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1 Living The Vision: A performance plan for excellence New Mexico State University NMSU University Community Review Beginning March 1, 2005.

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1 1 Living The Vision: A performance plan for excellence New Mexico State University NMSU University Community Review Beginning March 1, 2005

2 2 Living The Vision: A performance plan for excellence Mission New Mexico State University is the state’s land grant university, serving the educational needs of New Mexico’s diverse population through comprehensive programs of education, research, extension education, and public service. Vision By 2020, New Mexico State University will be a premier university as evidenced by demonstrated and quantifiable excellence in teaching, research, and service relative to its peer institutions.

3 3 1.NMSU will be a Premier University “Premier” defined relative to peers Living The Vision: A performance plan for excellence 4 Key Points of this Plan Performance benchmarked vs. Peer Institutions To meet its vision of being a premier university, NMSU will be among the top quartile of defined peer institutions on 80% of identified measures of academic program and teaching quality, faculty quality and research productivity, and economic benefit to New Mexico.

4 4 2.Only Six Goals Each goal will have five or fewer objectives Each objective will have at least one quantifiable measure Living The Vision: A performance plan for excellence 4 Key Points of this Plan

5 5 3. Requires annual review of the Living the Vision performance plan Integrated with strategic budgeting and performance evaluation processes Living The Vision: A performance plan for excellence 4 Key Points of this Plan

6 6 4.Achievement strategies are developed by faculty and staff in each college, division, and department Each unit is responsible for performance Each unit annually prioritizes 4-5 internal goals and objectives Living The Vision: A performance plan for excellence 4 Key Points of this Plan

7 7 Living The Vision: A performance plan for excellence The Six Goals 1.To be the “University of Choice” for undergraduate education in New Mexico. (five objectives)To be the “University of Choice” for undergraduate education in New Mexico. (five objectives) 2.To be nationally and internationally recognized for its academic programs. (five objectives)To be nationally and internationally recognized for its academic programs. (five objectives) 3.To have a high quality, diverse faculty, staff and student body.To have a high quality, diverse faculty, staff and student body. (four objectives) 4.To be nationally and internationally recognized in research and creative activity. (three objectives)To be nationally and internationally recognized in research and creative activity. (three objectives) 5.To serve as an engine for economic, social, educational and community development in New Mexico. (five objectives)To serve as an engine for economic, social, educational and community development in New Mexico. (five objectives) 6.To be an excellent steward of all resources dedicated to achieving the vision of the University. (five objectives)To be an excellent steward of all resources dedicated to achieving the vision of the University. (five objectives)

8 Living The Vision: A performance plan for excellence 1.To be the “University of Choice” for undergraduate education in New Mexico. Achieve diversity among undergraduate students, faculty and staff similar to New Mexico’s demography Demographic Category Fall 04 Undergraduate Students Fall 03 Full Time Faculty Fall 03 Full Time Staff US Census NM ACTUALTARGET (%’s) Anglo/Other47.481.852.145.3 Asian1. Black Non-Hisp. Hispanic45.311.143.542.1 Native Am3. FYI Total100100.1100

9 9 Living The Vision: A performance plan for excellence 2.To be nationally and internationally recognized for its academic programs. Retain a competitive percentage of students to degree completion at all academic levels MeasuresACTUALTO BE IN TOP 25% AMONG PEERS First-Year Retention Rate (98 NMSU vs. 97 PEER Cohort) 73.3%83% Six-Year Graduation Rate (2003 NMSU vs. 2002 PEER) 43.2%63%

10 Living The Vision: A performance plan for excellence 5.To serve as an engine for economic, social, educational and community development in New Mexico. Increase technology transferred from university research and creative activity to New Mexico businesses through the Arrowhead Center, Incorporated MeasuresACTUAL TO BE IN TOP 25% AMONG PEERS Start-Up Companies Formed 13 U.S. Patents Issued 315 Invention Disclosures Received 854 Total U.S. Patent Applications Filed 1142 Licenses & Options Executed 415 Adjusted Gross Income Received ($000) 58.92455.3 Licenses and Options Yielding License Income 641

11 11 Living The Vision: A performance plan for excellence 6.To be an excellent steward of all resources dedicated to achieving the vision of the University. Allocate resources for instruction, research, service, and administration similar to peer institutions Percentage of Total Expenditures Allocated 2002-2003 ACTUAL TO BE IN TOP 25% AMONG PEERS % Instruction, Research & Service in Total76.374.3 Administration5.55.2

12 12 Living The Vision: A performance plan for excellence Baseline Year (05-06) Board of Regents Review and Approve LTV Goals Departments Begin to Define Goals for FY 06-07 Data Accumulation Begins 7/05 Strategic Budgeting For FY 06-07 2/06 Performance Evaluation Goals and Objectives for Individual Faculty & Staff Set for FY 06-07 3/06 Performance Measurement & Analysis - Ongoing

13 13 Living The Vision: A performance plan for excellence Fiscal Year 07-08 & Each Following Year LTV Goals & Objectives NMSU Board of Regents Review and Approve 5/06 Strategic Budgeting For FY 07-08 2/07 Performance Assessment & Evaluation Goals and Objectives Recommended For FY 07-08 3/07 Performance Measurement & Analysis - Ongoing

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