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CE 230-Engineering Fluid Mechanics Lecture # 4and5 Fluid properties (2)

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1 CE 230-Engineering Fluid Mechanics Lecture # 4and5 Fluid properties (2)

2 Examine velocity distribution in pipe

3 Viscosity Consider two plates separated be a thin film of fluid. The lower plate is fixed and the upper is moving with a constant velocity. Investigate what is happening in the fluid in terms of flow or stresses.

4 Viscosity No slip boundary condition Relation between shear stress and velocity gradient Classification of fluids

5 Mechanisms of fluid resistance to shear stress Particle cohesion Transfer of molecular momentum Influence of temperature on viscosity

6 Units of viscosity Dynamic viscosity absolute viscosity viscosity Kinematic viscosity

7 Influence of temperature on viscosity

8 Classification of fluids according to relation of shear to strain rate

9 Problems on viscosity Board sliding on an inclined surface separated by a thin film of oil Is there a shear stress in the film? let’s calculate the terminal velocity


11 Problem # 34

12 Problem # 39 Calculate the weight of piston given : Terminal velocity μ Spacing between piston and cylinder Piston dimensions

13 Problem 2.39

14 Problem 2.41

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