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 Mostly of which were vulnerable elderly people which suffered heat related illnesses such as heat strokes, hyperthermia, and dehydration.

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Presentation on theme: " Mostly of which were vulnerable elderly people which suffered heat related illnesses such as heat strokes, hyperthermia, and dehydration."— Presentation transcript:


2  Mostly of which were vulnerable elderly people which suffered heat related illnesses such as heat strokes, hyperthermia, and dehydration.

3  This wasn’t the only time France experienced such temperature changes. Not too long, back in 1995 it had an occurrence that also killed nearly 400 lives.

4  Although if we look at them back to back the resulting difference is obviously larger.

5  Chicago lost over 739 people in August 1995, most residents whom lived alone.

6 CHICAGO 1995FRANCE 2003  Power grids failed as 49,000 had no electricity.  Some swarmed the beaches, while over 3,000 fire hydrants were opened loosing water pressure.  By second day, many already developed heat related illnesses.  Hospitals were running out of room & began closing their doors to new patients.  France government denied for a long time that they had no idea about the heat spell.  August is known to be a holiday month, therefore many workers including governmental positions were on vacation.  When temperatures reached to 39° C (102.2° F) hyperthermia began to break out.  Widowed women over the age of 75 were common victims.


8  Drink lots of water or juice.  Wear loose fitting clothes.  Visit air-conditioned places like the mall.  Check on relatives, especially the elderly.  Eliminate running, biking, or lawn activities.  Eat less.  Avoid high in protein foods that increase water loss through metabolic heat.


10  Rogue Scholarship on Aging. (2009). Heat waves. Senescence and Summer 2009 (and beyond): Heat and Hyperthermia. Retrieve from beyond-heat-and-hyperthermia/ beyond-heat-and-hyperthermia/  Dying Alone. (2002). Heat Wave. An interview with Eric Klinenberg. Retrieve from  World Socialist Web Site. (2003). French government tries to quell scandal over heat wave deaths. Retrieve from s18.shtml s18.shtml  National Weather Service Forecast Office. (2006). WHAT TO DO WHEN HEAT WAVES STRIKE. Retrieve from

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