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Salient Inputs from NDMA : Follow up of the National Guidelines Dr. Rakesh Kumar Sharma Head, CBRN Defence, INMAS, Delhi, Coordinator, Core Group on CDM.

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Presentation on theme: "Salient Inputs from NDMA : Follow up of the National Guidelines Dr. Rakesh Kumar Sharma Head, CBRN Defence, INMAS, Delhi, Coordinator, Core Group on CDM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Salient Inputs from NDMA : Follow up of the National Guidelines Dr. Rakesh Kumar Sharma Head, CBRN Defence, INMAS, Delhi, Coordinator, Core Group on CDM & CTD, NDMA, New Delhi (

2 Reminiscence How it all begin.. DM Act 2005 1 st February 2006 7-8 October 2006 28 th May 2007

3 Paradigm shift in Disaster Management Disaster Management in India thus far was focused on relief, rescue, rehabilitation and recovery. The shift to a new disaster management paradigm stresses on preparedness including prevention/mitigation and, while strengthening its emergency response (relief, rescue, rehabilitation and recovery). Informed, changing Response to Mitigate distress and recover from the Disaster in consonance with changing requirements Need for co-ordinated Nation-wide managed response of planning & action Role of NDMA – in tandem with Govt - Central & Local - is to raise the awareness of the threats that could face the community & to provide advice as well as possible public-funded support, on how they can build greater resilience into their organisations.

4 The need for SAFETY AND PROTECTION has deep roots in people's lives A person’s responsibility for HIS OWN AND OTHER'S SAFETY has gradually been taken over by society and central authorities, a trend which is now being reversed. Historic development Current trend First the individual Then the neighbors Then the vulnerable communities Also the local administration The district and the State authority The government and other central authorities

5 Framework to Institutionalise Chemical Disaster Management It is built on the basic concept of a people oriented approach The system places the COMMUNITY at the centre and binds the communities with the decision makers including owners of MAH units, regulators, PCB etc. It provides the opportunity for continuous and effective feedback between the MAH, community at risk and the other stakeholders

6 A Model Budge in Disaster Management PREVENTION MITIGATION AND PREPAREDNESS MEASURES RESPONSE (Rescue, Relief & Rehabilitation) RECONSTRUCTION & RECOVERY Community based DISASTER MANAGEMENT Operationalization of NDRF & Strengthening of NIDM

7 Disaster Management: Making tracks Community based DISASTER MANAGEMENT Operationalization of NDRF & Strengthening of NIDM NEC to ensure synergy DM subject in state list Man made disaster Mock drills Mitigation Projects Preparedness Communication Nation level reserves

8 New Paradigm in Disaster Management The Attitudinal change will require - a new way of thinking and - a new form of preparedness and capacity development for action. Reactive Emergency Response Top Down Authoritative Proactive Risk Management Bottom Up Participatory SHIFTSHIFT

9 Attitude in reactive activities Attitude in proactive activities Accidents are seen as unavoidable Acceptable or tolerable level of risk applied Statistics are kept mainly on the number of accidents and their consequences Insurance polices compensate only for death, injury and loss of property Responsibility for protection and safety is not clear Only operational rescue services are practiced Legislation sets out requirements for responsibility and measures for responsibility and measures for reactive work Accident can be prevented Zero…. vision/ Improvement goals Statistics are used to highlight problem areas; include basic causes and effects of preventive measures Insurance policies encourage safety- risk avoidance / transfer Each player has a defined responsibility for safety and protection Training/Practice is needs-based and covers the whole concept of “safety and accident prevention” Legislation stresses accident prevention activities Need for an Attitudinal Change..

10 Proactive Activities and initiatives undertaken within the framework of NDMG-CD Awareness program to sensitise and help preparedness of all stakeholders - FICCI-MoEF-NDMA Conferences- 7 (Mumbai, Vadodara, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Chennai, Goa) Training – NIDM –APMEDIC@AIIMS (30-31 August 2007) Chemical Mock Drills held across the country to test the operational capability and response readiness Capacity Development measures (iDRM, On- & Off-Site Emergency Plans, Community Participation) Knowledge Management Compliance of MAH units to regulatory requirements










20 Mainstreaming Disaster Mitigation into all Developmental Programmes; Mitigation Projects Rs. 10000 Crores earmarked for medical preparedness Techno-legal and techno-financial regime to promote chemical safety and risk reduction NIDM has been tasked to developed various training modules related to chemical (industrial) disaster management Liaison with DRDO and other research organisations for development of advanced equipment / logistics for CDM Chemical Security has been identified as core issue related to chemical terrorism – being addressed as separate guidelines Proactive Activities and Initiatives Undertaken by NDMA

21 Core Group for Chemical Disaster Management Lt Gen (Dr) JR Bhardwaj, Member, NDMA …… Chairman Mr. KC Gupta, NSC ………………………………. Member Dr. Indrani Chandrashekharan, MoE&F…..….….... Member Dr. KP Mishra, BARC ………………..…..…... …..Member Maj Gen JK Bansal, DRDO…..…………………… Member Mr. S. Kumar, FICCI…..……. …………………….Member Dr. Rakesh Dubey, DMI…..……………………….Member Dr. Rakesh Kumar Sharma, DRDO ……………....Member & Co-ordinator

22 Core Group for Chemical Disaster Management It is extremely important that the professional or specialised inputs are not confined only to policy- making, but are also used for its dissemination, implementation and monitoring The availability of professional expertise will be a crucial factor for the successful and sustainable implementation of the Chemical disaster management action plan Shall promote the cooperation between the different sections of the government, stakeholders and the community for promoting activities aiming towards Chemical Disaster Resilience and the implementation of CDM action plan.

23 Core Group for Chemical Disaster Management the nodal ministry in preparation of ACTION PLAN based on the National Guidelines and in due consultation with the State Governments, expert bodies and organizations in the field the NDMA in Co-ordination and Ensuring its Implementation We offer to help

24 The National CDM Plan shall include Measures to be taken for prevention of Chemical disasters (leading to zero tolerance), or mitigation of their effects (leading to avoidable morbidity and mortality); for integration of mitigation procedures in the development plans; for preparedness and capacity building to effectively respond to any threatening Chemical (Industrial) disaster situations or disasters. Roles and responsibilities of different Ministries or Departments of the Government of India, Industry, Community and NGOs in respect of measures specified in above clauses

25 Implementation of the National CDM Plan To sustain an integrated approach to chemical disaster management, central government shall establish arrangements for implementing the Guidelines on an inter-ministerial or inter ‑ institutional basis so that all concerned national ministries and stakeholder interests are represented and all relevant substantive areas are addressed.

26 Please visit NDMA Home PageNDMA Home Page Thank you

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