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Constrained Consonant Broadcasting- A Generalized Periodic Broadcasting Scheme for Large Scale Video Streaming W. C. Liu and Jack Y. B. Lee Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Constrained Consonant Broadcasting- A Generalized Periodic Broadcasting Scheme for Large Scale Video Streaming W. C. Liu and Jack Y. B. Lee Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Constrained Consonant Broadcasting- A Generalized Periodic Broadcasting Scheme for Large Scale Video Streaming W. C. Liu and Jack Y. B. Lee Department of Information Engineering The Chinese University of Hong Kong ICME 2003

2 Outline Poly-harmonic Broadcasting Constrained-Consonant Broadcasting Performance Evaluation

3 Objective CCB can be considered as a generalization of the Poly-harmonic Broadcasting scheme incorporating two important constraints, namely client access bandwidth and client buffer requirements.

4 Notations

5 L B S1S1 S1S1 S1S1 S1S1 S2S2 S3S3 SNSN

6 Harmonic Broadcasting (HB) Divide a video into N equally-sized segments Each segment S i, for 1 ≤ i ≤ N, is broadcast repeatedly on its own channel with a bandwidth ( b/i ) HB does not always deliver all data on time

7 Harmonic Broadcasting –The i th segment of the movie S i is equally divided into i sub-segment( s ) { S i, 1, S i, 2 --- S i, i } –Let the i sub-segment(s) of S i be put on a logical channel C i, the bandwidth of C i is b / i.

8 Harmonic Broadcasting The total bandwidth(B) allocated for the movie is as follows: Where H N is called the harmonic number of N B = b + b/2 + b/3 + b/4 = 2.083b H N = 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 = 2.083

9 An illustration of the first three streams for a video under harmonic broadcasting Play Rate : b Receive Rate : b/2

10 Poly-harmonic Broadcasting Two major changes: 1) The client STB starts downloading data from the moment a customer requests a specific video instead of waiting until the customer begins watching the beginning of the first segment. 2) Fixed wait policy.

11 Poly-harmonic Broadcasting Divide the video into N equal segments of duration U =( L / N ) Segment Si at a transmission rate –B i = b / ( m + i - 1) No client can start consuming the S 1 of the video before having downloaded data from all N streams during a time interval of duration T = mU, m is an integer ≧ 1. Segment S i will not be consumed until ( m + i –1) U time units have elapsed.

12 Poly-harmonic Broadcasting ( m =2)

13 Poly-harmonic Broadcasting The Bandwidth –If N = k * m Since T = mU; U= L/N; T = L/k ; k 愈大 則 waiting time 愈小

14 Poly-harmonic Broadcasting (PHB) Unlike the original HB, the Poly-harmonic Broadcasting scheme guarantees continuous video playback and at the same time can achieve near- optimal performance. Provides the same maximum waiting time as harmonic broadcasting protocol while consuming significantly less bandwidth.

15 Poly-harmonic Broadcasting Poly-harmonic Broadcasting requires a client to be able to receive all broadcasting channels simultaneously and has a buffer large enough to store up to 37% of the whole video.  difficult to implement!

16 Constrained-Consonant Broadcasting (CCB) Divide the video into N equal segments of duration U =( L / N ) Target latency T = mL/N=mU Classify broadcasting channels into two types, namely Type-I and Type-II channels.

17 Type-I Channels Channels are allocated with progressively less bandwidth as given by for the i th channel, where n 1 is the total number of Type-I channels. For Type-I channels, the client is required to start receiving video segments upon entering the system and begin video playback in T seconds. For m =2, B0 = b/2, B1 = b/3, B2 = b /4…

18 Type-I Channels Solve for n 1, such that the following constraints are satisfied: if we remove both the client access bandwidth and client buffer constraints  n 1 = N, CCB  PHB This PHB can be considered as a special case of CCB without client access bandwidth and client buffer constraints. (a) (b)

19 Type-II Channels Type-II channels are divided into groups of consecutive channels. Once a client completes receiving a video segment, the corresponding channel will be released ---begin receiving a new group of Type-II channels.

20 Type-II Channels Let n 2,j be the number of channels in group j, of which is created after channel j is released, where j =0,1,…, etc. Then the bandwidth allocation for channels in group j is given by BjBj BiBi

21 Type-II Channels Solve for n 2, such that the following constraints are satisfied: (c) (d) and where

22 Performance Evaluation



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