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EEA GRANTS 1 Kurt Haugen Financial Mechanism Office Bucharest, 7 June 2011 EEA Grants 2004 – 2009 Summing up of results and lessons learned Reducing disparitiesStrengthening.

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Presentation on theme: "EEA GRANTS 1 Kurt Haugen Financial Mechanism Office Bucharest, 7 June 2011 EEA Grants 2004 – 2009 Summing up of results and lessons learned Reducing disparitiesStrengthening."— Presentation transcript:

1 EEA GRANTS 1 Kurt Haugen Financial Mechanism Office Bucharest, 7 June 2011 EEA Grants 2004 – 2009 Summing up of results and lessons learned Reducing disparitiesStrengthening relations

2 EEA Grants 2 Agenda  Funds Allocation  Committed funding  Partnerships  Disbursement rates  Preliminary results  Information

3 EEA Grants 3 Country allocations of EEA and Norway Grants  From the total amount of EEA and Norway Grants (1,183,770,000 EUR) 4 % has been allocated to Romania

4 EEA Grants 4 Committed funding (EEA and NRW Grants) in all Beneficiary states (by Priority sector)  The EEA Grants represent 54 % (624.347.152 EUR) of the total committed amount of EEA Grants and Norway Grants (1,151,736,049 EUR)

5 EEA Grants 5 Romania – committed funding (by Priority sector)  The total committed funds equal to 46.300.812 EUR in Romania  40 individual projects (85 % of total committed amount in Romania)  2 Funds (13 % of total committed amount in Romania)  1 Technical Assistance for Grant Management (2 % of total committed amount in Romania)

6 EEA Grants 6 Partnerships in all Beneficiary states (by Priority Sector, in EUR and number of projects)  22 % out of 1181 projects/funds in all Beneficiary states notified partnership cooperation (including both source of Funding EEA and NRW Grants)

7 EEA Grants 7 Romania – Partnerships (by Priority Sector, in EUR and number of projects)  23% out of 40 projects in Romania notified Partnership cooperation

8 EEA Grants 8 Committed funding (in EUR) versus disbursement rate (in % as of 31 May 2011) for all Beneficiary states  The current average disbursement rate reached 67 % (including both source of funding EEA and NRW Grants)  Romania achieved level 41% (of the total committed amount in Romania)

9 EEA Grants 9 Results  Out of 43 projects in Romania  33 projects with the eligibility deadline April 2011  7 projects with the extended eligibility deadline April 2012  2 projects are likely to be completed under the reserve of FM 09-14  1 terminated  Too early for final result – assessment of PCRs needed  Decision by the Donors – transformation from project-based to programme-based approach and application of results based management in FM 2009-2014

10 EEA Grants 10 For more information, visit the site

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