 Vector Clocks Example 1,0,02,0,03,4,1 0,1,0 2,2,0 0,0,1 2,3,1 2,4,1

24 Let’s formalise the idea C[i] is incremented between successive local events On receiving message timestamped message m Can be shown that both sides of relation holds

25 So are Lamport clocks useful only for finding global state? Definitely not!!! Mutual Exclusion using Lamport clocks  Only one process can use resource at a time  Requests are granted in the order in which they are made  If every process releases the resource then every request is eventually granted  Assumptions FIFO reliable channels Direct connection between processes

26 Algorithm p1 p2 p3 1,1 (1,1) (1,1)(1,2) 1,2 (1,2) (1,1)(1,2)23 2 2 r4r3 p1 has higher time stamp messages from p2 and p3. It’s message is at top of queue. So p1 enters p1 sends release and now p2 enters

27 Algorithm Summary Requesting CS  Send timestamped REQUEST  Place request on request queue On receiving REQUEST  Put request on queue  Send back timestamped REPLY Enter CS if  Received larger timestamped REPLY  Request at the head of queue Releasing CS  Send RELEASE message  On receiving RELEASE remove request

28 Global State Revisited Earlier in the talk we had discussed the problem where a process actively tries to get the global state Solution to the problem that calculates only consistent global states Model  Process only knows about its internal events  Messages it sends and receives

29 Requirements Each process records it own local state The state of the communication channels is recorded All these small parts form a consistent whole State Detection must run along with underlying computation FIFO reliable channels

30 Global States

31 What exactly is channel state Let c be a channel from p to q p records its local state(Lp) and so does q(Lq) P has some sends in Lp whose receives may not be in Lq It is these sent messages that are the state of q Intuitively messages in transit when local states collected

32 Basic Algorithm Description p0 p1 p2 M B C A M B A C M Send A Send B Record State Send M Recv B Recv A Recv C Recv M, Record State, Channel (2,1)empty Recv M, Record State, Channel (0,1)empty, Send M Recv M, Record State, Channel (0,1)A Send C

33 Algorithm Summary Marker sending rule  P sends a marker on every outgoing channel after it records its state and before it sends further messages Marker receiving rule  If q has not recorded its state then begin q records its state; q records the state c as empty sequence end Else q records state of c as the messages it got along c after it had recorded its state till now

34 Comments on Algorithm Marker ensures liveness of algorithm Flooding Algorithm: O(n 2 ) messages Properties of the recorded global state So is such a state useful  Stable properties s1 s2 se

35 Conclusion We looked at  Fundamental concepts in distributed systems  Ordering in distributed systems  Global State Detection Papers are some of classic works in distributed systems Where theory meets practice!!!!

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