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Networks and Distributed Systems: Project Ideas

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Presentation on theme: "Networks and Distributed Systems: Project Ideas"— Presentation transcript:

1 Networks and Distributed Systems: Project Ideas

2 Project Areas Routing Network security Privacy in distributed systems
Intermittent connected systems Traffic control networks Overlays and CDNs Wireless networks Root cause analysis in distributed systems Network topology evolution

3 Internet routing Convergence Security
BGP has exponential convergence time Can we design a protocol with better convergence properties? Security BGP security proposals are hard to deploy Defensive policy filters: Can we set routing policy filters defensively to increase the barrier to attack?

4 Enterprise routing Mismatch between control plane and data plane
Filtering and routing are treated as different problems in different planes! Class-based routing Associate traffic with different classes and perform configuration on a per class basis

5 Security Decentralized Secure DNS
Computing trust reputation in decentralized systems Consistent Groups – a framework for integrating security in different distributed systems and routing protocols Security in Social networks Privacy preserving information systems

6 Traffic signaling networks
Road traffic in various cities is a big problem! Can we inter-network traffic signals within a city to provide better traffic signaling? View it as a networking problem with buffers!

7 Intermittent Networks
What if your network is not up all the time or communication is very intermittent Cell phone SMS Power shut down Lack of wireless signal Mobility How do you design distributed systems in intermittent networks? Disconnected ATM Searching medical records

8 Overlays and CDNs Building an overlay for online gaming
OverQoS: providing QoS using overlay networks Can we provide better guarantees for gaming traffic? Intelligent handling of packet loss Multicast of packets Low bandwidth CDNs How do you adapt a CDN to operate when you have variable bandwidth characteristics on different links? Very low bandwidth links near the end-host Layered coding of video

9 Wireless networks Wifi-based Long distance networks
How do you make WiFi work over 100 kms? Use directional antenna Change the MAC protocol completely How do you build large distribution WiLD networks? Urban mesh networks How do you deal with interference in urban mesh networks? Too many access points NYU wireless testbed effort!

10 Root cause analysis Quickly detect where failures occur in distributed systems Internet Routing Financial systems Server farms Large code bases Using machine learning techniques to build a statistical toolkit that can be used in different systems

11 Network topology evolution
Internet topology models are very inaccurate Do not have a good sense of economics embedded in them? Can we design an economic model that can reasonably predict Internet topology and traffic evolution?

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