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Web of Science for Nursing 530 Hannah Millward Fisher, MLS Associate Librarian.

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Presentation on theme: "Web of Science for Nursing 530 Hannah Millward Fisher, MLS Associate Librarian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web of Science for Nursing 530 Hannah Millward Fisher, MLS Associate Librarian

2 Access to the Web of Science Go to the Library’s web page. Click on databases. Click on “W”. Select Web of Science.

3 Web of Science


5 This is the Gateway page, press go.


7 Web of Science Web of Science is known as Science Citation Index, Social Science Citation Index and the Arts and Humanities Index. You may select each as a separate entity to search or search all at once.

8 You may elect to do a general search, an advanced search or a cited search.

9 Searching for cited works To search for cited works, put the author’s name in the search box, last name first, initials. If you aren’t sure if they use one or two initials, put in the first initial then an asterisk.

10 Then press search Put author’s name in the search box

11 Citations Just by putting in the author’s name, I have found different journals where the author has been cited. As you look at the left column, you see some articles have been cited only a few in times. Others have been cited many times.


13 Author Cited Search You can see that by not refining the search, you can pull everything the author has written that is indexed in Web of Science. You may wish to just look at one cited work. For example; let’s redo the search and asked for Molmenti E* and P NATL ACAD SCI USA



16 When you view the record you see the author has been cited 112 times. The author has cited 29 other authors in his article.


18 If you click on times cited, you will see references to all the authors who have cited this work from 1994 to 2006.


20 Cited References You have the option to view the references who cited the cited author. Some of these citations are available in full text.

21 Nursing References Only thirty-three nursing journals are listed in the Web of Science. You can look for those nursing journals, you may wish to find who has been cited and also you may go to the Journal Citation Reports.

22 Journal Citation Reports One of the services in this database is the Journal Citation Reports and Impact Factors.

23 Other services through this database.

24 Read this first.

25 To see the list of journals

26 In subject Category, Cursor to nursing; Click submit.

27 Nursing Journals This is a partial list of journals in Web of Science. There are only 33 in the impact factor list. The impact factor is done yearly. You select the specific year you wish to see.


29 Impact Factor List You may wish to submit manuscripts to the journals which have the highest impact factors.

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