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Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 Geography Markup Language Enabling the Geo-spatial Web.

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2 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 Geography Markup Language Enabling the Geo-spatial Web

3 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 Galdos ? XML specialists for Geo-spatial ! Originators of GML Developer of GML Products & Services Galdos Systems Inc. Vancouver, Canada

4 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 Geo-spatial World Wide Web What is it ? How does GML enable it ?

5 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 Viewpoint from Data Development Find Data Convert Data Format Integrate Data Update/Inse rt Data Semantics Select Application Technology Up to 75-80% of Project Cost is Data Development !! I get very little data re-use!!

6 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 Legacy Data Development Like Building a Music Web Site Go to the Library Record Some Music Find & Write Some Text Music Web Site Integration

7 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 Web-based Data Development Like Building a Music Web Site Record Some Music Music Web Site Search the Web Build some links Integration Let’s do the SAME thing for Geo-spatial Data

8 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 Large Scale LBS Architecture Information Infrastructure(s) Location-Based Services Wide area, integrated spatial data sets – the geo-spatial world wide web ! Location Services routing tracking access to services vicinity Or other application services

9 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 GML in Action GML Data Store Styling Engine Browser with SVG Plug-in XSLT GML SVG

10 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 GML - Builds on W3C Standards

11 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 Geography Markup Language? OGC Endorsed “Adopted Specification” (GML 2.0 passed March 2001) for encoding spatial information. A set of XML technologies for handling spatial data on the Internet. Emerging international standard for spatial data— endorsed by 200 + companies and agencies around the world. Will converge with G-XML (Japan) – additional 600 companies. Target is GML 3.0 by December 2001

12 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 Geography Markup Language XML encoding of geography (Web GIS) A schema language (based on XML Schema) for creating geographic application schemas or vocabularies. Basis for creating types (ADT) for input/output (request/response) types for web-based services.. Enables complex features & feature associations

13 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 GML - Enables a Geo-spatial WWW GML => Geo-spatial schema language GML => Geo-spatial Data sharing! GML => Enabling of Web Services Shared vocabularies and schemas Shared data – create once – use anywhere ! Describe input/output message parts for web services

14 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 getData() GML Data OGC Web Feature Servers ESRI Laser-Scan Oracle If you can get e-mail you can get spatial data !! Galdos GML & Web Feature Service

15 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 GML: The Linking Part getData() GML Data Geographic Data Server (OGC WFS) Links to other geographic data

16 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 What is a Link ? Pointer ? A kind of static or dynamic association between two resources. Links can be within the same “file” Links can be thought of as semantic associations Resource A Resource B link

17 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 Geo-spatial View of Links/Pointers Extend a feature by adding new attributes – remote geometry. Express relationships between geo-spatial features and non-spatial properties (remote properties) Express relationships between geo-spatial features. Associate datasets that cover and refine a given area.

18 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 Shared GML Data OSP Schema Housing Units Road Networks Municipal Boundaries Existing GML Based Data Parcel Data Other Utilities New GML Based Data New Telecom Application Instance GML Links!

19 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 Telephone Attachments Utility Poles … …. … Municipality Telco Information Infrastructures!

20 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 … …. Serving Area Municipal Land Parcels Serving Area Interfaces sa66 sa68 Serving Area Boundary shared with municipal boundary Information Infrastructures!

21 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 GML Ideas Resource Value Property Can be another resource !! Anything with an ID GML 2. These are features (typed things !) In GML Both Types and Properties are encoded as XML elements

22 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 Stuff in GML namespace GML Ideas 4 paved … Properties! Types

23 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 Telephone Attachments Utility Poles … …. … Municipality Telco Information Infrastructures!

24 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 … …. Serving Area Municipal Land Parcels Serving Area Interfaces sa66 sa68 Serving Area Boundary shared with municipal boundary Information Infrastructures!

25 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 GML Ideas GML core schemas Shared schemas for a vertical domain (e.g. utilities)

26 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 Shared GML Application Schemas OSP Schema Housing Units Road Networks Municipal Boundaries Existing GML Application Schemas Parcel Data Other Utilities New Application Schema e.g. New Telecom Application Schema Describes outside plant equipment – telephone poles, SAI’s etc.

27 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 Shared GML Application Schemas Geographic Data Store Schema Registry Import Schema GML Data Request & Response Data can be stored in any manner Users can extend GML Application Schemas Application Specific Client can get back the GML Application Schema.

28 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 Information Communities Common Geographic and Geometric Constructs Location Service Constructs Network Constructs Transportation Constructs Numbers Strings Logistical Constructs Outside Plant Constructs

29 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 Common Geographic and Geometric Constructs Location Service Constructs Network Constructs Transportation Constructs Numbers Strings Logistical Constructs Outside Plan Constructs W3 C GML GML Application Schemas Information Communities

30 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 GML & Web-Based Services Geo-spatial Web Service Client Consumer Request Response A routing service, a forest stand valuation service, a geo-coding service …. How do we find services ? How do we access and use these services The idea of a web- based service ! GML can be used to describe parts of the input/output types

31 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 GML & Web-Based Services Typing Framework Service Type Repository Service Instance Registry Provide types for service definitions Provide type definitions for instances GML & GML Application Schemas

32 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 Geo-spatial World Wide Web Information Communities with Shared Schemas Shared Data – linked into a web Web-based Services based on common types

33 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 Summary GML => Geo-spatial schema language GML => Shared data and associations GML => Ennablement of Web Services Shared vocabularies and schemas Shared data – create once – use anywhere ! Describe input/output message parts for web services GML enables the Geo-spatial World Wide Web !

34 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 More Info ??

35 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 Dictionary Patterns in GML GML Data Instance GML Data Instance (Dictionary) ….. ….. ….. ….. …. …. Weakly typed references!

36 Nov. 2001 Copyright Galdos Systems Inc. November 2001 Dictionary Patterns in GML Used in GML for: 1.Spatial reference systems. 2.Spatial reference system support components. (GML 3.) 3.Units of Measure. (GML 3.) 4.Spatial location keywords (GML 3.) 5.Measured parameters (GML 3. & SensorML) 6.Spatial relationship terms.

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